Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 326 Two big bosses cooperate

Shinigami Carl.

A genius in the past super seminary.

For the ultimate fear, he has his own unique insights into the power of the void.

To a certain extent, it was from Carl that Morgana knew the existence of the ultimate fear, and finally she would embark on a path of evil that belongs to her.

An exploration of the ultimate fear.

Morgana and Carl - also a little different.

Carl is really trying to figure out what, and have the answer.

But Morgana wanted to live happily when the ultimate fear did not come.

This is also the reason for the emergence of demon civilization.

Free, fallen.

The Shinigami Karl, who studies the ultimate fear and the void, has little to cherish relatives, companions.

To say that he recognized it, it was Morgana.

As an offbeat genius, the Shinigami Karl, misses his discussions with Morgana at the Super Seminary.

Morgana was also a genius back then.

Study the ultimate fear with him.

But in the end, as time passed, he was the only one who was still researching this thing, and Morgana was no longer researching.

But Carl's alternative love for Morgana is still very special.

Hua Ye still understands this point.

Because the endings of Keisha and Morgana were different, Hua Ye had another understanding of the Super God Universe.

It finally made him understand that similar changes had taken place in the past.

That is the time change like now.

So nothing should have changed in Shinigami Karl.

Somewhere, where Shinigami Karl lives.

Morgana was caught by Keisha, which still caused some waves in Carl's heart.

What is he going to do now.

As an alternative academic bully, Carl is a little tangled.

Are you going to save Morgana?

If that's the case, Morgana might tell him, but if he doesn't save him, it will be difficult for him to calm down.

"Carl, Carl." A signal came to Shinigami Carl's mind.

This made Shinigami Carl stunned for a moment.

The signal that could be passed into his mind was unfamiliar, and he did not allow such a signal to come in.

But if this person can enter the signal into his mind, it proves that the opponent's strength is also very powerful.

That must be a powerhouse on the same level as Keisha.

Otherwise, this result cannot be achieved at all.

"Who are you?" Shinigami Karl asked.

"Angel Hua Ye, an angel who is out of touch with the times." Hua Ye replied lightly.

"Angel Huaye." Carl's eyes moved.

Although he is a good boy who likes to study, he has also heard of the ruler of the Heavenly Palace before Ten Thousand Years.

That was the king of the angelic civilization before Keisha.

The angel Hua Ye in the past was defeated by Keisha and left the Angel Civilization.

From Carl's point of view, with the power Hua Ye currently possesses, the angel Keisha cannot easily defeat the opponent.

"It turned out to be the king of the Angel Age in the past. I don't know what you have to do with me." Carl asked.

"Karl Shinigami, let's chat like this, okay?" Hua Ye smiled.

The dialogue between the two in their minds is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

"Okay, Mr. Hua Ye, I'll open the passage, you can come in." Shinigami Karl nodded.

As for showing his old nest in front of Hua Ye, Carl has no worries.

For his own strength, Shinigami Karl is also very confident.

His research on the void has reached a very deep level.

compared to the overworld.

The power of the void seems to be stronger and higher.

And if the other party really wants to deal with him, the dialogue between the other party and him will not be like this.

A vortex-like force appeared deep in the corridor.

That's wormhole technology, the power of space.

Allows distant objects to come to his place through this wormhole.

This is the power of technology in the super seminary world.

It is even said that those gods are also a product of technology.


Footsteps sounded at this moment.

Appearing in front of Carl was a middle-aged man in armor with a smile on his face.

He is Hua Ye.

The ruler of the angelic civilization of the old angelic age.

"Karl, Shinigami, this is the first time we met. Hua Ye looked at this Karl.

0...・・ Flowers・

"Yes, Mr. Hua Ye, we met for the first time, but when I was in Super Seminary, I heard about your deeds." Shinigami Carl smiled at Hua Ye.

At this time, Shinigami Carl did not sit down, he still stood facing Hua Ye.

Because this person in front of him is still qualified to let him do this.

"My story." Hua Ye laughed and sat down.

When he sat down, behind him, a chair also appeared quickly.

That is void creation, making things directly from the void.

rather than a product of space.

This point, Shinigami Karl also sees it.

"It's all bad deeds. I'm a loser, a loser who was defeated by a woman." Hua Ye said flatly.


As if the past had no effect on him.

But what to say.

The past events really have nothing to do with this Hua Ye.

After all, that was Hua Ye in the past, he is now a transmigrator, becoming Hua Ye's transmigrator.

Although this deed doesn't seem to be very pleasant, but in the future, you just need to get your face back.

With Hua Ye now possessing the power of the body of the universe.

That can still be done.

"Mr. Hua Ye is joking, your strength is not inferior to that king of angels." Shinigami Carl shook his head.

to this point.

Shinigami Karl never thought about it either.

"Okay, Carl, I have nothing to do with you, Morgana was caught, I think you know. Hua Ye said slowly, "Then I ask you, do you want to save Morgana. ""

"Save Morgana." Shinigami's eyes lit up, "I'm hesitant to save her.

"You are afraid of her blaming." Hua Ye smiled.

As a traveler, he still has some understanding of Shinigami Karl's character.

"A little bit." Carl nodded.

"At this point, if you don't want to show up, you can let me show up. Anyway, I'm going to meet Keisha, my old friend. Hua Ye showed a smile.

"Well..." Carl glanced at Hua Ye, pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

"I understand, Mr. Hua Ye."

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