War Emperor

Chapter 1003: Rolling

Chapter One Thousand and Three Crushing


After speaking, a large black light burst out from his whole body, and the sword in his hand, with a ground-breaking posture, severely cut the head of Lin Han, and the majestic power made the entire mountain tremble.

Lin Han was not afraid, the Huo Lin Burning Heaven Sword in his hand violently raised and banged, emitting an extremely surging fire, and violently collided with the black energy.

But I have to say that Han Li had almost reached the stage of the late Saint Emperor, which was much stronger than Xiao Long, and Lin Han was shocked to take a step back.

"Hahahaha, I thought you were capable. Even with your strength, you dare to yell at me. You are not worthy of even giving me shoes." Han Li suddenly laughed.

Originally, Lin Han wanted to deal with the descendants of the Seven Great Demon Races and the Four Great Royal Races by himself, but he still muttered in his heart whether Lin Han really had real talents.

Now I was relieved, even with a random sword he couldn't take it down, it was just an ant.

"Your strength is better than Xiao Long. I was just a little surprised. You might as well try it again." Lin Han smiled faintly.

"Okay, it seems that you are not convinced, today I will convince you." Han Li laughed wildly, Lin Han only had the strength of the mid-term Lingdi, and he didn't care about it at all.

Right now, he yelled, the black magic sword in his hand burst out with a monstrous black mist light, and once again struck Lin Han with a sword. This time, the air from above was even more terrifying, and a huge black long snake appeared. When he came out, he opened his mouth wide and bit towards Lin Han fiercely.

"This is the Nine Nether Snake Sword Technique!"

This place has long attracted the attention of many people nearby, and everyone can't help being surprised.

The Nine Nether Snake Sword Technique is of the Nine Nether Snake Clan, an extremely powerful sword technique that has reached the level of high-level original combat power.

With the strength of the Han calendar approaching the late Saint Emperor, it burst out, and the power was very strong.

Lin Han only had the strength of the Spirit Emperor in the mid-term, and could not be an opponent.

"Bring it to me!" However, Lin Han yelled. Fire burst out from the whole body, and the Fire Lin Tian Sword in his hand seemed to have been completely activated. A terrifying crimson light blasted straight into the sky for nine days, allowing the nearby area to be clearly seen for thousands of miles, which was extremely spectacular.

He poured all 40 billion catties of supernatural power into his body.

Without the slightest reservation, this sword moved the sky. As soon as Hajime was exhibited, the entire valley collapsed. I don't know how many towering ancient trees were broken and burned into nothingness.

He didn't use his combat skills, but under the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword and Wushuang's body, this sword was even more terrifying than combat skills.

"No, how could you be so powerful?" Han Li was shocked, unable to believe his eyes. Lin Han was just a character in the middle of the spirit emperor, how could such a terrifying sword burst out, even under this sword I smelled a horrifying force like a landslide and a tsunami, and felt a little irresistible.

The confidence in his heart was extinguished like a basin of cold water, and his whole body was cold and trembling.

If he can't resist it, he will be in great danger.


Sure enough, under Lin Han's powerful sword, Han Li's sword light burst out like mud in the flood, it was defeated and disintegrated.

And the sword aura, like a tsunami, is rolling and roaring, with a sweeping, devastating, unparalleled taste.

"Ah, stop me!" Han Li yelled suddenly, displaying his life's strength, a black long sword, lying across his chest, condensing a huge sword gang, wanting to resist.

It's a pity that it's useless. Lin Han's 40 billion jin of supernatural power has the aura of destroying everything, so after the sword aura came, Han Li's Jian Gang instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Han Li uttered an extremely screaming scream. The whole person was shaken off and hit a big mountain not far away. Only one big mountain collapsed from the middle of the mountain. The boulder rolled, the ancient wood broke, and he was very embarrassed.

Many people took a deep breath, and their eyes were filled with horror. This is Han Li, a famous genius among the eight monster races, if they were directly crushed by Lin Han.

Lin Han's strength has shocked everyone! So young, too abnormal.

"Ah, I'm not convinced." After a while, Han Li crawled out of the ruins, with disheveled hair and ragged clothes, very angry.

However, he looked at Lin Han's eyes but a touch of jealousy appeared!

Lin Han's terrifying power has already caused a shadow of color in his heart.

"Is not convinced? If you dare to come again, you will still be crushed by me. If you don't believe me, you can continue to try." Lin Lianlin smiled.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, he was holding the Fire Lin Tian Sword in the air, and the immortal flames wrapped him around him, setting off him, like a flame god, with extraordinary style.


This sentence was like a slap in the face of Han Li, making his face flushed and hot!

He was so humiliated by the famous genius of the demon clan!

"I don't believe it, today there is you without me!" Han Li roared, and a terrifying black light burst out from his body. Then, the whole person suddenly turned into a huge black snake, coiling around the entire valley, which is a thousand meters long. The size of a huge snake head is the size of a low mountain, and the snake's letter is spit out, revealing an extremely fierce smell!

"Han Li is desperate!" Many people exclaimed. The Yaozu displayed its body state, that is, when it was at its strongest, it would not display it until it was in a desperate state. This is obviously the case now.

"Kill!" Han Li pointed out the huge snake head and violently bit towards Lin Hanzhe, setting off a terrifying momentum, blowing the entire valley collapsed, extremely powerful!

"Hmph, looking for death!" However, Lin Lian Lian laughed, and punched it without saying a word, and displayed the Doomsday Scourge Fist. A terrifying huge thunderstorm appeared and directly enveloped Han Li.

"Forbidden God Tribulation, you actually have the power of Taboo God Tribulation!"

Han Li's eyeballs were about to come out, this is the most terrifying power in the world, Lin Han actually has it, this is too abnormal, how to fight this, there is simply no chance of winning!


In the end, without the slightest accident, he was beaten to vomit blood and collapsed and flew out. This time it was even more miserable. The huge snake head was beaten with sorrow and blood, almost disintegrating.

"Master Sun, kill him for me!" He was completely horrified, only gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"Don't worry, Young Patriarch, he will leave it to me." Grand Master Sun sneered, and looked down at Lin Han and said, "Boy, I am the Formation Mage. During your battle with the Young Patriarch, I have arranged one. If you know the sky thunder formation, surrender obediently and die."

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