Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 310 Divine Power Unites! The Black Dragon Destroys the World!

After the appearance of those Protoss, they discovered it.

In their eyes, the invincible king of the Protoss was crushed all the way.

This shattered the pride in the hearts of these Protoss.

Their Protoss was originally high above, but from the current situation, it is completely a joke.

Naked jokes.

Although I don't know where this enemy came from.

But they understand that this time may be a crisis for the Protoss.

An irreversible crisis.

Now the king of the Protoss in their hearts was easily defeated, and these Protoss were speechless.

Or, are they going to work hard now?

Do your best to deal with this terrifying powerful enemy in front of you.

This is also one of the reasons why the scene will be silent at this moment.

These Protoss didn't know what they could do and what to do.



That unfathomable deep pit burst open, and the sky exuding amazing divine power slowly floated from the pit.

Although the sky looks a little embarrassed.

But the power emanating from his body is no less than 470 colors before, and even said that this power is even more terrifying than the previous power.

"There is still a chance." The Protoss said to themselves, their King of the Protoss has not given up.

"Humans, as I said, the only one who will win is me." Tian said hideously.

Amazing divine power enveloped the sky around.

That is not just the divine power of the colorless world, but a variety of divine powers twisted.

The battle just now has made the king of the gods understand one thing, the enemy in front of him is very powerful.

In his current state, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of this enemy.

Therefore, the king of the Protoss in front of him now intends to unleash all the power at the bottom of the box.

"God, then let me see your power, real power." Li Yu's mouth had a smile.

"Colorless World Divine Power"

"The Divine Power of the Vientiane Realm"

"Asura Realm Divine Power"

"Divine Power of the Ksitigarbha"

One after another terrifying divine power twisted and rippled out from the king of the gods.

At this time, the sky also darkened.

A terrifying (ahbi) figure slowly appeared between heaven and earth.

It was an image of a god formed by divine power.

The world of Wu Gengji is different from those of mythical worlds.

The gods of this world are more purely in terms of power, and there is a big gap between the gods of the mythical world and the gods of the mythical world in the understanding of the rules.

However, the power forms of these Protoss will involve some rule systems.

Now, after Tian has released all these divine powers.

A statue of a god-king covering the sky was formed in the air.

This terrifying power pattern.

To a certain extent, it is a kind of power of Wu Geng Ji Ultimate.

Mountains, seas, or everything in the world may be completely destroyed in this statue of the god-king.

"Sword of the Black Dragon.

A dancing black dragon appeared in the hands of the statue of the god-king.

Slowly, the black dragon turned into a huge long sword.

There are countless scales on the dark long sword, just like dragon scales, with serrated shapes on it.

The endless evil spirit condensed on this black dragon sword.

This King of the God Race, he has killed himself to this day, and the condensed suffocating energy is also input into it.

It can be said that at this time, the king of the Protoss in front of him burst out all the power that can be used.

"Death of the Black Dragon"

The black long sword in the hand of the statue of the god king slashed out.

The world seemed to be cut into two halves at once, and the terrifying power made the world seem to be plunged into chaos.

any and all objects.

Under such a destructive attack, they will all be destroyed.

as destroyed in the source.

Under this trick.

The expressions of the Protoss who watched the battle changed, and they quickly retreated.

Under the attack of this day.

They felt boundless fear.

It was an attack that wiped out everything.

Soul, body, spirit, everything.

If they were still here, they might also be affected by this force.

the other side.

Prince Zhou Shou's reaction was also very fast, and he also quickly retreated.

This battle is not something he can join.

Even if you want to watch it, this is also very dangerous and it is very easy to fall.

So Prince Zhou Shou still retreated quickly.

He believed that in the face of the enemy in front of him, the president would definitely be able to deal with him.

King Zhou knew that the president at this time did not show his full strength at all.

It should be easy to destroy the king of the gods in front of him with the same power as in the world of Dragon Ball.

Only for Li Yu.

Although he could easily suppress and kill the protoss king with the power of the Dragon Ball, Li Yu didn't want that.

He needs to temper other power systems.

The Dao Sutra that covers the sky is the focus of Li Yu's current practice.

As for the qi of the Dragon Ball world, Li Yu did not give up.

Possessing the divine body of the super-god world, Li Yu found that the tempering of Qi became more and more powerful.

Not to mention owning the legendary Super Saiyan.

Even if Li Yu doesn't practice, the power of his qi will still grow steadily.

So to deal with the king of the gods, Li Yu has been using the power of Taoism.

It belongs to the third floor of Sendai, and has the power of the king of slashing, which is enough to deal with the current situation.

But now.

Since the other party has gone all out.

Then he naturally wants to respond to the king of the Protoss.

Otherwise, look down on him.

"God of the Underworld"

Under the premise of the operation of Taoism, the power of the god of underworld was also inspired by Li Yu.

That is the power of the source.

This power goes further than the so-called rules.

Now Li Yu is only a master of a part of the origin of the underworld god, if he is a complete master.

Then the power belonging to the Underworld God, he can also release all of it.

At that time, the true power of the gods will be unexpectedly terrifying.

After all, a god, he needs the mysteries of many laws of the Master before he can truly become a god.

Those are not the otherworld gods of the earth world, nor the gods in the mythology of Wu Gengji now.

But the real God.

The same body that covers the sky and the sun appears between the heaven and the earth.

With the emperor's crown, black and golden robes cover his body.

At this moment, like a world of despair, the world of reincarnation was born in this world.

Even the black dragon's power to destroy the world can't shake him in the slightest.

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