Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 335 Infinite Killing

Panicked, worried, afraid, full of murderous intent, determined...

When he heard the news of the traveler, Hua Ye's mood was extremely complicated.

This kind of emotion is more profound and unforgettable than before.

There is a reason why Hua Ye is worried.

After all, judging from the other party's words, Thanos and the others appear here because he is a transmigrator.

In that way, behind Thanos and the others, there must be a powerful presence.

It is precisely because of that existence that all these bigwigs from various worlds can gather in this place.

At this time, a name appeared in Hua Ye's mind.

The main god space, the reincarnation space, etc...

In the past, before transmigration, this transmigrator often read a name that could be seen in novels.

Only that kind of existence can lock in his super god world, and can gather so many people here, just to deal with him.

If you think about it this way, it is natural.

Of course, Hua Ye's slightly panicked mood didn't last too long.

After a short while, Hua Ye's heart was full of killing intent, he wanted to kill these enemies in front of him. 487

The so-called main god space, from Hua Ye's understanding, the other party should not be able to deal with him 100%.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the main god space to have this task.

So Hua Ye stabilized his emotions, he wanted to kill these enemies in front of him.

As for the matter that he was targeted by the main god space, then I will study it later.

This is the situation that needs to be dealt with directly.

"Anyone from the main god space?" Hua Ye's expression became gloomy, " Thanos, Sun Wukong, Saitama, Aizen, although your strength is very strong, this is my universe, the super god universe, not yours. Place, do you think you can really eat me to death? Don't worry, I will let you understand what is the final result

"Then let's see, who is the final winner." Captain Yamamoto's hand appeared a Zanpakutō, and the vast breath permeated.

"Karl, Keisha can only be dealt with by yourself. Now my enemy is stronger than you." Hua Ye said to Carl beside him.

Carl Yi, who is currently beside him, can also help Hua Ye to some extent.

While such help may not seem like much, if the battle is in some kind of stalemate.

Then this kind of power has a great effect.

Not to mention that Carl's strength is more than a straw.

"I understand." Carl responded.

During these times just now, this Shinigami Carl was in a state of daze all the time.

Originally, he came to the City of Angels to rescue Morgana and deal with the King of Angels Keisha.

But in the blink of an eye.

Things have changed a lot.

There are so many enemies in the City of Angels, and the target of these enemies is Hua Ye.

Carl was also a little confused at this time about some of the words Hua Ye discussed with the enemy.

But Carl quickly stopped thinking about it.

For Carl, the most important thing now is to rescue Morgana.

That was his primary goal.

Therefore, defeating the King of Angels Keisha is also the first choice.

"Caisha, come on, this is our battle. The terrifying void force on 35 Karl erupted.

The power of the void.

Different from the power of the main world.

To some extent, this does not require a law of conservation of energy.

If you want to create something, then you can create it directly.

"Everyone, get ready." Angel Keisha whispered.


The space of this great hall showed a slight fluctuation of space.

That is the power of space is stimulated.

Everyone in the palace did not respond, and disappeared in the hall of this city of angels (ahbj) in a blink of an eye.

It turns out that Keisha's most own palace has long been set up.

That is the teleportation of space.

This is a teleportation formation created by Kaisha using the power of the Myriad Dimensional Group.

Because of the power system of the supernatural universe, Karl and Hua Ye did not notice this thing when they entered the palace.

on the other hand.

This is also related to the function of this formation.

This formation is only a teleportation effect, without any lethality, and it will not harm the person being teleported.

This is also an important point.

Otherwise, these powerhouses will still be able to perceive the power that has something to do with them.

Especially if you let yourself have dangerous power, it is even more so.

So Keisha wouldn't do it.

And even if it did.

Perhaps it can't cause too much damage to Carl and Hua Ye.

The strength of these two people is one of the best in the super god universe.

The super god universe, on a barren planet.

Carl, Hua Ye, Keisha, Thanos and others all appeared here one by one.

"This is..." Carl looked around, then heaved a sigh of relief.

There is nothing around him that is dangerous to him.

"In order to prevent damage to my city of angels, how about we put the battlefield here." Keisha said slowly.

"Since you want to do this, why can't I." Karl said coldly.

The previous situation seemed to be carried by Keisha all the time, which was also very unpleasant for Carl.

" Thanos, Aizen, Sun Wukong, Saitama...'

Hua Ye's pupils also had bloodthirsty rays of light.

In these decades, in order to allow his own strength to continuously improve through infinite evolution.

He also carried out many killings.

He was no longer the otaku like ordinary people in the past, but a bloody strong man.

Bloody aura rose from Hua Ye's body.


There are many sins also condensed on Hua Ye.

Of course, there is no such power system as karma in the supernatural universe. As far as Hua Ye is concerned, this kind of thing has no effect on him.

"What an amazing bloody aura." Zixia's pupils glowed with golden light.

The purple haze formed by the illusion of the wick of Buddha Tathagata.

To this kind of bloody perception, it is more sensitive.

Naturally, even if Thanos and the others were not as keen as Zixia, they were aware of it.

It is clear.

The traverser in front of him is also very powerful.

Otherwise, how could the points for this task be set at 70,000 points.

That's also a big number.

Destroy the planet level, that's for sure.

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