Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 121 One Punch Man (fourth more)

Inexplicably, it seems to be pulled somewhere by some kind of power.

At this time, Saitama was in a state of confusion.

And what power can make him not react at all.

Since he did that kind of exercise and opened the limiter, on Earth, Saitama really hasn't encountered any strong enemies.

Even if the cosmic overlord at the back came to Earth.

Saitama was a little serious, and the overlord of the universe was easily defeated and killed.

Now, do you encounter an unprecedented enemy?

At this time, Saitama's heart was filled with excitement.

This is also very rare for Saitama.

Although Saitama has gained great strength through exercise, his feelings are constantly lost.

This is also the reason why Saitama does not have a strong demeanor, not just his own character.

After losing feelings, there is no sense of power or power.

Like some boss-level characters, they also have a certain emotional feeling in their hearts.

Otherwise, for example, to unify the rivers and lakes, there would be no sense.

So for Saitama, there are gains and losses.

It is impossible for ordinary people to possess such overwhelming power in just a few years.

In the world of One Punch Man.

Saitama is completely invincible.

No one can compare to it.

Like the tornadoes that entered the Wanjie dimensional group before, they would not easily find the tornadoes.

Although Saitama is also a good person.

But the aftermath of Saitama's use of power is also terrifying damage to Tornado.

One Punch Man: "Are you guys trying to fight me?"

Saitama said.

To Saitama, if someone came to deal with him, it seemed like that was the only way.

After all, apart from himself, he has nothing on him, and no money at home.

It seems that nothing can be missed.

All right.

Saitama really has nothing but power.

I want to fight: "Yeah, Saitama, I want to fight with you, let's fight now. 35

Faced with a strong man like Saitama, who can punch to the flesh, Sun Wukong is also very excited.

The lonely captain of the fifth division: "Saiyu, right, don't pay attention to Sun Wukong, we are not going to fight with you.""

As Aizen with outstanding emotional intelligence in the group, he didn't want to make Saitama think wrong all of a sudden.

Li Yu didn't want to do this either.

One Punch Man: "It's not to fight with me, then why did you bring me here, your strength should be very good. 55

"This is the Wanjie Dimensional Group, also known as the Wanjie Dimensional Guild. Apart from you, Saitama, you can also listen to the other three. Li Yu said.

Perhaps because the group members were too enthusiastic about Saitama just now, the other newcomers didn't make any speeches.

But Li Yu knew that they must be there too.

Just been pulled into the Wanjie dimension group.

It is impossible for the other party to take the initiative to go offline immediately.

Even to a certain extent, the stronger the person who is pulled in, the more he will conduct certain research on the Myriad Realms Dimensional Group.

After all, those with high strength have been polished by time.

It takes a lot of experience to have that kind of power.

Wulin Overlord: "Who are you and why did you attack me?

The martial arts overlord still had some doubts about what Li Yu had just said.

What Myriad Realms Dimension Group, what guild, he couldn't understand.

But Li Yu and the others didn't care much either.

The martial arts hegemon, judging from the name, should be a certain figure in ancient times.

The world level may be similar to that of the Datang world.

They are not like the group members in modern society, who have some understanding of what the world means.

For human freedom: "Aren't you protoss?"

Dead primary school student: "According to my estimation, what the group owner should say is true. If I want to dream, I can't have such a clear feeling."5

In the world of Conan, Conan, who only looks like a child, thought deeply.

His world is the ordinary modern world.

To a certain extent, it is more ordinary than a world like Nakiri Erina.

In a world like Nakiri Erina, the cooking skills of some chefs are also a bit exaggerated.

In addition to his strong logical thinking ability, after Conan was pulled into the Wanjie dimension group, he has been observing.

0...・・ Flowers・

Only now did I start speaking.

He already believed what the group leader said just now.

However, Conan also secretly stunned.

What kind of power can do this.

For him living in modern society, it is simply a legend.

This made Conan even more curious, what is the use of this slightly mysterious thing.

Seeing the answers of these new members, Li Yu smiled.

The four new members who joined this time, such as One Punch Man is Saitama, that is already a sure thing, like the dead elementary school students can also be sure one or two, that should be Conan.

As for the other two, for the sake of human freedom and martial arts hegemony, it is impossible to guess at present.


"Several new members, members of this ten thousand world dimension group, are connected here from various worlds, where people from various worlds can speak freely here...

"It's also very important, in this place, if you have enough points, you can get what you want, life, power, money, etc..."

"The premise is that you need to have enough points.

Li Yu told the general situation.

Dead schoolboy: "Everything is available to people of all worlds? Is it possible to get medicines that make people grow up? 35

"Of course." Li Yu replied.

Dead primary school student: "Then how can I get points."

In the world of famous detectives, Conan's eyes have a bright light.

Want to grow up, that is his always hope.

"Don't worry, stay in the group for some time, you will understand soon. 35 Li Yu smiled.

The Wanjie dimensional group will stay for a while.

Knowing from each group member can make them understand the truth more clearly.

One Punch Man: "So is it possible to find a way to restore the relationship?"

As a strong man in One Punch Man, although Saitama possesses terrifying power, he lacks emotion and has a greater need for emotion than ordinary people.

But because of the lack of emotion, I have no idea about this.

This is where Saitama is slightly tragic.

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