Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 124 Global Celebration (First Update)

The god-level powerhouse who saved China.

He will announce and celebrate in front of the top powerhouses in China.

This time, China will hold this celebration all over the world, which can be regarded as showing the power of China on the whole earth.

Naturally, this also makes the world's strong people and people understand that there is still hope for human beings.

Before the earth changed, although the shackles of the emperor-level realm were opened.

But that time when the Otherworld enemy invaded, the whole world suffered a terrifying blow, whether it was ordinary people or those top powerhouses.

Taken together, the number of humans and the strong on Earth has been cut in half.

From here, we can see what kind of damage the Otherworld invasion caused to the human beings on Earth.

Even some strong people feel a little desperate.

They found that the Otherworld was stronger than they thought.

In the past, they could only fight against the Otherworld at that time. At this time, the strength of the Otherworld has swelled again. Will they be opponents?

So the top powerhouses in China let Li Yu appear in front of everyone.

It also gives hope to mankind.

God-level powerhouses sit on the earth, and they can still bring hope.

It can be said that this celebration is held on such a large scale all over the world, this time live broadcast.

The whole world is very concerned.

Nothing will ever be the same as it is now.

The eyes of the whole world are here.

Dong'an was originally just an ordinary city in China.

This time, all the top Chinese who participated in the celebration gathered here.

Among them are the real top ones such as King of War and Uranus.

For many people, these people do not see much in the relevant information, and they are more the rumors they hear.

Dong'an City, a hotel.

The powerful and powerful people from various cities in China have come here.

In other words, being able to participate in this celebration is also an incredible identity.

If you don't get an invitation, it proves that your status in China is not high.

A few days ago, for the relevant invitation letters, the price of the invitation letters was copied to the sky-high level.

In fact, some foreign powerhouses also want to participate in the celebration.

It is a pity that this time it is aimed at the strong in China, which makes those strong foreigners a little disappointed.

Otherwise, it would be good to be able to meet the legendary Fire God and ask him for advice.

You must know that the rumor of the Fire God has the power of a god.

Countless media were holding their own cameras outside, filming the strong men walking into the hotel.

The entire hotel has long been covered by this celebration.

Except for the person who got the invitation letter, it is impossible for the rest of the people to enter here.

The entire hotel is heavily guarded.

Naturally, someone wants to attack here, which is also impossible.

The existence of countless top kings can easily destroy a big country.

At present, those technological weapons in various countries are incapable of dealing with king-level abilities.

Not to mention the powerhouses like Otherworld, so at present this world is a world where martial arts are respected.

"Look, that's the King of Flying Swords. That's China's top genius. It is said that he has the aptitude to break through the king level."

"That, that is the Dragon King, the top king of China, guarding several space passages with his personal strength to prevent the invasion of powerful enemies from the Otherworld. 99

"The King of War, his strength can be ranked in the forefront in China, it is said that after this time, his strength has made a breakthrough by leaps and bounds. 35

"Wait, is that the town of Uranus? The most powerful master in China legend, it is because of his existence that China can block the invasion of so many otherworld powerhouses. 35

"Yes, even if the strength of the town Uranus is placed in the world, it is still in the forefront, but those top experts have never fought each other, so I don't know their ranking.

The reporters holding the cameras kept exclaiming.

They had never seen this scene before, or had no chance to see it.

China's top experts are gathered together.

Naturally, the reporters who can participate in this filming are all well-known media in China.

Some media who are not qualified enough have no chance to enter here at all.

Hotel, in a certain lobby.

A round table is placed, and it can be seen that many people are already sitting in their respective positions.

Each table in the hall has a specific arrangement.

In the front are the real top powerhouses in China such as town Uranus.

At this time, those who were not strong enough and were sitting in other positions did not dare to come over.

In such a situation, they can't do anything wrong.


The lights turned on the stage, and the live broadcast camera was also aimed at the stage.

People all over the world also opened this channel at the same time, and they will not miss this celebration.

At this time, a well-known host walked out from the side.

This is a host with a fourth-level ability.

Because sometimes some terrifying battles can only be reported by superhumans.

They have a better chance of surviving.

"`"The audience at the scene, the audience from all over the world, good afternoon, everyone." The host came to the stage, "Welcome everyone to participate in this China's grand ceremony. This grand ceremony is to celebrate China's defeat of the Otherworld enemy not long ago. , a celebration of victory."9

"But we must also be clear that this time China was able to win because of one person, who is he?" the host asked rhetorically.

"Fire God"

There was a sound of one after another off the field.

They all know the famous Fire God.

The most important point of this celebration is to let the Fire God be known to more people.

Also let human beings know where the hope is.

"Yes, Yanshen, he is the pride of China and the savior of China. I believe that Yanshen will also become the savior of the earth, so let's take a look at a video. The host said, his body slightly retreated to the side.

A huge screen behind him.

A video appeared.

Dong'an City, the city of the Otherworld enemy in the space-time channel, was instantly destroyed, and the space-time channel was destroyed.

Zhonghai City, at the time when Zhonghai City was at its most critical and would face extinction, a figure appeared. He killed those strong men and saved Zhonghai City.

when the earth changes.

Countless cities in China have suffered horrific attacks.

Fate favors Otherworld enemies.

But another man appeared there, killed the enemy and saved China.

He has done a lot for China.

He is the fire god.

China's savior,

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