Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 122: The Powerful Domination! Wu Geng Ji! (Fifth)

Playboy: "Don't worry, Saitama, let the emotions recover, with the ability of the dimensional group of the world, it can definitely be done."

Li Yu also agreed with this.

However, like Saitama, who opened the limiter and possessed such terrifying power.

If you want to restore your emotions, I am afraid that you need a lot of points to do it.

And Saitama in One Punch Man is a superhero whose living conditions are not very good.

Therefore, if Saitama wants to get points, he needs to continue to perform tasks.

I'm afraid Saitama will become a mission madman in a short time.

One Punch Man: "Well, I see.

In the world of One Punch Man, Saitama is very excited, but his expression still has no emotion.

This is Saitama's lack of emotion.

One Punch Man: "But how do you know my "nine eighty".

For world peace: "Because of your world, there have been members in this group before, and the group owner probably knows about the situation of us people, and the relevant information will be sent to the group shared file, you have time You can also take a look and learn more.

Because the video of One Punch Man already exists.

So Saitama understands himself, and he will soon identify with this dimensional group of the worlds.

Martial Arts Overlord: "From various worlds, then your strength must be good. I am the martial arts overlord. I allow you to join my forces."

The martial arts overlord said with a Haki expression.

Even though he knew all the worlds, this martial arts overlord was somewhat ignorant.

But as the overlord of martial arts, he said these words, it seems that there is nothing.

Naturally, the martial arts overlord did not know.

In the future, what he said at this time was really a joke.

As a martial arts hegemon, he is not the top in the entire group, and even to a certain extent, he is not even in the middle.

Currently in this group.

With the universe level, the world level, no matter how bad it is, it will destroy the city level.

Of course, the current martial arts overlord does not know this.

Playboy: "Oh, then I'm curious, that martial arts overlord, what power do you have.

For cosmic peace: "I'm also curious as to what would give you the courage to say that.

There was a smile on the corner of Thanos' mouth.

If this martial arts overlord knew the truth in the group, I am afraid he would really be scared to pee.

Pluton in the Darkness: "Well, Martial Overlord, I may add a soul to my underworld. 35

Coquettish little fox demon: "Then my Baoqingfang may also be able to add a collectible. 35

Wulin Overlord: 66...99

He felt as if he had just said something he shouldn't have said.

Underworld, collectibles.

Are the people here human?

In the heart of the martial arts overlord, a thought that made him a little frightened.

There is a reason for this martial arts overlord to think so.

After all, judging from the words just now, here are the gatherings of various worlds, and it may not only be human beings.

The lonely captain of the fifth division, "Don't scare the newcomer, newcomer, tell us your general situation, so that the group owner can know your general situation."

Martial arts hegemon: "I am the leader of the world, and my father is the boss in Ziyi..."

The newcomer spoke about his situation.

Seeing the introduction of this martial arts overlord, Li Yu smiled. He really didn't expect that the newly added members would be the overlords in the wind and cloud world.

In terms of ambition Haki, Xiongba is indeed not ordinary.

In the early stage of the situation, Xiongba was a real boss.

"Okay, I already know you, you still have a few apprentices, Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng. Li Yu said.

Wulin Overlord: "Yes, group leader, do you know me?"

"I know about your situation, then the deceased elementary school student, you are Edogawa Conan." Li Yu asked the Shinigami elementary school student.

Shinigami elementary school student: "Yes, the group leader, I am Conan Edogawa. I really didn't expect that this world has such a magical power.""

As Conan living in modern society.

At this time, he felt that his three views had been broken.

But the facts in front of him had to convince Conan.

Conan said that he wanted to hug the group leader's thigh.

This ten thousand world dimension group.

From Conan's point of view, the group owner should be the most powerful.

All right.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, a group leader who kneels and licks may appear.

"Then there is another, for the freedom of human beings, what is your name and what identity do you have..." Li Yu asked.

in a huge palace.

A man full of Haki sat on a chair, his expression revealing thought.

This person is a newcomer who has just joined the Wanjie Dimension Group, for the freedom of mankind.

This person has a majestic face, his eyebrows are full of heroic spirit, and he has the aura of a tyrant.

"People from all worlds can gain power. The tyrant murmured, his eyes revealing a firmness.

He also quickly answered Li Yu's questions.

For the freedom of mankind: "I am the king of the Shang family, King Zhou, my surname is Zimingshou, I have a child named Wu Geng, my world is a world ruled by the Protoss, and human beings are just slaves of the Protoss, but I don't want to stay forever. In this way, the Protoss can't always be on top."

The King Zhou said righteously.

So what about the demon girl: "My era also had the Shang Dynasty, and there was also the King Zhou, but it should look different from yours."

Like the Shang Dynasty, as you know, there is no so-called Protoss. Humans are not hardworking, but the masters of the earth.

Coquettish little fox demon: "There is also King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty in my world, but he also has a wife named Su Daji.

For the freedom of mankind: "I also have a wife named Daji, she is a god."

The King Zhou of the merchant family replied.

"Zi Shou, that's enough, I already know who you are. Li Yu said.

Judging from the news of this King Zhou, Li Yu also understands that 1.6 is almost the same.

That was King Zhou in Wu Geng Ji.

Wu Geng Ji was also adapted from the world where Li Yu lived in the past, Fengshen Ji.

That world is what King Zhou said at this time.

in that world.

King Zhou is not a bad person, but a really good person.

The Protoss has always regarded human beings as slaves and enslaved human beings. In the past, many human races ruled only as managers.

But when King Zhou became king, he saw those human beings, and he vowed to overthrow the rule of the Protoss, the oppression of the Protoss.

The human race belongs to the human race.

Not the slaves of the Protoss.

But in the end, King Zhou's attempt to overthrow the Protoss failed.

Eventually such a planner fell on his son.

Wu Geng.

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