Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 331 Invasion of the Styx Galaxy


The pupils of the gluttonous soldiers were shocked and fearful.

The same power that imprisoned the space like this, what kind of power is that?

Maybe it's the power of God.

Just like their Shinigami.

No, Shinigami will always be the greatest.

The gluttonous soldier was thinking wildly, but instinct made him keep running towards you in one direction.

This seems to be the only choice in the heart of this gluttonous soldier.

In the end, the result of this gluttonous soldier can be imagined.

"Friend, thank you for your shot." Rena- thanked Li Yu.

If the person in front of her hadn't appeared, Lena would have been captured by the gluttonous army.

That would be a real shame for Reina.

real shame.

And judging from the strength performance just now, the opponent's strength is also extremely powerful.

General Pan Zhen of Lieyang Star is probably not as good as the whole person in front of him.

But what makes Reina strange is that she didn't even know about such a person before on Earth.

Such a powerful person may be able to fight against a strong man like Morgana.

"Rena, the light of the sun." Li Yu shook his head, "You still have too little development of your super genes. 35

Li Yu through observation.

Although Reina contains many attack methods of the sun in her body.

But some things are also a great threat to her.

This is also the reason why she has always sealed such power in the past and prevented it from being released.

"Senior, I will work hard." Reina continued.

From Li Yu's words, the person in front of him seemed to be an antique.

This made Reina's expression respectful.

Reina thought that the other party might be an antique, older than her.

Probably similar to Morgana and the previous King of Angels, Keisha.

"Since senior, I will guide you." Li Yu's fingers slightly.

Immediately, Lena found that a lot of information suddenly appeared in her mind, which was about how to improve her sun's light and use the sun's light.

This time, Reina expressed her shock again.

The genetic system that belonged to her Sunlight was silently invaded.

And her genes show no resistance.

If this person in front of her wants to deal with her, she has no resistance at all.

"Many thanks, senior." Lena continued, and then asked cautiously, "Senior, do you know Keisha, Morgana, and Headmaster Space?"

Reina is also very curious about this.

If the person in front of him knew these people, then it should be someone from the same era as those people.

"I still know Keisha and Morgana. As for the Space Principal of the Super Seminary, I think I will meet him soon." A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yu's mouth, and his eyes looked at the sky.

"Oh." Lena nodded.

There was a sure voice in her heart.

Really know Keisha, the headmaster of space.

Perhaps only such a person possesses this terrifying power.

"Lena, goodbye by fate." Li Yu's figure also slowly disappeared from here.

"Senior, what is your name? 33 Lena asked hurriedly.

She still didn't know what the name of the person who saved her was.

"Li Yu.

A faint voice slowly appeared in Reina's ears.

"Li Yu, Li Yu. 35 Lena repeated the name in a low voice, making herself remember the name.

City of Angels.

"Your Majesty, the gluttonous army of the Styx Galaxy has appeared not far from the City of Angels through some force, and the other party is heading towards our City of Angels. Angel Yan said quickly.

At this time, Angel Yan's eyes were full of anger.

The mere gluttonous legions dare to do this, are they trying to court death?

Angel civilization is much stronger than the gluttonous army.

"Shinigami Carl." Keisha's eyes flashed coldly.

It is impossible for the gluttonous army to attack the City of Angels without the support of anyone.

After all, the angel civilization has the highest position in the super god universe.

It would not just be because angelic civilizations have been helping the universe do much justice.

It is also because the strength of the angel civilization itself is also very strong.

This is why the angels can stand in this universe.

0....... ask for flowers ......

Even today in the Ten Thousand Years, that's the same.

In the past ten thousand years, no one dared to deal with the angel.

But now, the gluttonous army of the mere Styx Galaxy dared to do so.

"Karl Shinigami." Angel Yan was stunned, "Your Majesty, why did the other party do this.""

"Yan, the most important thing for you now is to defeat those gluttonous legions for me." Keisha said, "The civilization of the Styx Galaxy would dare to do this, when the angels need to judge the Styx Galaxy.


At this moment, the Styx galaxy has been ordered to perish by Keisha.

Anyway, she Keisha is also the king of the gods.

Now if someone does this, it is insulting her, and it is also insulting the angel civilization.


"Understood, Madam Queen, Yan will arrange it." Angel Yan responded solemnly.

Angel Yan also didn't like the gluttonous army.

Kaisha's order was really happy for Angel Yan.

Fighting is her mission.

"Hexi, you should go too." Kaisha said to Hexi beside him.

There are some things in the City of Angels, except for her Kaisha, that is, Hexi has a certain authority to use them.

Keisha did not intend to deal with the gluttonous army outside.

In the base camp of the City of Angels.

The gluttonous legions that attacked these could not last long.

So there is no need for her, the King of Angels, to play.

"As ordered, King." Hexi responded.

After that, Hexi and Angel Yan left the hall.

Some of the angels in the city of angels are in action.

They will use their power to tell the Styx galaxy, as well as the entire universe, that the angels cannot be shamed.

Count the time of Ten Thousand Years.

Perhaps many people have forgotten the horror of angels.

"Karl, sneak into my city of angels, this is not what the gods did. 35 Keisha's voice slowly said to the empty hall.

The voice fell.

A figure wearing a black robe with gold rim slowly appeared here.

That was Shinigami Karl.

A mentor of the super seminary in the past is also a wizard.

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