Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 338 Supernova Strike

"Void simulation, supernova strike."

The power of the void in Carl continued to boil.

A supernova strike, a force capable of destroying stars.

Facing Keisha, the king of the gods in front of him, Shinigami Karl can no longer hide his strength.

And Carl also found a situation.

In the rest of this planet, a very terrifying and tragic battle took place, and the aftermath of that battle, even his Carl, was terrified.

So he has to defeat Keisha as soon as possible so that he can go and rescue Morgana.

Accomplish what he wants to do this time.

"Angel Sword, Final Judgment."

That angel that covered the sky and the sun, the long sword in her hand also shone, like a huge star hidden in this long sword.

In the end, this terrifying angel drives this amazing force of terror.

Keisha, the king of the gods.

She also has her own trump card, otherwise how could her reputation spread in this universe.

Stellar-level power strike, 07 is the terrifying destructive power of Keisha today.

But even so.

She was also shocked by the attack on Carl.

Originally, she thought that the power of the void was only a strange power.

But what she did not expect was that the power of the void, as a purely offensive power, was so terrifying.

Destroying the stars is really a no-brainer.

An astonishing supernova strike collides with the power of the Final Judgment.

It was literally like a planet exploding.

The power of terror is venting in all directions.

The planet under the feet of Keisha and Karl is being destroyed at an extremely fast speed.

This planet will be like this, not only because of the collision of Kaisha and the others, but also related to the battle between Hua Ye and the powerhouses in the other places.

The battle of these bosses, where they erupted, is constantly destroying this lifeless planet.

As if Saitama was just a step.

Half of the planet was almost destroyed by Saitama's one step.

From this situation.

As the members of the Wanjie Dimensional Group become stronger and stronger, their battlefields must be slowly separated from the planet, and the universe must be used as a combat unit.

Of course, this is only for a world with a cosmic system.

If it is those planes, the power system of the big world, then it is different.

They seem to condense the system of the planet into the plane world.

For example, the flood in the mythological system.

The flood is endless.

It's like a real universe.

in such a world.

The rule system will become more complete.

It is difficult to exert the combat power to destroy a planet in the universe.

But in most worlds.

The strength of people like Saitama, Sun Wukong, Thanos and others is really top notch.

a moment.

"Boom" sounded loudly.

This planet that was about to reach the end of its life completely exploded and was completely destroyed.

in the universe.

Carl and Keisha face each other.

As the gods of the super-divine universe, the two of them naturally have the ability to survive in the universe.

Or the dimensional group members who have come to this world now.

They all have the ability to survive in the universe.

Even in the face of the explosion of the planet, they can protect themselves.

This scene.

For Sun Wukong, Thanos and others, it is still a bit of a habit.

In Dragon Ball World, they also experienced the explosion of the earth.

Now just take the experience of the Dragon Ball world and do it all over again.

"The king of the gods, as expected of the king of the gods, your strength is really strong." Carl's voice sounded in this universe.

From the corner of his eye, he looked not far away, as if he saw other members of the Wanjie Dimensional Group.

In some places, there seems to be some results.

That angel Hua Ye seemed to be unable to hold on.

If he doesn't end this battle quickly, then even he, Carl, will be very dangerous.

The strength shown by Keisha was beyond Carl's expectations.

Originally, although Karl showed great respect for the king of the gods, but with Karl's continuous understanding of the void.

There is not as much respect for the King of Angels as it seems.

He thought that it should be easy to deal with the King of Angels Keisha with his power.

But he didn't expect that under the real battle, the situation was not as good as he thought.

Keisha's strength is even more terrifying than he imagined, and it is amazing.

"Karl, Shinigami, your strength is also very good." Keisha laughed, "As expected of a person called Shinigami.

"King of Angels, if you let me take Lian Bing, then I will leave immediately, and I will not join forces with Hua Ye. Carl said slowly.

From the previous situation.

Compared with himself, Hua Ye faced more and more amazing enemies.

So this Shinigami Karl didn't want to take the blame for Hua Ye, so he said this.

If Keisha didn't think she would be his match, perhaps Keisha would have decided that way.

After all, compared to him, Hua Ye's risk factor is higher.

He has no grudge against the Angelic Civilization.

Only Hua Ye has it.

487 How to say that Hua Ye was the master of Angel Civilization in the past, not her Keisha.

The grudges of the past, even after so long, could not be forgotten.

"Karl, I will not accept your suggestion." Keisha looked serious and said solemnly, "Karl, you led the Styx galaxy to attack the City of Angels, and you want to take away the prisoner Morgana without authorization, do you think that Can such a thing be done like this?"

As the king of the gods, Keisha has her own pride in her heart.

Or replace it with a general king, and the other party will agree with Carl's suggestion.

But Keisha won't.

Even if Carl is very powerful and a dangerous person, that is the same.

This is the measure of being a king.

Otherwise, people with strong strength can arbitrarily invade the City of Angels.

She couldn't let Carl make such a head start.

That's a trampling of angelic civilization.

"King of Angels." Shinigami Carl's eyes darkened, "Since this is the case, then let you feel what the real void is. 99

"Then Keisha, merge with the void and become a part of the void.

Shinigami Karl's body was looming.

In this universe, the power of the void has led to the Ultimate.

"Void dissolves..."

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