Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 327 Void Illusion

"I heard that your research on the power of the void is very powerful, and you have also created a power like phantom." Hua Ye said.

After seeing Shinigami Karl.

Hua Ye has his own perception of some of the power contained in Shinigami Carl.

The phantom body is indeed a strange physique.

It's like being in another dimension,

Attacks from the Material Plane cannot cause damage to him.

Only the power of the void level can cause harm to Karl.

And what to say, Carl will not be passively beaten.

Hua Ye didn't know how powerful the power of the void he possessed.

But even so, Hua Ye was very confident in his own strength.

"Yes, Mr. Hua Ye." Shinigami Carl nodded.

"Illusory body, then let me feel it. Hua Ye's eyes flashed with white light.

"Four Seven Zeros"

A strange force enveloped Shinigami Karl.

Shinigami Carl found that his body was constantly changing, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing.

This is something no one has ever been able to do before.

This made Carl's expression show a rare horror.

To know that he was originally a Shinigami, he would not show such a shocked expression.

"Very strange physique." Hua Ye smiled.

In the short period of time just now, Hua Ye already had some understanding of some of the mysteries of the phantom body.

"Mr. Hua Ye, it's not very good for you to behave like this." Shinigami Carl's expression was a little gloomy.

The feeling of uncontrollable power just now was very annoying to Carl.

In a short period of time, under the accumulation of the power of the void, he could not even master the situation.

Maybe give him some time and he can do it.

But obviously, Hua Ye's power only lasted for a short time.

"Haha, Carl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm just a little interested." "Hua Ye's body that was sitting on the chair slowly disappeared at this time.

"By the way, Karl, get ready, and soon, we can start.

The aftermath of Hua Ye's voice echoed in this palace.

"Hua Ye." Looking at the empty hall, Carl's eyes showed a trace of fear.

This old king of angels was more terrifying than he imagined.

"Now that such a terrifying person has appeared, this universe will probably become more chaotic." Carl whispered.

Carl is not wrong about this.

Keisha joined the Wanjie dimension group.

Hua Ye was replaced by a traveler.

This change has made the universe of Super Seminary even more turbulent.

Angel Nebula, City of Angels.

In a special prison, only one person was detained there.

That is the demon Morgana.

"Bichi, you Bichi, you have the ability to kill me." Morgana shouted loudly to Kaisha outside.

Her power was imprisoned, and then locked in this place.

She Morgana couldn't do anything either.

This is the most painful thing about his Morgana.

"Lian Bing, I hope you think about it, if you really want to understand, you can tell me. Keisha said slowly to Morgana, then turned and left here.

Because at this time, she also needs to meet some people.

There are people she respects there, and there are bigwigs who are stronger than him.

As for Morgana, she has been caught anyway, and there is still enough time to educate her later.

"Hexi, why don't you give me a treat. Morgana looked at the other person.

She is the former Tianji King Hexi.

"Lian Bing, I said a long time ago, if you lied to me, then we will only be enemies, and now I think it is the best punishment to keep you trapped here. 35 Hexi said lightly, also left this room.

"Bi Chi, it's all Bi Chi. 35 Morgana's unwilling voice echoed in this room.

In Kesha Palace.

An inexplicable spatial fluctuation occurred, and a dozen figures slowly appeared in this place.

If an angel sees it at this time.

They would probably express shock.

Because in the city of angels, there are only women, but no men.

But now, in Keisha's room, there is actually a man here.

These figures are Thanos, Monkey King, Aizen, Yamamoto and others.

They are all members of the Wanjie Dimension Group.

"President Li Yu, Mr. Thanos, Goku, Aizen..., welcome to my world 0.... Keisha kept greeting.

As Keisha, the king of angels, such etiquette still exists.

Or some people in it are not as strong as her.

But Keisha understands one situation, in the future, she will focus on the Myriad Realms Dimension Group.

Therefore, the relationship in the group naturally needs to be handled well.

She doesn't think of herself as a queen like the other angels.

"Kaisha, you don't need to be too polite." Li Yu smiled, "In the Wanjie dimensional group, they are all partners.

"Thank you, President." Keisha thanked.

"Hello, Keisha." Pluton Ah Cha greeted.

The rest of the others also spoke in succession.

"Everyone, why don't you come and taste the deliciousness of our angel's cooking." Keisha smiled.

As a member of the local universe, Keisha also wants to do the landlord's friendship.

And about Hua Ye's matter, they can also negotiate at that time.

Do more than one thing.

"Okay, Keisha, then we'll be disrespectful." Li Yu responded.

Generally, in such a case, Li Yu will do the job.

That doesn't require the members to agree.

It feels too strange to do so.

However, members of the group agreed.

It's not very good for you to change to anyone else.

Even if it is Thanos, Saitama and others are the same, even if they are very powerful.

Like Li Yu is different.

As the group leader of the Wanjie dimension group.

1.9 He was in the group from the beginning, unlike them who were invited in one by one.

To some extent.

Like Thanos, Aizen and others think even more.

This ten thousand world dimension group is Li Yu's own.

It's just that Li Yu didn't show it.

Joining the Wanjie Dimensional Group has many benefits for the powerhouses of these worlds.

Not to mention the increase in strength is more rapid.

There are sometimes some deaths that you can avoid too.

Take the case of Captain Yamamoto against the Invisible Empire, for example.

Not to mention the appearance of transmigrators and reincarnators.

This makes the original bigwigs in the world even more dangerous.


may be killed.

The ten thousand world dimension group has changed their future and brought them hope.

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