Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 336 Dark Matter Black Hole! Eternal Attack!

"In the past, you were all characters that I liked very much. Now I am really excited to face you."

"To deal with you, I won't hide my power. You can also feel what the real power of the super god universe is.""

Hua Ye slowly walked towards Sun Wukong and others.

There were also many Hua Ye around him, all of them seemed to be real.

And the number of Hua Ye is the same as the number of Thanos and others.

It's as if Hua Ye told him that he wants to come alone - to deal with Thanos and them.

at the same time.

The rule system of this world is also constantly changing.

That was changed by Hua Ye's power.

"No one has ever dared to face us with such confidence in the past." Thanos' left hand infinity glove, the light of gems flickered, and his eyes were icy cold.

Such a traveler.

In the eyes of Thanos, that is a real dead man.

Dare to be arrogant in his Thanos, but he doesn't want to survive.

"The blow at the genetic level." Aizen exuded a looming astonishing power, which directly repelled Hua Ye's blow just now.

In the super god world.

The power of this level of technology is sometimes very strange.

However, the original strength of Aizen and others has reached a certain level, plus they understand the power level of the super god world.

This made them face Hua Ye's attack, and they were not in a hurry.

And Hua Ye also noticed this scene.

He understood that it was impossible to simply defeat these enemies in front of him.

"Come on then." Hua Ye's wings spread out and rushed towards his opponents.

A pair of nines.

The traverser in front of him this time is also very rare.

Compared with Yohabach in the Shinigami world last time, this transmigrator has more alternative confidence.

Perhaps this is also Hua Ye's confidence in the body of the universe.

He can unleash cosmic level power.

"The void is locked, and the genetic level is attacked." Karl used the power of the void.


A void force fell on Keisha.

This made Kaisha feel that she was directly suppressed by this force, even if she had the power of a divine body.

What Karl said before, the power of the void is stronger than the power of the main world, that is not without reason.

"Anti-void power. Feeling that he is getting weaker and weaker, a strange power ripples out from Keisha's armor.

This force directly struck the permeable force of the Void Force.

"Slaying God"

The space squirmed, and an angel covering the sky appeared in front of Keisha, and the silver wings were slowly inserted behind the angel.

This angel is the god-killing weapon that easily defeated the demon Morgana before.

Under normal circumstances, Keisha is not easily used.

Because even with Keisha's strength, he could only barely use this god-killing weapon.

Although Keisha's strength in this universe is already one of the best, but to be honest, Keisha's current strength has not reached a kind of Ultimate in this universe.

After all, even the void, Keisha didn't come into contact with that much.

"God-killing weapon." Carl looked at the god-killing weapon Keisha used, "Kaisha, your god-killing weapon can't do anything to me at all."

as the owner of the phantom.

This god-killing weapon does no harm to him.

Except for weapons against phantoms.

That is a different form of energy from the power system of the main world.

To a certain extent, the power system of the void is more terrifying than the power system of the superhero world.

But Carl said so, but he also fought back.

"Void simulation, the sun shines on Madara."

Carl exerted his own powerful strength.

That is an attack mode that simulates the light of the sun, Sun Yat Madara.

The fiery white light bombarded the huge angel.

Sunshine Madara, released by Shinigami Karl, is even scarier than Reina, and amazing.


That huge angel, the long sword in his hand suddenly fell, and the space was turbulent.


The two forces collided together, and an earth-shattering sound resounded in this desolate land.

This piece of land is constantly being blasted.

"The body of the universe, the dark matter black hole.

Hua Ye's fist swung out, like a spinning black hole appeared, and everything around was torn apart terribly.

 …・・ Flowers・ …

This is Hua Ye's black hole-like power.

His cosmic body allows him to push most of the energy forms of the super-divine universe.

The power of the void is only one of the energies that Hua Ye can burst out.

This is also the reason why Hua Ye will be confident.

Even if Thanos and the others appeared here, that would be the same.

After all, in Hua Ye's memory.

Thanos, Monkey King, Aizen, Yamamoto, Saitama and others are terrifying.

But most of them are just planetary.

In other words, it can destroy the planet, but no matter how powerful it is, it seems that it is not enough.

Naturally, Hua Ye couldn't be 100% sure.

For example, if Thanos is a character in Marvel comics, let's say Thanos who got the heart of the universe.

So even if he is now, he will not be his opponent.

For example, if Sun Wukong is the super blue state of Sun Wukong, then for him, he is also very dangerous.

But in Hua Ye's heart, he has such a cognition.

The other party is a person in the main god space, and the other party will come to deal with him, so it means that the other party cannot defeat him 100%.

Otherwise, there is no test for this team.

In the past novels, the death rate of these teams was very high.

They were all killed by the enemies of the original world.

So now he, Hua Ye, will do the same.

Therefore, Hua Ye is still very confident in himself.

It's just that Hua Ye never thought about what would happen if Thanos and the others were not the main gods.

"The power of the black hole." Thanos' pupils showed a ray of light, and the infinite glove in his left hand blasted out.

Many colors condensed together to form a world-destroying attack.

Under the collision of terrifying forces.

What changed Hua Ye's face was that his dark matter black hole had been breached.

"Infinite fusion, eternal attack.

Thanos' own power fused with the power of the Infinity Stones.

A force that crossed the rules erupted.

After joining the Wanjie dimension group.

Although Thanos is one of the best in strength, Thanos has not given up on improving himself.

He is also improving himself all the time.

As if at this moment, Thanos' Ultimate attack broke out.

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