Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 307: The Divine Power of the Colorless Realm

"Who are you?" The low voice of the King of the Protoss rang out in this world.

In this way, he came naked to where the gods were, and appeared in him and other god-tiers.

Either way, there should be something wrong.

Heaven's words, also let the six god-tiers look over.

This look.

Tiankui god-tier's eyes showed a hint of shock, he did not expect to see this person in front of him here in the temple.

This human race he had only met not long ago.

In the past, Tiankui god-tier would not remember a human race so firmly.

But King Zhou did it.

Because the famous people defeated him with their strength, leaving him without any resistance.

This made Tiankui god-tier understand that his current self would not be the opponent of that human race.

Even if the famous people used the divine power of the phoenix, it was the same.

"440" is defeated if it is defeated.

Don't look for any other reason.

Now that human has appeared here.

To know that they came to the temple to report this matter, but not much time passed.

Their Protoss has some kind of space power, which can make them come to this place all at once.

But this human being can't be like this.

So after defeating them, did the human in front of him come to them directly?

After all, Chaoge is far away from where their temple is located.

"King Zhou." Tiankui god-tier said slowly.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be so daring to come here directly." Tai Chi god-tier laughed.

Because he didn't fight King Zhou, this Tai Chi god-tier didn't think highly of King Zhou either.

And he doesn't think so either.

In front of the human beings came to the base camp of their Protoss.

The opponent can still retreat.

This is impossible.

It is impossible for anyone in the Protoss to do this.

Of course, in the eyes of some powerhouses of the Protoss, there is still one person, the King of the Protoss.

Tian has the power to destroy the Protoss by one person.

However, as the king of the Protoss, he would not do this.

After all, he needs the Protoss to do something for him.

Otherwise, how could Tian, ​​who defeated the ancient gods in the past, import the divine essence into the human beings and turn those human beings into a new god race.

Then let these protoss rule the humans.

Let humans perform the task of collecting blood ore.

Because the Protoss was so much stronger than the Terran, many of the Protoss would think that the Terran was weaker than them before they knew it.

This is also the reason for the formation of that class between the Protoss and the Humans.

Xinyuekui looked at the two in the air.

Is the god of war she prophesied in there?


A chill spread out from Xinyuekui's heart, and she found that she was motionless and could not have the slightest chance to move.

It was brought to her by the young man in the white robe.

That feeling was even scarier than what God gave her.

But this feeling comes and goes quickly.

When she continued to look, he found that the young man did not give her such a feeling.

"Could it be that I feel wrong?" This thought appeared in Xinyuekui's heart.

But the cold sweat on her palms reminded her.

The feeling just now may be correct.

is right.

But how is this possible.

In Xinyuekui's heart, Tian is the most powerful person in this world, how could there be a god stronger than Tian.


In Xinyuekui's eyes, that young man is a god.

more godlike than them.

As for the man in the armor, although he also exudes a majestic aura.

But compared to the aura of the young man next to him, it was a world of difference.

Similarly, except for Xinyuekui, other god-tiers of the Six Heavenly Kingdoms do not have this feeling.

They have a different feeling with Xinyuekui.

in their eyes.

The man in the armor is the real powerhouse.

And from the god-tier of Tiankui, that was the human who defeated them.

"Prince Zhou, the king of the Shang family." Prince Zhou said slowly.

"No-name Li Yu." Li Yu smiled beside him.

"That God of War, and you." The King of the Protoss glanced at Li Yu and finally placed it on Li Yu.

Compared to King Zhou, this young man seems to be even more terrifying.  …

This is because the King of the Protoss has this feeling vaguely.

"Why did you come to the temple?" Tian said.

"We're just here to let theocracy collapse." Li Yu said of course.

Wu Gengji's power level is not too high.

Li Yu wouldn't worry about that either.

He just came to complete the task.

"Hmm." Tian's eyes darkened.

The theocracy collapsed, and I didn't expect it to be such a reason.

Moreover, the two humans in front of them came to the base camp of the Protoss so naked.

"Very good, human beings, since this is the case, I also save the time to find you. If you want to collapse the divine power, then it depends on whether you have such power." The black dragon slowly extended out from behind the sky.

With the terrifying divine power diffused out.

The space between heaven and earth seemed to stagnate, leaving only black and white.

This is the suppression of the divine power of the colorless world.

In the colorless world divine power, power, speed, senses, etc., will be terribly suppressed.

If people with insufficient strength are in such a world of divine power.

It's really scary that it will be crushed in an instant.

"President, I want to fight with the king of the Protoss, I hope the president will allow me." King Zhou said with fighting spirit.

As a strong man, King Zhou also wanted to fight against the strong man.

"Zi Shou, then be careful, tell me 1.8 when you can't hold it. 99 Li Yu showed a faint smile.

"Thank you, President." King Zhou held a pair of swords and spread out the red wings behind him, which was the power of a phoenix.

"Heaven, take the move." King Zhou carried the divine power of the Colorless Realm and rushed to the sky.

"I killed a phoenix in the past, and a mere human being was parasitized. The 35-day look is very dull.

"Haha, then I'll try another person." Shi Xing showed a wild smile, and he looked at Li Yu.

As a ten punishment for enjoying the battle, even if he was severely injured before, he would not have any place to retreat.

"Ten punishments, be careful." Xinyuekui hurriedly shouted.

But at this time, the ten punishments have already rushed out.

"Eternal Illusion"

A long sword appeared in Li Yu's hand, which was the long sword of the past Kyōka Suigetsu after entering Bankai.

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