War Emperor

Chapter 1004: Typhoon

The first thousand and four chapters


As soon as his voice fell, a larger magic circle rose up around the valley, covering a range of thousands of meters nearby, and the thunderclouds in the sky flashed, revealing an extremely powerful charm.

This Heavenly Thunder Array was an extremely overbearing existence in the early days of the Heavenly Rank, and it was about to rival the mid-term Heavenly Array, and it was also the most powerful formation that Master Sun could master.

And this formation is not the same as the tribulation of the sky, it is endless, with the formation mage, allowing it to adjust, although the power is slightly worse than the tribulation of the doomsday, but the durability and difficulty are much stronger.

So being caught in this kind of great formation is, to some extent, more terrifying than being caught in a catastrophe.

"Haha, Master Sun, you really didn't disappoint me, Lin Han, you are dead." Han Li laughed.

Under this formation, he believed that Lin Han would definitely die even if he had three heads and six arms.

The corner of Master Sun’s mouth overflowed with a sure smile, and said, “Lin Han, hurry up and apologize to Master Han Li. I can make you suffer less, otherwise, be careful that I really let you taste the thunderstorm today. Life is not as good as death."

However, Lin Han sneered and said: "Just this one early formation of the heavenly rank, do you think you can control me? If I am also a formation mage, do you believe it?"

"Magic array? Hahahaha..." Master Sun looked up to the sky and laughed, and said: "Lin Han, you are too exalted. There is no one in the cultivator of the array, and there are very few who have achieved success. I You are the Great Array Formation Emperor, even if you are an Array Mage, what about it, you can't break my great formation at all!"

"Is that right? Open your eyes and see clearly!" However, Lin coldly smiled, and with a sigh, he directly cast a piercing step and flew towards a certain node of the formation, flashing in his eyes. With cyan light.

Relying on the formation of good fortune, he has now reached the level of the great emperor of the formation. In addition, he has the eyes of breaking delusions and has excellent eyesight. Therefore, this sky thunder formation is nothing but him. He will soon He saw the flaw.


Immediately afterwards, Lin Han came to the formation node and hit the node with a fist.

With a click, the formation node broke in response, and the entire formation, like cracked porcelain, exploded and turned into pieces.

"No, how is this possible, how can you break my formation at will, are you... the high-ranking formation emperor?"

Master Sun suddenly vomited blood and said in amazement.

Han Li also looked shocked, the high-ranking formation technique emperor, this is simply unimaginable, is Lin Han really such a pervert?

Today, there are very few people who can reach the upper rank formation emperor.

"Yes, I am the high-ranking emperor of formation technique. With just your slight deeds, I will make an axe in front of me. I can't help but let you see what the real formation is." Lin Leng Leng smiled, his hands printed on his chest. , The good fortune formations are running and opening, and suddenly the formations are suddenly changed, and the situation changes.

After reaching the upper rank of the Great Emperor, he can form some simple big formations without materials, and the power is also very powerful.

So in a short while, the entire valley was laid out by Lin Han, a formation of wind disaster!

This was caused by the great solar hurricane before he evolved.

The formation formed, trapping Grandmaster Sun and Han Li, and the wind condensed, like a terrifying tornado, raging on the earth, shocking people's hearts.

As long as it landed, it could tear everything in the world, and nothing could resist.

"Oh my God, is the high-ranking formation emperor really?" Grandmaster Sun and Han Li were completely amazed, and being able to set up a large formation between their gestures was the symbol of the high-ranking formation great.

Lin Han is so young, in addition to having such a strong strength, he is still a high-ranking formation emperor who is famous all over the world.

"Stop talking nonsense, Han Li, surrender to me now, otherwise, I will immediately let you die on the spot!" Lin Lengren shouted coldly, standing in the air like a god.

Han Li couldn't help but slapped a spirit, completely frightened in his heart. He had no doubt that if Lin Han really urged the storm, he would really die in the first place.

Under this huge formation, he smelled a strong death threat.

"Lin Han, you..." He gritted his teeth, if he surrendered like this, he would be unwilling.

"Okay, it seems that I won't show you some color, you don't know my method, the sun is stormy, start, kill!"


Along with Lin Han's cold drink, a gang wind, like an invincible sword, slammed Han Li.


The speed was too fast, and Han Li didn't react at all. The huge snake's body cut a huge wound of 100 meters long. The blood flowed like a big river in the mountains and forests, staining many ravines, a piece of scarlet.

"Ah!" Han Li let out a heartbreaking yell, and almost smashed his heart, making him unhappy.

"Surrender or die, choose for yourself!" Lin Han did not say much, and continued indifferently.

"I choose to surrender!" Han Li was finally scared. The strong wind disaster array made him completely frightened. It was just a random wind, and it almost killed him. If so many winds were true. When they landed together, he and Master Sun would definitely be bombarded and killed even a scum.

So he changed back into a human form and knelt to Lin Han.

Master Sun was also trembling, surrendering to Lin Han!

A high-ranking formation emperor gave him too much coercion.

"This is pretty much the same. This is a pill. You can take it. Every six months or so, I will give you an antidote. Otherwise, you will try to bite the bones of all insects and die. You should understand that. Planted out." Lin Han casually threw a pill to Han Li, said.

These are some poison pills that he randomly configures when he refines the advanced body tempering pills, the purpose is to control some people.

Although the method is somewhat inhumane, the situation is special, and he only has this.

Han Li felt bitter, knowing that after taking this pill, he would be loyal to Lin Han forever and become a zombie, but now he has to do the same, only to pick up the pill with trembling hands and take a mouthful After eating...

"Very well, rest assured, follow me, I will not treat you badly, and if you behave well, I will give you the "Snake Staff" of the Nine Nether Snake Clan in the future." Lin Han smiled.

"Heavenly Snake Rod?" Han Li's body trembled suddenly and his face was shocked.

Legend has it that the Celestial Snake Rod was made by the ancestors of their Nine You Snake Clan. In the Nine You Snake Clan, it has always had the supreme symbolic meaning and its power is infinite.

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