Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 337 Saitama! Super serious punch!

"How could such an attack be possible?" Hua Ye's pupils flashed in disbelief.

The opponent's attack exceeded the limit of the rules.

Under such an attack, the super god universe has issued an amazing rule distortion.

He felt his body locked in place.

The connection between the body of the universe and the super-divine universe was cut off.


The terrifying infinite and eternal power drowned Hua Ye in an instant, and Hua Ye's body instantly turned to ashes under such destructive power.

Those things with deep genes are also quickly decomposed and disappeared under the attack of Thanos.

"Hua Ye." Thanos' pupils flashed a certain light.

Although Hua Ye was killed by him, there was no joy in Thanos' heart.

Because the Hua Ye in front of him is not the real him.

At this point, when Thanos fights with the opponent in the "four eight seven", there is such a feeling.

The opponent's strength is indeed strong, but it has not yet reached the level of 70,000 points.

And those clones that Hua Ye split up at that time did not disappear.

"Cosmic body, star strike.

Hua Ye's wings fluttered, and he flew into the air. The power belonging to the supernatural universe was constantly merging with the rule system of this world.

The power of the cosmic body.

That has enabled countless basic energy conservation rules.

It is possible to turn the fake into the real in a short period of time.

In the supernatural universe, these are some manifestations of power.

Like the big clock in the super seminary, it can calculate the evolution and changes of the entire universe.

It's just that even if it's a big clock, it has a limit, and that's the limit of this universe.

That's exactly what happened.

Only like Shinigami Karl will study the power of the void so wholeheartedly.

Let's not talk about these for now.

When Hua Ye broke out such an attack, in the sky, a black sphere flickering with pitch-black lightning exploded continuously.

The surrounding space is also under the influence of this terrifying energy, and it is constantly dilapidated.

This black sphere covers the sky.

Although it cannot be compared with the real star, the power contained in it is still extremely terrifying, and it is not inferior to the power of the star.

After this terrifying stellar strike was released.

The ground on which Saitama stood below was constantly shattering.

The energy did not fall to the ground, and the ground could no longer bear the influence of such terrifying stellar power.


When this power really falls on this planet.

For a moment.

This planet will be engulfed by this black sphere at once.

The power of the stars is so terrifying.

Among many stars, the level of stars is much more powerful than that of ordinary planets.

Just like the Milky Way, the earth and the sun, they are two different stars.

That's why the sun's light is so terrifying.

"What a powerful force." Saitama stood on the ground, ignoring the constantly crumbling ground around him.

In the area where Saitama's footsteps are about one meter, the power of the stars seems to have no effect.

This seems to be Saitama's domain.

Don't look at Saitama as a purely physical limiter that keeps opening.

But after joining the Wanjie Dimension Group, Saitama is also making up for his shortcomings.

This makes Saitama's adaptability in various worlds even better.

It was as if Saitama was now facing the force of this stellar strike.

"It's really a terrifying power." Saitama's pupils shone with excitement.

As a strong man in the dimensional group of the world, in addition to facing some small partners in the dimensional group.

Facing a confrontational enemy, Saitama hardly faced this formidable opponent.

Occasionally, it is not his Saitama who is the main attack force. Now this person named Hua Ye is fighting from beginning to end.

That feeling is still very different.

Facing the opponent's destructive attack now, there is no place for Saitama to be afraid at all, and it will only make Saitama's fighting spirit burn more and more vigorously.

At this moment, I saw Saitama's body squatting slightly, the terrifying power condensed in his feet.

In Saitama's body, the body that opened the limiter was increasing his power every second at this time.

"Super serious punch. 35


Saitama's body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the black sphere with an indomitable aura.

The ground that Saitama stepped on was also constantly shattering, causing half of the planet to be affected.  …

If you look down from the sky.

It can be found that half of this planet is constantly disintegrating under such power.

Super serious punch.

From the reaction force of Saitama's attack just now, it was also extremely terrifying.

After a while.

Saitama's fist landed on the black sphere.

A violent sound resounded in the air.

The dazzling white light flickered from time to time.

A scene that Hua Ye couldn't believe appeared.

His stellar strike was directly blown up by Saitama from the One Punch Man.

To know the past in his memory.

This One Punch Man Saitama is not so terrifying.

In fact, most people who meet Saitama will have this idea.

But in the world of One Punch Man, even Boros only allowed Saitama to exert part of his power.

Speaking of powerful power, in the world of One Punch Man, there is no opponent who can let Saitama exert his full strength.

Not to mention joining the Wanjie dimensional group, although Saitama's own power is very powerful.

But seeing so many strong people in the group, he is more motivated than himself in the original history.

After all, in the original history.

Because Saitama's strength is too strong, he will be moved and very bored, and he has not exercised much.

That is just a limiter that allows himself to open, and constantly increases his strength.

It can be said that Saitama at node 1.9 at this time is much stronger than Saitama in the original history.

Saitama at this time faced Saitama in the original history, and that might also be able to break the self at that time.


With Saitama's super serious punch, after blowing up the black sphere, the terrifying power made the universe boil, and instantly drowned the surprised Hua Ye.

From blasting his attack, to destroying him.

The time interval is also very short, and he didn't react very much when it was short.

This Hua Ye clone facing Saitama was also blown up in a short time.

at the same time.

The rest belonged to Hua Ye's clones, and they also felt this situation.

This time the situation was beyond his Master.

The enemy he faced was more terrifying than he imagined.

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