Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 339 God's Justice

Void dissolves.


The cosmic space made an inexplicable sound, as if this space was melted.

No, or rather under the power of the void, this is true dissolution.

The rule system of the main world is also constantly cracking, turning into the power of the void.

And this dissolving power spreads towards Angel Keisha at an extremely fast speed.

In this way, the power of dissolution seems to be much weaker than the power of the supernova strike just now.

But in terms of the terrifying power of power, the current void dissolution is the real terrifying.

Even if the light of the sun releases the power of destroying the sky and the earth, it will be swallowed up in an instant under the dissolution of this void.

That is a power system that is even more terrifying than the black hole of the main universe.

In the super god universe, the power of the void is more terrifying than most of the main universe.

"Avoid." Keisha had such an intuitive feeling in her heart as she looked at this amazing power of the void.

If faced with the power in front of her, it would still be very dangerous for her.

But when Keisha wanted to escape from the dissolving power of the void, she found that the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned.

She couldn't rush out quickly from the force of this blockade.

"Kaisha, it's impossible for you to get out of my void blockade in a short time, even with your strength, that's the same." Karl said slowly in the distance.

Regarding Keisha's situation, Carl also saw it.

This made Carl say confidently.

For several Ten Thousand Years, Carl's continuous research on the void has made him understand that world more deeply than ordinary people.

His Master's power is also much stronger than ordinary people.

If the king of angels in front of him dies in his hands, it can also prove his efforts and his strength.

Void, that is the true ultimate power of this universe.

"Karl, do you really think that the void is the most powerful force?" Keisha's pupils shone with a ray of light.

The escape just now made Keisha sure, just as Karl said, she couldn't get out of the void blockade in a short time.

So she can only face Karl's Void Dissolving attack this time.

Only by surviving such an attack can she have hope for the future.

"Get out.||.

A terrifying image of an angel slowly appeared in front of Keisha, holding a giant sword in his hand.

"God's Crown"

A golden crown inlaid with rubies twisted in the void and fell on the head of this huge angel.

The strange power resonated with the angel.

A golden light slowly spread out from this huge statue of an angel.

under this amazing force.

The rules of the main universe are also boiling under the image of this angel.

Even the Void Dissolving from the rapid attack has slowed down a little.

"This kind of power is the power of the main universe?" Carl's expression changed slightly.

The power of the main universe is so amazing, and it has already threatened the power of the void.

You must know that in the eyes of this Shinigami Karl, the power of the void is the existence that completely crushes the power of the main universe.

In fact, Keisha's attack this time has not just used her past power.

She also used some power she got from the Wanjie Dimension Group.

Facing an opponent like Shinigami Karl who has research on the void, Keisha naturally needs to strengthen her strength.

In addition, as the king of angels, to a certain extent, Keisha has the right to rule this universe.

Naturally, she can easily have certain treasures in her hands.

In this way, she can also exchange for some points in the dimensional group, and these points are enough to make a huge change in her strength.

This is also the reason why Keisha can still take action against Karl at this time.

"God's justice..."

The huge angel statue stepped forward, and the giant sword exuding golden light in both hands also slashed out at the same time.


The golden light fell on the torrent of energy dissolving in the void.

The dull sound continued to spread.

Under normal circumstances, the void can easily swallow and annihilate other energy quickly.

But this time Keisha's attack, Karl's Void Dissolving couldn't do it.

The two forces were stalemate in this star field.

The power of the violent rules continued to spread in all directions.

It can be said that under such energy.

Even if the top powerhouses of the super god universe enter here, they will be seriously injured or even killed by the impact of the two energies.

This is the terrible aftermath of the current attack between Karl and Keisha.

After a while.

What made the King of Angels look slightly changed was that her power was slowly suppressed by Karl, and then pushed towards her.

The time she had joined the Wanjie Dimensional Group was still too short.

This makes her strength not yet able to truly compete with Shinigami Karl in progress.

"`"Infinity Stones, the power of rules"

A terrifying power of the rules surged and bombarded from one direction, and the target of this energy was Shinigami Karl.

This made Carl curse inwardly.

If this happens, it means that Hua Ye's side should fail.

Otherwise, how could the other party take such an opportunity to deal with him.

Karl wants to use the power of the void to annihilate the opponent's power.

When Carl changed color.

His Void Power has no suppressing effect on the opponent's power.

Instead, it seemed that he was being suppressed.

As the tyrant who owns the infinite gems, his power is different from that of the super god universe.

Naturally, it will not be suppressed by the power of the void in this universe.

But for Carl, this is normal.

After all, Carl's world is just the world of the super god universe. Even if he has a lot of understanding of the void (Qian Zhao), it is only the beginning.

But the Wanjie dimensional group is different.

They have seen too much of the world.

Each world's power system will be different.

They are also very used to it.

It's just obvious that Carl didn't adapt to such a situation.

The power of the Infinity Stones shattered the invisible void blockade around Karl and drowned Karl's body.

When Carl's body reappeared, his expression was a little ugly.

The phantom body was also severely hit by the attack just now.

"Super serious punch"

The universe is twisted by this force, that is the word of terrifying force that makes the rules seem to disappear.

Power comes to Ultimate's attack.

It was as if in the universe, a dazzling black light appeared in front of Carl's eyes.


Karl's complexion changed drastically, and he used the power of the void once again.

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