Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Sunlight Reina

in the universe.

A figure with a strange light appeared in this dark space.

In the dark universe, there are many manic energies, which is completely a forbidden area of ​​life.

in many worlds.

If you want to enter the universe with your body, you also need to have a strong physique, or use energy to isolate the strange energy of the universe.

But in the super seminary, if the body wants to enter the universe, it is a little easier.

You don't need to be like in the fantasy world, your strength is at least the level of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, then you can enter the universe.

To some extent.

Many world power systems have some good points and some shortcomings.

It's just that with the continuous advancement of those forces.

Those deficiencies will gradually be covered up.

Like Li Yu, who possesses an eternal body, he could survive in the universe a long time ago.

Today, nature is more and more easy.

Coming to the city of angels, to the universe of the super god world, Li Yu felt it.

It was as if he had come into his world.

The rules are mysterious, and he can easily use it.

Everything in this world was nakedly displayed in front of his eyes.

Li Yu understands that it's not because of anything else, it's because of his superhuman body.

A terrifying power that evolved from the divine body.

The body of the super god, it seems to involve an instinctive expression of the super god universe.

in other worlds.

The body of the super god can also exert a very powerful power, so in this universe, the destructive power is hundreds of times, and even more amazing.

To some extent.

in this universe.

Li Yu is like an invincible existence.

This point, in the previous earth, Li Yu did not feel it when he was in his own world.

But in today's super god universe, this feeling is very obvious.

"The position of the earth is..." In Li Yu's eyes, there seems to be a lot of data flowing continuously, that is Li Yu is calculating which direction the earth is in this universe.

This is also the amazing computing power brought to him by the body of the super god.

Even on the scale of the entire universe, that is true.

Of course, how far Li Yu can do it is also because this is the super (ahbj) universe.

Like other universes, Li Yu wants to do this, which is almost impossible.

The rule systems of the two worlds are completely different.

Not to mention that the superhuman body will not fit into other universes.

Although the power contained in the superhuman body is still more terrifying than ordinary power.

But compared with the super god world, that is still not the same.

Naturally, Li Yu won't worry too much about these aspects.

Although the superhuman body is powerful, Li Yu is not saying that only this power is the only power, and he will not give up the rest of the power.

Believe it won't take long.

Other powers will also surpass the current superhuman body.

"I found it." Li Yu's pupils exuded a certain light.

Immediately in front of Li Yu, some kind of spatial fluctuation spread out, and Li Yu's figure slowly disappeared in this star field.

somewhere on earth.

"How dare you insult me, the mere gluttonous army." Sunlight Reina coldly shouted with a pale face.

Since the last time the demon Morgana controlled her to detonate a supernova.

The power of Rena's sun was fully activated.

And on the South Blue battleship, General Dukao and many soldiers died at the hands of those demons.

Then the gluttonous army quickly attacked the earth.

In a very short period of time, the earth was filled with war and turned into a battlefield full of gunpowder smoke.

Reina also understands these situations.

Under such circumstances, Reina left the Soldier Company, and she may have acted as Morgana said in the past.

The power of the devil has been unleashed.

It is impossible for such power to be taken back.

But what I didn't expect was that the people of the gluttonous army would put their eyes on her.

He even attacked her with a god-killing weapon just now.

This caused Reina's combat power to drop to the extreme all of a sudden.

"The light of the sun, you don't need to do useless resistance." The gluttonous soldier fell with the weapon in his hand.


Although Reina tried her best to dodge, she was still hit by the weapon and fell to the ground.

At this time, Reina was even weaker.

Although Reina has the sun's light gene, her destructive power is very powerful.

But her super genes have not been developed to the top level.

"The light of the sun, then." The gluttonous soldier walked in front of Reina, and the weapon in his hand suddenly slammed down.

A dazzling white light flashed in front of Taotie's eyes.

In an instant, that gluttonous soldier turned to ashes.

This made another gluttonous soldier's eyes change, and he looked in the direction of the attack.

It was a young man wearing a white robe, and this young man's expression was very relaxed and natural.

These gluttonous soldiers in front of him did not cause any waves in the young man's heart at all.

This young man is naturally Li Yu who left the City of Angels and came to Earth.

As soon as he came to Earth, Li Yu saw the scene where Rena was attacked by the gluttonous soldiers, so Li Yu made a move by the way.

These so-called gluttonous soldiers, their so-called god-killing weapons, have no effect on Li Yu.

"Who are you, do you want to fight against the gluttonous army and become an enemy?" the gluttonous soldier said nervously.

He didn't know how his companion died just now, and the speed of death was so fast.

"The gluttonous army, what is that." Li Yu shook his head.

At present, there is really no fear of Li Yu in the Super God Universe.

Even if it is the headmaster of the super seminary, the space headmaster, that is the same.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Suddenly, Li Yu frowned and said helplessly.

Behind Li Yu.

In the spaceship of the gluttonous army, the terrifying firepower was vented, and it was the attack of the God-killing weapon.

But the living gluttonous soldier and Reina who stood up slowly, they saw an amazing scene.

The attack of the spaceship was confined in the air just like that.

like an amber.

Such a situation looks really weird.

What a terrifying power that is.


Li Yu said softly.

Silently, the spaceship quickly disintegrated.

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