War Emperor

Chapter 1039: Sorry, I also have weapons

The first thousand and thirty-nine chapters, sorry, I also have weapons

Five Zao Wou-ki's Taiyuan clocks, together, are not the opponents of this blue gold knife.

Zhao Rongpeng showed all this knife, obviously it's really moving.

"Lin Han, it is also your honour to die by my knife." Zhao Rongpeng laughed and said abruptly.

Fourth-grade imperial weapon, this is a very strong level.

There are huge differences between each weapon, the small gap.

Inside the blue gold knife, there is a very precious piece of blue gold, so Taiyuan Clock is not in the same class as it.

After using this knife, he didn't pay attention to Lin Han at all.

"Really, I'm sorry, I also have weapons!" However, Lin cold smiled, with a move of heart, he sacrificed the prehistoric sword-making furnace and hovered above his head.

"Haha, what's the use of this tattered stove? In front of my blue gold knife, it is purely a piece of rotten iron!" Zhao Rongpeng suddenly laughed louder.

Lin Han's stove looked very old, except that it was surrounded by a hazy light, and it was a bit mysterious. It was really hard to see.

"Lin Han, do you want to use this stove to contend with the blue gold knife? Your head was caught by the door and it was broken."

"Killing me."

The members of the Tiger Club also laughed out of their stomachs, as if they had seen the funniest thing, tears came out.

Compared with the blue gold knife, such an inconspicuous stove is not enough to look at.

"Then you look at the power of my stove." However, Lin coldly smiled, and with a loud boom, there was an ancient, old, and magnificent aura on the stove, sweeping in all directions like a mountain torrent. The wind and clouds on the sky are changing color, and the sun and the moon are dull.

This is like the resurrection of some kind of Xeon artifact, earth-shattering.

"how can that be?"

"This stove has such a powerful aura?"

Zhao Rongpeng and the members of the Tiger Society were all shocked, their scalp numb with their staring eyes, and shouted.

Lin Han's tattered stove, so inconspicuous, with such a terrifying aura, made them feel like hell, unacceptable.


Unfortunately, Lin Han didn't give them too much time to be shocked. He drove the prehistoric sword forging furnace, and immediately smashed towards Zhao Rongpeng.

The breath carried on it was like a piece of sky overwhelming, making the members of the Tiger Society cold and chilling.

"No, stop it for me!" Zhao Rongpeng's face also changed drastically, smelling an overwhelming odor, his back was wet with sweat, only pinning his hopes on the blue gold knife.


It's a pity that it's not useful at all. The Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace is too strong and crushes all weapons of the same level. Even if Zhao Rongpeng's blue gold knife is much stronger than Taiyuan Bell, it is still useless.

At the moment of the collision, the blue gold knife was directly shattered like a tile. Then, it was swallowed by the prehistoric sword-making furnace, and it was like nourishment to replenish itself. The breath from the body became more powerful.


Zhao Rongpeng immediately spouted a mouthful of blood and fell from the sky. The blue gold knife was the magic weapon for his life. It was swallowed at this moment and caused great damage to him, and the source was traumatized.

The members of the Tiger Club were even more horrified.

Oh my God, this is the Blue Golden Knife, it was swallowed by Lin Han's weird stove, which is too weird.

"You guys, are you still looking for trouble with me now?" Lin Han summoned the Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace back, striding towards Zhao Rongpeng and sneered.

The members of the Tiger Society were all shocked, staggering back a few steps, and no longer the arrogance and domineering before.

Witnessing Lin Han's strength shocked them.

"Lin Han, what are you doing?" Zhao Rongpeng also twitched in fright, a pale white on his face, and he trembled.

In Lin Han, he smelled a cold murderous aura, which made him feel a touch of fear.

He had seen with his own eyes that Lin Han had killed Zao Wuji before, fearing to follow in his footsteps.

"I never like to leave trouble for myself. Since the feud between the two of us has been forged, then I can only cut the grass and root." Lin Han sighed lightly.

"No, you can't kill me. If you kill me, Lin Hu, the head of my Tiger Club, will not let you go." Zhao Rongpeng said boldly.

Lin Hu is the founder of the Tiger Club. As the core disciple, the head of the four major societies, the strength of the core disciples, are among the best.

He has a very good relationship with Lin Hu. Even if someone is stronger than him, Lin Hu will be kind to him in terms of his face.

Now he is full of confidence.

It is expected that as long as Lin Hu is mentioned, Lin Han must be afraid.

However, Lin Han sneered and said: "When I want to kill a person, it is useless for anyone to cover him."

After speaking, an iron sword appeared in his hand, and suddenly a sword was directed at Zhao Rongpeng, and he smashed the past.

Since the hatred has no solution, only kill everything to stop.

"No, Commander Lin Hu, save me." Zhao Rongpeng was completely frightened, and quickly horrified, crushed a jade pendant in his hand and shouted.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han was so courageous that he would not even give the head of Lin Hu the face.

This space jade pendant was given to him by Captain Lin Hu. As long as there is a danger and crush it, Captain Lin Hu will appear to rescue him as soon as possible.

Because the jade pendant is very troublesome to manufacture, he will not use it until the moment of life and death.

"Who is it, people who dare to move my Tiger Club, look for death!"

Not long after the jade pendant was crushed, a space gate opened up in the sky, and a burly man walked out from it, uttered a loud shout, and shook the surroundings.

"It's Lin Hu, my goodness!"

"Brother Lin Hu has appeared!"

"I have to deal with a rearing disciple!"

The movement here is so loud that it has long attracted the attention of many core disciples of the nearby mountains, and they flew over one by one.

Seeing the scene here, each of them couldn't help being in an uproar.

Lin Hu is definitely a figure among the core disciples. It is not easy for ordinary disciples to meet him in retreat all the year round, or tempering himself in the primitive mountains.

Now that he actually appeared in Monster Beast Mountain, it was naturally surprising.

"Head Lin Hu, save me, this humble and lowly rearing disciple wants to kill me." Zhao Rongpeng's eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had met a savior, he shouted with surprise.

"Raising disciples, dare to kill the members of my tiger group, so courageous!" Lin Hu was furious when he heard it, and then looked at Lin Han with a terrible suffocation in his eyes, and shouted: "Whether you are Who, kneel down and admit my mistakes!"

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