Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 140 Lingyun Cave! Fire Unicorn! (Fifth)

"Because of the short time, I can't be 100% sure whether the news is correct." Xiongba said.

If it were someone else, Xiongba wouldn't say such a thing.

Even if he made a mistake, then he only needs to make up for this mistake, and the world will not dare to speak ill of him.

This is not the case now.

If Xiongba is wrong and has an impact on the mission, then Xiongba said that it would be difficult for him to stay in the group.

"Let's talk first." Li Yu smiled.

As the leader of the World Association, sometimes Xiongba just thinks too much.

However, this is normal.

If it wasn't like this, how could Xiongba get to where it is now.

Xiongba is a little different from some people in the group.

Like Pluton in the dark.

As Pluton Ah Tu, she has never experienced anything, and for her, nothing is unacceptable.

Sometimes death is better.

But Pluton Ah Tu, who is in her own world, wants to die, and that can't be done.

Therefore, Pluton's treatment of Li Yu sometimes seems very complicated.

Needless to say about a character like Saitama 013.

Saitama, who is somewhat lacking in emotion, behaves very normally in the group leader.

Another example is Aqua.

With a negative IQ, she will slowly forget about various events and disasters in a short time.

As long as it was a new day, the water goddess would still return to that amused state.

"President, then let me talk about some things that have been investigated." Xiongba nodded, "A few days ago, a group of people came to Wushuang City. I don't know how to do it. They seem to have persuaded City Lord Dugu to attack our World Association. .""

"Then that group of people should be reincarnators." Tornado laughed.

"Yes, I also think that name." Xiongba said, "Those people are reincarnators. It seems that some of them entered the team that attacked our Underworld Association, but some people stayed in Wushuang City."

"That is divided into two groups." Tony Stark pondered.

Dividing into two teams to carry out the task, compared with the reincarnators encountered before, it is really rare.

"In this case, their mission or (ahbh) may not be to eliminate the Tianxia Association," Li Yu said.

If it really is to destroy the world.

Even if they want to mobilize the power of Peerless City, they can all set off.

But looking at this situation, there is no such thing.

Then, it is hard to say what the situation of those reincarnators is.

"I agree with what the president said, the ultimate goal of those reincarnators should not be to destroy the world society." Pluton Ah Cha picked up the food with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely.

"President, if this is the case, what do we need to do." She asked her question.

"Keeping the same and responding to all changes." Li Yu laughed, "Since the reincarnations are divided into two groups, then let's first learn about the situation from the reincarnations who attacked the Tianxia Association, the enemies of Xiongba, Wushuangcheng, what is it? Time will collide with your world.

The Peerless City is constantly invading the world, and it is impossible for the world to watch.

So the battle between the two sides is unavoidable.

"President, there's about a day left." Xiongba replied.

"President, there is still such a long time, should we play in this world for a while?" Su Da smiled.

In the past, in other worlds, they all performed their tasks with all their strength, and they never wandered in these worlds at all.

The current situation seems to be okay.

They still have some time.

"President, yes, this world seems to be very interesting, let's play together. Aqua said excitedly.

Misaka Mikoto's eyes moved slightly.

After all, compared to Academy City, this is a different world.

"Okay, after this meal, everyone can go around the world, but don't forget, you will be back tomorrow." Li Yu smiled.

decision for the group.

As long as it's not too much, Li Yu said, it's fine.

Soon after.

These group members have all left the world meeting.

By Li Yu's side, there are three people, 婠婠, Aqua, and Su Da.

Pluton A Tu, Misaka Mikoto and Tornado, they are a group of three.

As for the others, it is their own arrangement.

Like Saitama, boredom wanders around in the world.

But for Xiongba, it was really frightening.

It's fine for the others to stay, but if Saitama stays, if he's not careful, his world will be destroyed.

Leshan Giant Buddha, Lingyun Grottoes.

It is said that there is a terrifying monster here, that is, the fire unicorn.

This is also the case. It is very rare here, even those martial arts masters will not come here.

The strength of the fire unicorn, even those top experts are not opponents.

Like Nie Feng's father in the past, he was killed by Fire Qilin.

Naturally, in the later stage of the Wind and Cloud World, the fire unicorn directly became the object that many people could bully.

This is also the reason why the power system keeps skyrocketing in the later stage of Storm World.

Today, four figures fell from the sky outside the entrance of Lingyun Cave.

These four people are Li Yu, Su Da and the others.

"President, let's go in and have a look. There are quite powerful monsters here." Su Da said.

"Let's go." Li Yu led the three into Lingyun Cave.

For Li Yu, the threatening power of the fire unicorn is simply not available.

Even if Li Yu stood at the entrance of the cave and attacked, he could directly level the Lingyun Cave and destroy all the fire unicorns inside.

This is Li Yu's amazing strength today.

Since the bloodline reached Super Saiyan, the qi in Li Yu's body has been increasing day by day.

It can be said that the Qi of the Dragon Ball world is also a special power mode.

And existences such as King Quan are more like the Master possessing some kind of power.

Just like those supreme beings in the Marvel world.

Today Li Yu's power system is divided into several forms.

However, the Ultimate of strength, that is the same goal.

So Li Yu has nothing to worry about in the future.

Li Yu now understands.

His power is only just getting started in the whole world.

Not to mention the existence of the hidden powerhouses in the otherworlds on earth, it is said that there are several people in the ten thousand world dimension group who are more powerful than him.

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