Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 113: The Evil King of Despair (fourth more)


When the Buddha's palm collided with the red energy cover, the earth-shattering sound resounded continuously.

The entire Luoyang City heard this voice.

It is even said that under the attack of the two forces, Luoyang City has been shaking and has not stopped.

Many martial arts masters have seen the tall Buddha statue.

Even some powerful people can see who the other party is from the breath of the Buddha statue.

That is the breath of the evil king Shizhixuan.

Jing Nian Temple.

Liankong looked up at the huge evil Buddha, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Evil King, I hope you can save Luoyang and the common people." Likong whispered.

When faced with all the people of Luoyang, and the life of the Central Plains, Liaokong had no idea of ​​being respected by Buddhism.

He understands that if no one stops those enemies.

I'm afraid they will do even more horrific things.

Baling, Luoyang, maybe just the beginning.

Thinking of that scene, how could Kong Kong allow it.

It's a pity that Leo 07 Kong's strength is not enough, he can't break through this blood-red energy at all.

Not to mention defeating those enemies.

Beside him are monks who have turned into mummified corpses

In the battle with those evil spirits, they did not persist for too long before they were killed.

Even if you can kill a demon.

But in the face of evil ghosts that can never be killed, as human beings, they simply can't hold it up.

Over time, he will soon become part of those mummified corpses.

Similarly, as a master Liaokong also knows.

In the face of such an enemy, those great masters are useless.

There is a big gap between the Grand Master and the opponent.

Perhaps there is only a situation like Shi Zhixuan's current situation, so they still have some opportunities.

In such a state, there is only one word in the hollow.

Shatter the void.

Legendary Shattered Void.

It is said that such a person appeared hundreds of years ago.

Unexpectedly, in this era, it was actually realized by Shi Zhixuan.

In fact, Lu Kong didn't even know that the Evil King Shi Zhixuan was just a super-level outbreak, and even if he briefly entered the realm of brokenness, he couldn't last for too long.

After the impact of energy gradually dissipated.

You can see that the red light is still shrouded in this Luoyang city.

Evil King Shi Zhixuan's attack did nothing.

Do not


In other words, the attack of the evil king just now has been effective, but how can those reincarnations in the high sky allow the evil king Shi Zhixuan to break such a cage.

In that case, although they can still kill the people of Luoyang City.

But their ultimate goal is blood sacrifice.

Gain power by sacrificing your life.

There is still a distinction between primary and secondary.

"It doesn't seem to work." Evil King Shi Zhixuan looked at this scene with a helpless expression in his eyes.

After absorbing that red cloud, his body was already shattered.

An unprecedented attack broke out just now.

How could he break out a second attack?

"Crack clap..."

That huge Evil Buddha image, cracked open one after another.


That tens of meters high evil Buddha turned into pieces and dissipated in the air.

At the same time when the evil Buddha dissipated, the hearts of some martial arts masters who were still fighting also sank in an instant.

Originally the evil Buddha, they thought it was their hope.

But now that evil Buddha has disappeared.

They understood that the mighty expert might not be able to hold on anymore.

To be able to perform such a powerful attack is completely the same ability as a god or a Buddha.

But even with such an ability, in the face of today's hellish attack, there is nothing to do.

They are constantly resisting now, so what's the point?

It's just delaying their death.

At this moment, those who survived in Luoyang City had despair, terrifying despair in their hearts.

Maybe death is the real destination.


"Captain, that's the Evil King Shizhixuan." The man in blue showed a surprised expression, "Just now, the blood sacrifice cage was almost broken by the Evil King. It's a pity, it's a pity. 99

"If Shi Zhixuan survives this battle, give him a certain amount of time to break the void." Another man smiled.

Although these Samsara team members expressed their surprise to the Evil King Shi Zhixuan.

But judging from their expressions, there was no pressure.

It seems to be explaining that even if Shi Zhixuan shatters the void, it is useless.

"Broken Void. The captain in red looked down, as if he saw the Evil King Shizhixuan who was working hard to support him.

"Even if it is a broken void, it is of no use to us." The captain said lightly, "not to mention that he will die here today.""

"That's right, with the strength of the captain, it is also easy to deal with the Broken Void powerhouse." A Samsara member next to him flattered.

"Hmph." The red-clothed captain smiled lightly and pressed his palm down, "Even so, I don't like the behavior of that evil king.

The red energy that enveloped Luoyang fluctuated violently.

A big blood-colored hand grabbed the Evil King Shi Zhixuan.

Luoyang city.

Evil King Shi Zhixuan's body was motionless, his head was slightly raised, and he also saw that bloody 870-colored hand attacking him.

"I didn't expect that Shi Zhixuan would die in Luoyang." The evil king Shi Zhixuan's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia for the world.

At this time, the person Shi Zhixuan felt most sorry for was his daughter Shi Qingxuan.

"Qing Xuan, I'm sorry, and Xiu Xin, I'm here to find you." Evil King Shi Zhixuan slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, his body is shattered, and he has no spare energy to resist the attack from the sky.

Not to mention the attack that was just like the Shattering Void.

Evil King Shi Zhixuan's body was already unable to move.

Therefore, the evil king Shi Zhixuan had no luck at all in his heart.

Just at this time.

Just as time has stagnated, so has space.

A slash full of terrifying temperature quickly impacted from a distance.

Under such a slash, the space was cracked with black holes.

It was a terrifying blow that shattered the space.

And the target of such a blow is the red energy on Luoyang City.


"What." The reincarnation members also had goosebumps in their hearts.

They felt the horror of the blow.

Under such an attack, many members of Samsara felt the threat of death.

And if they want to stop it at this time, they can't do it.

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