Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 123: The Helpless Conan (Sixth)

Li Yu also instantly understood the general situation of Fengshenji.

"Saitama, because of your world, the original tornado is in your world, so you can download the related development of your world directly in the group."

"Although after you watch these videos, it doesn't help you much.

Speaking of which, Li Yu also smiled slightly.

As Saitama, who lacks emotion, after watching One Punch Man, he may not really feel anything.

In One Punch Man after all.

Saitama almost encountered an enemy and killed him.

Encountered him again, killed him again, and that's it.

There seems to be nothing that is too closely related to him.

So the animation of One Punch Man is to let Saitama confirm the authenticity of this ten thousand world dimension group.

Although Saitama now believes it.

One Punch Man: "Group leader, I understand, I will take a look. 35

In order to restore his missing emotions, Saitama also plans to fight.

"As for Conan, Zishou, and Xiongba, I will send three documents, each of which corresponds to a document, you can watch it, so that you can know what the future of you will be like."

Since King Zhou is still alive, the three apprentices of Xiongba 07 are still there, and they have not yet rebelled.

It is clear that these two should still be in the early stage.

Otherwise, King Zhou would have been killed by Heaven long ago, and if Xiongba had spoken, he would not have directly mentioned his three apprentices as if he had just been here.

Already with anger on his face.

At this time, the tyrant, his world will be regarded as unified most of the Central Plains.

His three disciples have made great achievements in battle.

Xiongba is very optimistic about these three disciples.

Therefore, the hero at this time is also in high spirits.

"Ding, the Lord of the Worlds uploads the Fengyun series."

"Ding, the Lord of the Worlds uploads Wu Geng Ji (Fengshen Ji). 35

"Ding, the Lord of the Worlds uploaded Detective Conan. 35

If Xiongba and others can prevent some things from happening in the future, then like Conan, it does not seem to be of great help to him.

In other words, it is impossible for him Conan to protect everyone who would otherwise die.

How to say, Conan is also a clone.

In the end, though, Conan can still save some people if he wants to.

He does not want the other person to sacrifice.

Under the premise of limited energy, Conan can only do this.

Wulin Overlord download Fengyun series.

Playboy downloads the Wind and Cloud series.

For the sake of world peace series.

How can the demon girl download the Fengyun series.

Download Wu Geng Ji for the freedom of mankind.

Railgun download Wu Gengji.

The goddess of water download Wu Gengji.

The Justice of Soul Society download Wu Geng Ji.

The Lonely Fifth Division Captain download Wu Gengji.

Dead schoolboy download Detective Conan.

Miss Food Download Detective Conan.

The members of the group downloaded it one after another.

These three episodes are considered new, and it will take a while to catch up.

Like Wu Gengji, among the three new episodes, it is the least in number, and it doesn't take too long to read it.

Like the Fengyun series, it will take some time.

As for Detective Conan.

Well, you can go and see it when you are bored.

Because after watching a few episodes of Conan, you will have a certain understanding of this Conan.

As for the back.

Under normal circumstances, the big guys in the group are not interested in watching the plot of solving a case.

It would be better for them to practice for some time.

But on the other hand, it's hard to say about Conan.

Although he was a dead schoolboy, Conan didn't die like anyone else.

But every time, it's too late.

There is such a thing as the famous Detective Conan, this detective may act as if he has obtained a treasure.

"Everyone, Detective Conan's new show is very long, if you want to get familiar with Conan, you only need to watch the first few episodes, you don't need to watch too much. Li Yu said.

What world view, world enemy.

You don't really need to know much about Conan's anime.

Like Xiongba or King Zhou, because there are powerful enemies in their world, they still need to understand.

Needless to say, King Zhou's world of consecrated gods.

That is the existence of gods.

The group members here still need to know about it, so that if there are related tasks, they can also become familiar with it.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there is a group owner, and these group members don't need to worry.

And the domineering world of wind and clouds.

Don't look at the early stage, it may be similar to the world of Datang, it is a world of martial arts nature.

But in the second half of the wind and cloud world, that is really the nature of the power of the gods.

Even in Fengyun's comics.

It also has the power of gods and demons, and it has the power to travel through time and space.

Simply incredible.

Let's not talk about these for now.

When Conan heard the group leader's words, he was speechless.

He wanted to flatter the group owner, but in this situation, it seems a bit difficult to flatter.

Dead primary school student: "Okay, group leader, then I'll watch the first few episodes first.

My sister is mine: "I always feel that Conan, little brother, you have a kind of potential."

The dead primary school student: "I went to see things first.

At this time, Conan still needs to face.

Coquettish little fox demon: "Haha, it seems that this little Conan is still a little shy. 99

dead schoolboy.

From the literal meaning, you can know some.

This Conan should be small.

Mixed in this group, they know what the primary school students represent.

Wu Gengji world.

The capital of the Shang Dynasty, Chaoge.

Prince Zhou returned to his study after downloading Wu Geng Ji.

Regarding his future and his own history, he also wanted to know earlier.

Judging from the name of this material, Wu Geng Ji (Fengshen Ji), it should be that the main 980 character in this world may be his son.

Because his son was named Wu Geng.

He knew this.

"My son?" King Zhou showed a smile, then opened Wu Gengji's video and started watching.

Wu Gengji's animation is not very long.

King Zhou soon realized that his previous thinking was completely wrong.

With the power of the phoenix, it is not an opponent of the Protoss at all.

In other words, it is not the opponent of God at all.

The Shang Dynasty was destroyed, and human beings were killed and injured countless times. The soul of his son entered the body of others.

Wu Geng became a slave, mining in Beishan mine.

Scene by scene, King Zhou's expression changed complexly.

"Wang, it's time to go back to sleep." Daji came to the study.

"Da Ji." King Zhou looked at Da Ji with gentle eyes, "Da Ji, I will definitely not let you have an accident this time.

Originally, King Zhou wanted to tell Daji about his entry into the Wanjie dimensional group, but he couldn't say it, he understood that this was a ban on entering the Wanjie dimensional group.

But it's nothing.

With the ten thousand world dimension group.

He might be able to save his wife without letting his children suffer so much.

Although suffering also has a great effect on Wu Geng's growth.

"Ah... King, I will always be by your side." Daji came to King Zhou's side strangely.

"Daji." King Zhou hugged Daji and made a decision in his heart.

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