Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 141 Master World (sixth more)

In Lingyun Grotto.

Li Yu and the others walked in the whole winding passage.

This time, Su Da led the way. As a demon clan, Su Da could easily master the fire unicorn's breath.

In fact, Li Yu can do the same.

Master was angry, Li Yu was also able to accurately find the fire unicorn.

Generally speaking, as long as there is life, there is qi.

This is a rule of thumb in the world of Dragon Ball, and most of the other worlds are the same.

However, like some special worlds, such a method is useless.

For example, in a world of immortals, if you have a treasure that isolates the breath, then the perception of the breath is useless.

This is the applicability of various forms of power."

Like the Dragon Ball world, those destroying the universe level, if you are in other worlds, you may not be able to do it.

That's the difference in the form of power.

Even the rules of the entire world have a corresponding relationship.

There is also a distinction between complete and incomplete rules.

"Well," Li Yu's footsteps stopped, and he saw a wall with many red fruits.

Blood Bodhi.

Able to restore injury and increase the effect of internal strength.

"Let's eat and see." Li Yu picked the blood bodhi to Su Da and the others, and stuffed one in his mouth by the way.

"Not bad." Li Yu ate this blood bodhi into his stomach, and could feel a little warmth in his stomach.

In the big effect, then there is none.

With Li Yu's current physique, Blood Bodhi is hardly effective.

Even the Heavenly Demon Strategy that Li Yu practiced before has reached the realm of a great master.

"Yes, it can be used as a snack." Su Da ate several pills in a row.

"Sweet." Aqua, the goddess of water, was flushed, as if she was drunk.

Comparatively speaking, the effect of blood bodhi is the most effective for 婠婠.

After all, her strength is also the weakest among the crowd.

"There is Blood Bodhi here, so there is also the Bingxin Art." She digested Blood Bodhi.

"The martial arts of Fengyun World do have something special." Li Yu nodded.

Whether it is Sword Twenty-Three or Maha Boundless, it is the power that causes celestial phenomena.

It is even said that practicing to the Ultimate is a force that can trigger the rules and cause changes in the world.

"Let's watch as we walk, that little baby is not far away." Su Da smiled slightly.

If Huo Qilin is here, if he can understand people's words, I am afraid that he will really vomit blood.

In the eyes of so many martial arts masters, it was a terrifying monster, but in Su Da's eyes it was just a baby.

But to be honest, from Li Yu's eyes, Su Da seems to have no problem saying this.

This fire unicorn is also a different kind of monster.

In the White Snake World, this monster has not yet successfully cultivated.

Like her Su Da is different.

Even in the white snake world, she is a tyrannical existence among those monsters.

Several people did not walk in this cave for long.

"Roar" A huge roar sounded in Li Yu's ears.

"Hooho." Aqua kept shouting at the fire unicorn, as if learning from the fire unicorn.

Li Yu and the others looked at the fire unicorn with a smile, but they were not nervous at all.

As for the fire unicorn, at this time, his performance was very dazed.

What's going on now.

In the past, when humans encountered it, they were all panicked, but these humans were not like this.


And it still seems to be provoking it.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the fire unicorn became angry.

Immediately rushed towards Aqua, after all Aqua imitated it, as if the provocation was the most serious.

"Come on, Aqua's fist." Aqua's magic power surged and hit it suddenly.


The powerful magic power directly penetrated the hole on the opposite side, and the fire unicorn was not hit by this force, it hit Aqua.

Aqua flew upside down.

Li Yu has no worries about Aqua.

As the goddess of water, how could she be hit by such an attack.


Huo Qilin pretended to roar at Li Yu and the others, and then quickly tried to escape.

The fire unicorn saw Aqua's attack just now.

Such a terrible attack, if it falls on it, will it go back to the west?

So Huo Qilin's choice is to escape.

"Don't be nervous, Xiaohuo." Su Da smiled slightly and grabbed her right hand towards the void.

The fire unicorn was dragged by an invisible force.

Even if the fire unicorn's claws are digging on the ground, it is useless.


The fire unicorn roared violently again, but the roar at this time sounded so miserable.

that's it.

Miserable sounds can be heard from time to time in this Lingyun Cave.

Soon after.

A strange animal with a deaf head walked out of Lingyun Cave, and behind it were four figures.

Obviously, the fire unicorn had been brought out by Su Da from Lingyun Cave.

As for what to do in the later time, there is still a long time to go, and they can go around.

You must know that there are dragons in this world, and there are other powerful and strange things.

The headquarters of the World Association is not far away.

A large group of troops slowly stationed down.

These are Wushuangcheng's army, which includes ordinary soldiers and martial arts experts.


As a huge city, their members are still somewhat different from the World Association.

located in the tent in the center.

Some high-rise buildings in Wushuang City are here.

Although Dugu City Lord did not come here, but Dugu City Lord's son Dugu Ming is here.

In fact, as a fake Dugu party, Duguming is not his son.

Therefore, when Lonely Ming is dispatched, the Lonely party will not have any worries.

If they can defeat the World Association, that would be great.

If there is any accident, he will not fail immediately.

"Young city lord, the soldiers of the Underworld Association are ready not far away, are we going to attack?" A middle-aged man in armor said respectfully to a young man.

That young man is Duguming, the son of the Dugu party.

"Sir, is it the right time to attack now?" Du Guming looked at an elegant man beside him.

"For the young city lord, it is naturally the right time, and I would like to wish the young city lord a victory in Xia Xiaoyuan. This elegant man smiled slightly.

"Haha." Duguming laughed, "I still need a lot of advice and help from Mr.

"Go on, prepare to attack the World Association.

"Yes, Young City Lord.

"Defeat the World Association, and the whole world will belong to our Peerless City, hahahaha..."

Du Guming's heart was full of excitement.

"The world." The refined Xiao Yuan showed a smile on the side.

The smile looked strange.

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