Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 112: The Power of Shattering! The Evil Buddha Comes to the World! (Three Updates)

"The object of blood sacrifice with the whole world." A bald man said enviously, "Captain, it seems that we still need to work hard."

They are just a city life now.

They are compared with a world, and that is really nothing.

But to do something, you must also have the ability to bear the consequences, otherwise it will be of no use.

If they do more than they can bear.

The consequence could be their death.

So these reincarnation teams came to the world of Tang Dynasty to carry out such blood sacrifices, and it was also slow.

For them, it is also a rare world to find blood sacrifices.

This Tang Dynasty was just right.

"Don't worry, we will become stronger and stronger." The captain looked down coldly, "Now let the whole of Luoyang feel what is called despair."

"Don't worry, Captain, the "870" has been arranged and can start at any time. 35 A man with a black birthmark on his face smiled.

"Then start, this city is bigger than the previous one, and more lives are coming." The captain smiled lightly.

"Okay, Captain." A blood-red light appeared in the hand of the birthmarked man, and this light seemed to form some kind of formation.

"Blood Sacrifice"

The man's right hand pressed lightly on Luoyang City, and the red light fell like a meteor.

This ray of light did not completely fall on Luoyang City, but suddenly stopped in the sky above Luoyang, and then a red ray of light shot away in all directions.

Around Luoyang City.

The red light also echoed, and finally formed a semi-circular red shield-like thing that surrounded Luoyang City.

From these red energies, there is a terrifying and strange power.

"The blood sacrifice begins." The captain also exuded a strange power, which merged with the energy of the semicircle below.


The entire red energy is constantly vibrating.

One after another, the red mist gradually drifted out and scattered in Luoyang City.


A terrifying sound spread out from the red mist, and then a red creature like an evil spirit jumped out from it.

One by one densely appeared in Luoyang City.


An ordinary commoner, he screamed, watching the red rays of light appearing on his arms.

For this ordinary people, there was no red evil spirit attacking him at all, just a little red breath approached.

This breath merged into his body, and he felt countless weapons falling on his body, causing endless pain.

"It hurts, it hurts."

This figure keeps rolling around on the ground, and gradually the vitality of his body slowly disappears.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a mummified corpse, a mummified corpse with a painful expression.

You must know that the blood sacrifice formation that enveloped Luoyang this time has only life in it, and this evil force will target the living body.

Not necessarily to actually kill.

In other words, ordinary people only need the weak power of blood sacrifice, which is enough to make them die.

"Give me death." A martial arts master issued a powerful attack, cutting off the figure of the red evil spirit at once.

Not waiting for the martial arts master to catch his breath.

A red paw inserted into the man's chest.

"Cough cough..." The martial arts master made a weak voice before his death, and the vitality that belonged to him was also disappearing.

And the red evil ghost that was split open by him, once again returned to its original shape, and continued to move towards the place where Luoyang had life.

"How is it possible, it can't be killed. 39 Yang Guang repelled an evil spirit, and at this moment there is a little fear in his eyes.

Originally, his tens of thousands of elite soldiers were completely killed by those inexplicable creatures during these times.

"Rush out." Yang Guang said solemnly.

Yang Guang also discovered that these evil spirits could not be killed.

If you have been in the city of Luoyang, then it seems that you are really dying in vain.

It's just that Yang Guang's idea is also wrong. It is impossible to rush out of Luoyang with their strength.

The world of Datang has no such power.

Unless someone's power level has risen to a certain level, that's only possible.

"Immortal Seal."

On the body of the evil king Shi Zhixuan, the energy of life and death was constantly spinning.

In this space full of death, Shi Zhixuan's power was stronger than usual.

But even so, he did not shake this red energy.


A huge evil ghost appeared in front of Evil King Shi Zhixuan, and the sharp claws in his hand seemed to tear Shi Zhixuan apart.

I saw Evil King Shi Zhixuan's eyes flashing light, his figure just avoided the attack of this evil ghost, and then appeared behind him.

The right hand, accompanied by the spirit of life and death, was inserted into the body of this evil spirit.

"Bang" sound.

This evil ghost turned into a red cloud and drifted away.

It can be foreseen that it will not take much time for this cloud to return to the state of evil spirits.

As long as he stays in Luoyang, his power will always be exhausted.

"I can't die." Evil King Shi Zhixuan's pupils flashed with determination.

Whether it is for their own daughter, or for their own goals.

There is even one more point, Shi Zhixuan wants to kill those who destroyed Luoyang.

Even the Evil King Shi Zhixuan could not bear to carry out such a horrific slaughter.

And this kind of killing, the other party will probably not stop.

With the passage of time, the people of the entire Central Plains will only become less and less.



For Shi Zhixuan, since he may die now, it is no exaggeration to die vigorously.

It can be said.

In the history of the original Tang Dynasty.

In terms of talent, Evil King Shi Zhixuan and Tiandao Song Que can be ranked in the forefront.

Even those great masters can't compare with them.

It is even said that, in the end, they also have broken hopes.

Shatter the void.

But the power of Ultimate in this world.

Shi Zhixuan understood that to deal with those enemies, he would even break this red layer of strange barriers.

The power of the great master is useless.

Unless it is the power of breaking 1.6.

"Absorb it for me." Evil King Shi Zhixuan no longer hesitated, he took a deep breath, and the red cloud was suddenly sucked into his body by Shi Zhixuan.

The corrosive power caused Shi Zhixuan's internal organs to be continuously injured.

But he also felt a powerful and strange force erupting in his body.

Standing on the top of the mountain of death.

The martial arts knowledge of the past kept flowing in Shi Zhixuan's mind.

A red aura permeated from Shi Zhixuan's body, with a faint golden light.

Behind Shi Zhixuan.

A terrifying statue of Buddha is slowly born, which looks like it is wearing a red cassock.

The corner of his mouth was not a kind smile, but a strange smile.

"Evil Buddha Comes to the World"

Evil King Shi Zhixuan pushed it out of his hand.

The palm of that terrifying evil Buddha was also printed on the red energy shield.

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