Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 309 Pangu Reincarnation

"The Divine Power of the Vientiane Realm"

A low and angry voice sounded slowly from the ruins.

Countless lightning is densely packed, covering the entire sky.

Because it was found that the divine power of the colorless realm had no effect on the strong human race, the king of the gods immediately used the powerful divine power of the Vientiane Realm.

Other Protoss, under normal circumstances, they can only use a divine power mode.

But as the king of the gods, it is different. He can use other divine powers, not only the divine power of the colorless world.

Perhaps this is also the strength of being an ancient god race.

The divine power of the Vientiane Realm is a very powerful divine power, mastering all sentient beings with the power of thunder.

One after another rune formation flickered in the void.

A silver spear slowly condensed in this piece of heaven and earth.

The spear contained endless and terrifying divine power, and the attack of this spear could easily pierce through mountains and split the sea easily.

This is the terrifying power of the Vientiane Realm.

For the human being in front of him, the king of the god race did not hide his power.

Because in this level of battle, if you are not careful, you may die.


The spear that was in the air was attacking directly towards Li Yu like the attack of the judgment of sin.

"Strong attack." Li Yu's palm formed some kind of seal.

A high-spirited king's breath appeared on Li Yu.

At this time, Li Yu was like the king of heaven and earth, whether it was a human race or a god race.

He is the king who rules everything.

"The Seal of the King"

Along with Li Yu's footsteps, that amazing force swelled even more.

The world also trembled with this power.

At this moment, it was as if the aloof king took up the weapon in his hand and attacked the spear that covered the sky and the sun.

The breath of the Human King Seal seems to be telling the world.

No one can judge the king, the king is invincible.


The seal of the king of people slammed on the spear.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling white light quickly exploded, and the surrounding shrines continued to crumble under the baptism of such terrifying power.

When the white light disappeared.

Two figures in the air were revealed.

They are Li Yu and the king of the gods, Tian.

It can be seen that even with such a terrifying power just now, it still did not cause any harm to Li Yu.

This made the face of the King of the God Race look very solemn.

He had already done his best just now, but even if he did his best, he couldn't have any effect on this suddenly appearing enemy.

"Human Race." The pupil of the God Race King Tian had an icy light.

For the sky, the collapse of theocracy is something that he does not allow.

He also needs to let humans collect blood ore to save his wife Bailong.

Therefore, he will not give up on this, he must defeat the enemy in front of him.

A blood spear appeared in Tian's hand.

Generally, in dealing with the enemy, Tian does not need to use the magic weapon, but now he must do so.

Because the enemy in front of him is a more terrifying enemy than the ancient gods and the underworld in the past.

"Humans, the divine right is impossible to collapse, you will die in my hands." The blood spear in Tian's hand exudes a blood-red aura.

Under the blessing of divine power, this divine weapon became even more terrifying.


The power of penetrating all things carried by the blood-colored spear appeared in this world.

"Very well, that's right. 35 Li Yu's eyes also have a bright light.

If he gave up all at once and was defeated by him all at once, then Li Yu would also feel bored.


at this time.

Countless Protoss came to this place.

Let the temple destroy countless astonishing powers, the gods naturally noticed it very quickly, and then quickly came here.

"how can that be?"

Countless Protoss couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

They found the god-tiers of Tianjian Liubu lying on the ground, severely injured.


The king of the God Race, the king in their eyes was actually fighting a strange powerhouse.

The most important thing is one point.

They discovered that in the battle between the two, the strange powerhouse had the upper hand.

And the king of the Protoss in their hearts is already in a weak position.

Every battle between the two was earth-shattering, and their combat power exceeded the god-tier level.

Even if these Protoss are affected by the power inside, they may die.

This may be the combat power of the ancient gods.

"What a powerful force, who is that person?" The bald protoss with countless eyes on their heads, with shock in their eyes.

This Protoss is called the Eye of God, he is the Great Elder of the Hall of Sages, and the person who judges the God of Sin.

The Temple of the Sages is where the judgment of the sinful God is.

At the same time, this Protoss called Divine Eye, he is the reincarnation of Pangu in the past ancient Protoss.

From this point, it can be seen that these strong men of Wu Gengji are really worthless.

The patriarch of the ancient gods was easily killed, and after reincarnation, he secretly planned the leadership of the gods.

That's it.

This god's eye is not confident in his own strength.

But there is a reason why this Pangu reincarnation would be like this.

After all, in the past, the King of Black Dragons, he killed all those ancient gods.

Including his Pangu.

Now, this divine eye has discovered another situation.

There is such a terrifying strange powerhouse to appear here.

Is that Protoss?

But from the perspective of the opponent's strength, it is not the power of the Protoss.

This made God's eyes flash.

Could it be that this time is a crisis for the Protoss.

(Are you?) Next to the eyes of God, are several saint kings of the Hall of Sages.

Many of these holy king-level powerhouses retired from the Six Heavenly Divisions.

Their status is stronger than that of the Six Heavenly Divisions.

Naturally, their strength is also terrifying than that of the Six Heavenly Kingdoms.

But even so.

Their hearts not only stand up against the battle between Tian and that strange strong man.

Because the opponent's strength is too terrifying.

`"Tian, ​​the king of black dragons, isn't that all you have? Li Yu's attack fell on Tian's chest.


The whole person was like a meteor, hitting the ground hard.

An unfathomable pit appeared there.

this moment.

The audience was silent.

Even the Protoss who came here are the same.

The monstrous weather emanating from this enemy in front of him was too terrifying.

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