Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 329 Two bets

"Then Aizen, what else do you need to add." Li Yu's eyes turned to Aizen.

Although Li Yu made a simple analysis of this matter, he also wanted to see what Aizen had in mind.

After all, in terms of his ability to deal with conspiracy, the Aizen in front of him is quite capable.

"President, what you just said is what I want to say, I have nothing to add." Aizen shook his head.

For what Li Yu said, Aizen really didn't have too many questions to add.

Otherwise Aizen will also say.

After staying in the Wanjie Dimension Group for so long, Aizen also has some understanding of Li Yu's character.

The president of this dimension group is not a stubborn and conceited person, and he can still listen to some reasonable suggestions.

"Aizen, don't think that what I said is correct just because I'm the president." Li Yu smiled.

"President, I won't think that you are right because you are the president." Aizen also smiled helplessly, "But if I want to ask a question, I also have a question here that I want to ask. Chairman."

"Say."" Li Yu took a sip of the red wine in his hand.

"President, now Hua Ye may go to two places, the earth and the place where we are currently. Are we going to split into two teams?" Aizen asked.

"Well, then I'll go to Earth, and you all stay in the City of Angels, how about that?" Li Yu said with a smile, "If Hua Ye comes to the City of Angels, then it's you who will deal with him this time, of course if you're not his Opponents, you can also ask me for help, and I will rush over immediately.

"Oh." There was a slight smile in Pluton's beautiful eyes, "President Li Yu, you want to take a gamble."

Earth or the city of angels.

Hua Ye appears in any place, in another place, those members will get very few points at that time, and in the other place, if the opponent kills the enemy, then the other party can get most of the points.

vice versa.

"President, since you want to play like this, of course I have no problem.||." Thanos smiled, "It depends on luck anyway.

For these big guys, it is impossible for them to be of great help if they have obtained thousands of points at present.

So this time, even if you don't get any points.

The tyrant doesn't mind either.

"I have no problem here."" Aizen was also smiling.

For Hua Ye's later decision, Aizen actually prefers the King of Angels.

Regardless of whether the other party knows the plot of Super Seminary.

If he knew, he should first come to the city of angels to test. If he didn't know, Hua Ye, who was the king of angels in the past, should also need the authority of angel civilization.

This is what Hua Ye will do first.

"Since the president has such an interest, of course we have to have the courage to participate." Su Da shook her little tail.

Those members all agreed with Li Yu's suggestion, which may also be a form of gambling.

Just look at the target that the traveler will choose, where it is first.

The earth, or the city of angels.

As for Li Yu going to Earth alone, if he really encounters Hua Ye, will the group owner be in danger?

In this regard, the members of these Wanjie dimensional groups really have nothing to worry about.

For these members, the most powerful person in the group is currently considered by most of the group members to be the group owner Li Yu.

This is not only because of Li Yu's status in this group.

It was also accumulated from non-stop battles some time ago.

Especially in the Dragon Ball world not long ago, Li Yu and the opponent's reincarnation broke out with a star-shattering level of combat power.

That really amazes the members of the Wanjie Dimension Group.

And the group members also believed that that was not the real fighting power of the group leader Li Yu.

So even if the points are 70,000 traversers this time, Thanos and the others will not have too much worry.


In this delicious meal, Li Yu made a simple game bet with his members.

Li Yu went to Earth, while they stayed in the city of angels.

Now that the mission of all members of the Wanjie Dimension Group has been started, according to common sense, the time for the other party to act is not far away.

As for how long it will take.

For a few days, it would be fine for Thanos and the others.

What's more, in the process of staying in the super seminary, their points will not be deducted.

In this way, they can stay here with peace of mind.

The super god universe world, to a certain extent, it is also a very special world.

Outside the City of Angels.

Li Yu, Keisha, Thanos and others are here.

Outside the city of angels, that is the boundless universe.

The universe is very large, although angels can survive in such a space, but generally to a certain planet, it is only by relying on space power and wormhole technology to quickly travel to that place.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get from one end of the universe to the other.

Although the genetic technology of the Super Seminary makes some strong people very powerful, there are limits to this kind of power.

"`"President, do you really need to open the wormhole in the City of Angels and let you go to Earth? 35 Keisha stood beside Li Yu and asked quickly.

Li Yu went to Earth, originally Kaisha was going to use the wormhole technology of the City of Angels.

In this way, Li Yu can reach the earth in an instant through some kind of space force, but what Keisha did not expect was that Li Yu refused this suggestion, saying that he had a way.

"No need." Li Yu shook his head, "Everyone, we'll see you then." (Ma Zhao's)

After speaking, Li Yu's figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared in the City of Angels.

He quickly entered the universe.

"Mr. Thanos, can the president do it?" Keisha hesitated.

The distance between the City of Angels and Earth is huge.

It seems impossible to just rely on flying.

"I don't know." Thanos looked at the starry sky where Li Yu disappeared, "Is the strength of the chairman really strong, we haven't seen it yet, I can only say that the strength of the chairman is unfathomable.""

"President." A kind of light flashed in Keisha's eyes.

"Let's go, Kaisha, take us to see your city of angels." Su Da greeted Chuang.

"Come, come." Keisha woke up from the complicated emotions in her heart.

President, that may be someone she will often come into contact with in the future.

Or rather, a man.

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