Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 114 This is hell (fifth more)

The dazzling attack with terrifying temperature landed on the blood-red energy shield.


A ghostly voice resounded in the air.

The power of extremely high temperature makes these blood-red energies evaporate continuously.


This white slash instantly smashed the red shield.

At this time, the blood-colored energy and blood-colored evil spirits in the entire Luoyang City quickly disappeared.

The blood sacrifice formation was broken, and the power to absorb life naturally disappeared.

Luoyang city.

Evil King Shi Zhixuan was waiting for his final death, but he still didn't feel anything.

Is death just a momentary thing?


Maybe death is a momentary thing.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan said to himself in his heart, and he slowly opened his eyes.

What entered his eyes was that Luoyang that was like a hell scene.

With rotten houses, those corpses that have died after countless years.

In the air, with the power of death.

"Is this hell?" Evil King Shi Zhixuan showed a mocking smile.

He, who has done many evils in his life, will come to hell, and that is normal.

He didn't expect to be a fairy.

"Father, father, don't die. 99

"Madam, Madam, where are you...

"Have we survived, have we survived?"

The intermittent voice became louder and louder in Shi Zhixuan's ears, which brought Shi Zhixuan back to reality.

"I didn't die, have I survived?" Evil King Shi Zhixuan's expression was bitter.

After surviving, Evil King Shi Zhixuan had no joy in his heart.

Feel the power of this death.

Shi Zhixuan has taken a lot of things lightly.

Jing Nian Temple.

"Amitabha, is someone here to help us?" With only one arm left, there was a trace of misery.

He seemed to be able to see the vitality of Luoyang, the future of Luoyang.

"Amitabha, thank you.'" Le Kong knelt down and slowly closed his eyes.

He has passed away.

In life, only Buddhism is left empty, and at the end of death, there are people in my heart.

Maybe that's why he died.

Similar situations are happening in many corners of Luoyang.

This blood sacrifice, even if the entire Luoyang is not dead, at least half of them are dead.

It's just that for the reincarnators, if the blood sacrifice is not completed, then it is impossible for them to get the final harvest.

Their strength cannot be improved.

It's just that these situations are not what those reincarnations will consider now.

They think more of the enemy.

The power that was full of high temperature and destructive power just now was not possessed by ordinary powerhouses, and only the real top powerhouses could possess such power.

That's the enemy they need to take seriously.

They believe that this should not be the powerhouse in this world.

Then there is only one situation, the same reincarnation entered this world.

This made this group of reincarnators look gloomy.

This kind of blood sacrifice thing is not the mainstream of the reincarnation space, even those bad people, they don't bother to do such a thing.

Naturally, those really top teams, let's not talk about it for a while, they have the strength to face this situation.

And this Samsara team, at present they do not have such qualifications.

Now there are strange reincarnations who will find this situation, and this reincarnation team will show such changes.

Under the gaze of this group of Samsara teams, several figures flew over quickly from a distance.

Those figures are Li Yu and others.

After coming to Datang World, they couldn't confirm where the Samsara team was.

Later, they discovered the change of Luoyang's energy, but it was still too late.

The people of Luoyang suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, Captain Yamamoto delivered a terrifying blow, directly shattering the force covering Luoyang City.

"Members of Samsara, what you've done is a bit too much." Li Yu looked down at Luoyang below.

At this moment, Luoyang is like a ghost town.

As far as Li Yu's eyesight was concerned, he could naturally see the corpses whose vitality had been devoured.

As the most prosperous Luoyang in the Central Plains.

Encountered this terrifying attack, I am afraid it will be very difficult to recover.

And many people who survived will probably live in such shadows in the future.

Li Yu has also encountered some reincarnators before.

Like in the Hokage world.

If the other party wants to destroy Konoha Village, it is only necessary for the mission.

But in the world of Datang, these reincarnation members are not because of the mission, they are just for themselves, to enhance their strength.

The nature is completely different.

Predictably, they have done a lot of this in the past.

`"Evil, die..." Captain Yamamoto's eyes radiated cold light.

Like their Shinigami fight, some innocents may be affected, but this is something they don't want to do subjectively.

But there was such a bloody scene in front of him.

Captain Yamamoto never thought about it.

But for Li Yu, to a certain extent, he can become a real big boss, and he will not be so low.

"There are really a lot of people who died." Pluton A Tu's eyes also exuded a killing intent.

As Pluton, she is also a little disgusted.

"Using life to increase strength is a bit inferior." Thanos shook his head.

As the overlord of the universe.

The life that died in his hands may be more than these reincarnation members, and the coming is amazing.

But what Thanos killed were all those who resisted him.

As for those who are powerless, Thanos is not so boring.

"This..." Misaka Mikoto's delicate body trembled slightly.

With so many people present, the most exciting (Qian Zhao's) was Misaka Mikoto.

People like Yamamoto, as the strong, as a party boss, they have seen too many deaths.

The scene in front of them, although there is some impact, they can also bear it.

But Misaka Mikoto is different.

In the more modern Academy City, Misaka Mikoto would never see a scene like this.

The impact on Misaka Mikoto was too great.

at the same time.

Seeing Li Yu and others, the members of Samsara on the opposite side were also shocked in their hearts, and their expressions could not be concealed.

Originally, no matter who they saw, they were mentally prepared.

Even the reincarnation team they knew in the past was the same.

But even so.

They were still shocked.

These people in front of them are all people they know.

It's just that it's not a reincarnation team, but some world powerhouses.

Yamamoto, Monkey King, Thanos...

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