Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighth Chapter Slaying the Dao King

"Bang..." The Tai Chi god-tier was directly knocked out by Li Yu, hitting the ground of the temple heavily, and a huge pothole appeared here.

"Kill kill kill..." Shi Xing's whole person has countless scars.

But for the serious injury on his body, Ten Punishment ignored it, and he wanted to kill the enemy in front of him.

"Kill you, kill you." Xinyuekui also roared angrily.

Attacking with his own power.

At this moment, Tianjian Liubu went crazy, and they attacked the enemy in their eyes frantically.

That was no mercy at all.

But these Protoss did not know that they had already entered the illusory world.

The opponent they faced was not Li Yu at all, but themselves.

At this moment, Li Yu was still standing somewhere in the void.

Those god-tier fights didn't affect him at all.

Because the power of god-tier is not close to Li Yu at all, it seems like two worlds.

the other side

"Human, give me death." The sky fell on King Zhou with the power of the colorless world divine power, and King Zhou was knocked out like a cannonball.

There is also a reason why the King of the Protoss would want 07 to deal with King Zhou so quickly.

Because he saw another human and solved other god-tiers so easily.

He can't allow it.

And God understands that the key figure in the collapse of divine power this time is the young man in white robe, not the king of the business family who is fighting against him in front of him.

So Tian didn't want to waste time with this king of the business family.

This allowed Tian to directly use his colorless realm divine power and go all out. He didn't want to continue dawdling with King Zhou.

At the same time, the direction in which King Zhou was knocked into the air was where Li Yu was.

As the day announced to Li Yu.

And he, the king of the Protoss, is here.

With a slight smile, Li Yu's right hand flicked, and an invisible force fell on King Zhou.

Then King Zhou stopped beside Li Yu.

It can be seen that King Zhou is very embarrassed at the moment, and there are many scars on his body, which are all left over from the battle with the sky.

Even if he has the divine power of the phoenix, plus some things he has exchanged in the Wanjie dimensional group.

In the battle with Tian, ​​he still has an amazing gap.

"President, I'm sorry, I still have to leave it to you." King Zhou said helplessly.

Although he knew that there was a gap in strength between himself and Tian, ​​but looking at it now, the gap between the two sides is still a bit big.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Li Yu stepped forward and looked at the king of the Protoss, "God, as Protoss, you are not like Protoss at all."5

"Who are you?" Tian said solemnly.

this moment.

The King of the Protoss seemed to have discovered the extremely terrifying power contained within Li Yu's body.

Just as a human being, how could it have such terrifying power.

Even the god-tiers of the Protoss can't possibly possess this terrifying power.

"Human." Li Yu showed a faint smile.

"Whether you are a human race or a protoss race, you came here today, so it's best to prepare for death. No nonsense for 35 days, the divine power that belongs to him burst out.

The divine power of the colorless world, like a domain, shrouded this world.

At this time, the colorless world divine power that Tian exploded was much more astonishing than before.

Heaven and earth fell into black and white.

Everything inside was suppressed by a terrifying force.

"A realm of rules? Li Yu's eyes flashed, "God, as a Protoss, you understand too little rules. "

"Dao Jing"

The top-level exercises in the world that cover the sky are running in Li Yu's body.

"Your rule, then I'll cut it off." Li Yu exuded a monstrous aura.

The colorless realm formed by divine power is also constantly twisting, as if it may shatter anytime, anywhere.

And you know, this is just a kind of momentum, not the manifestation of power.

"The third floor of Sendai, cut the road."

Terrible laws settled in Li Yu.

In the practice of Daojing, Li Yu practiced very fast, not only because of Li Yu's understanding of other powers, which accelerated his practice of Daojing.

On the other hand, Li Yu used points to exchange time before, and he used a certain amount of time to keep promoting the Daojing practice.

Now Li Yu has reached the realm of the third floor of Sendai.

That is the king of slashing, cutting his own path abruptly.

In the great world that covers the sky, whether it is the age of myths or the age of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​the power of the Dao Slayer King is already one of the top powers.

If he goes one step further on the Dao Slashing King, he is a saint.

The sages of ancient times, they are also called saints.

It was already a legend.


The amazing white light on Li Yu's body, the colorless world divine power was repelled around Li Yu, and the regular power of this colorless world divine power could not reach Li Yu at all.

Not to mention, there is still an impact on Li Yu.

That is more of a fantasy, an impossible.


Li Yu's fist fell in front of Tian, ​​and an invisible defense blocked Li Yu's advance.

That is the defense formed by the divine power of the colorless world.

The defense of the colorless world divine power that belongs to the sky, if you really go all out, those god-tier 440s who want to break through, it may be a little difficult.

The strength of this ancient king of the gods is still very strong.

Otherwise, how could this ancient king of black dragons slaughter all the ancient gods at that time.

In the end, he was the only one left.

The gods that are rising now are all created by the gods themselves.

But the defense of this colorless world divine power was of no use to Li Yu at all.

This defense did not hold up for a second.

The cracking sound of Kacha Kacha sounded, and it turned into a pure energy and dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the king of the Protoss had to fight.

With terrifying divine power, Tian did not retreat and attacked Li Yu.


The two forces collided together, forming a terrifying energy shock.

The astonishing energy makes the temples here keep collapsing, stretches on, and spreads to this place where the Protoss lives.

This kingdom of gods is huge.

It's not just the existence of the temple.

After all, although the number of Protoss cannot be compared with humans, there is still a certain number.

But in the end, the king of the Protoss didn't last long.

He shot Li Yu and flew out and slammed into the temple.

Several temples are constantly pierced.

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