War Emperor

Chapter 1040: Lin Hu, Ice Fairy

Chapter 1040: Lin Hu, Ice Fairy

He is about thirty years old, strong in posture, Kong Wu is powerful, and his upper body is naked, giving him a very sturdy feeling.

The sound is also very dull, like a big clock, with a strange magic power, as if it can tremble in people's hearts and make the heart tremble.

Many people are shocked. This is Lin Hu's aura. It is too strong. If he doesn't agree, he will make Lin Han kneel.

In his capacity as the head of the Tiger Club, this is not a problem at all.

It was just a rearing disciple, and in front of him, it was too small.

"Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse?" Lin Han couldn't help but a glint in his eyes, Lin Hu's breath was in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and he felt that it was not much worse than the Great Elder.

This made him feel a little surprised. The great elder is a person who has lived for thousands of years, and the genius in the Taoist Academy can catch up. Once again, we can see how abnormal the genius of the Kaitian Taoist Academy is.

"Boy, I let you kneel down, did you hear that!" Lin Hu shouted.


Released a tyrannical aura, overwhelmingly moved towards Lin Han.

It is the aura of the Emperor of Heaven, which is not known to be many times richer than Zhao Rongpeng, like an invisible hand, pressing on top of Lin Han's head, making him unable to help but surrender.

The real Heavenly Emperor is totally different from Zhao Rongpeng's half-step Heavenly Emperor.

"Why should I kneel to you?" Lin Leng Leng laughed, looking like an idiot.

Even if the other party is the head of the Tiger Club, there is no deterrent in front of him.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, then you go to death." Lin Hu was angry, and a small breeder disciple dared to refute himself in front of so many people.

"Boy, today I want to let you know that this team leader is amazing." He smiled cruelly, put out a big hand directly, and suppressed the past.

A lowly rearing disciple, he didn't care at all.

There was a boom.

I saw that the big hand carried an incomparable coercion, like the hand of a god, to destroy the world.

As soon as Hajime appeared, puff puff puff puff, not knowing how many disciples were raised, all knelt down one after another, completely unable to bear the power of the emperor of this day.

Even if Lin Han felt his feet sink sharply, his back seemed to be pressed onto a mountain, and he was a little unstable.

"Haha, Lin Han, have you seen it? In front of Head Lin Hu, you are an ant." Zhao Rongpeng couldn't help laughing out loud.

Looking forward to the next scene of Lin Han being crushed.

The other members of the Tiger Club also laughed out of glee again.

Has unmatched confidence in the head of the group.

Some viewers couldn't help but shook their heads, feeling that Lin Han had some pity.

Everyone knows that Lin Hu has always been extremely domineering, and a rearing disciple who angers him will definitely end in a miserable situation.

Sun Xiaofu and many other raising disciples were also worried, and had regarded Lin Han as an idol.

"Stop!" However, just as Lin Han gritted his teeth and prepared to fight Lin Hu desperately, suddenly a woman's cold voice came from the sky.

Then, with a bang, a powerful momentum appeared, and immediately, Lin Hu's big hand was shaken out.

"Who is it?" Lin Hu immediately changed his face and said solemnly.

Zhao Rongpeng and the members of the Tiger Club were also stunned. He didn't expect someone to rescue Lin Han at this time.

"Chuck, it's me." A pleasant chuckle spread, and then, a figure of a woman flew down from the sky.

The woman is about twenty-three or four years old. Her skin is as white as mutton fat and jade, with icy muscles and bones. She is tall and slender, with attractive curves and extremely beautiful.

In her body, there was also a powerful wave spreading, and she was not under Lin Hu.

"Ice Fairy!"

Many people were taken aback, and there was a deep admiration in their eyes.

Lin Han couldn't help being startled.

Although he had only entered the Kaitiandao Academy for half a month, he also knew that the other party's name was the head of the Fairy Society.

Among the core disciples, this is a goddess-level senior. In Kaitiandao Academy, there are not many male disciples who admire him well.

When I saw it at this moment, it was indeed well-deserved. This ice fairy is indeed like a fairy, with a vague meaning of non-eating fireworks, making the man feel ashamed.

"Fairy Ice, what are you doing?" Lin Hu frowned, his face sinking.

"Hey, I just can't bear to see people bullying the small with big things, can't it?" Bing Fairy closed the hair in front of his forehead and smiled.

Lin Hu sneered: "I don't know when Bing Fairy became so kind, this raising disciple has nothing to do with you, so help him, does it mean that he is beautiful?"

He was obviously running.

The four major societies compete with each other and accumulate hatred.

He has a deep prejudice against Ice Fairy.

Ice Fairy was not angry at all, just smiled and said: "I really admire this little guy, so I am willing to help him once, what can you do with me?"

"You..." Lin Hu couldn't help gritting his teeth. Ice Fairy's strength is not inferior to him. If he insists on helping Lin Han, he can't ask for anything. He can only say with resentment: "Okay, Ice Fairy, you have the ability, I dared to intervene in Lin Hu's affairs. After two and a half months, after the Tianmen assessment, I will definitely seek advice from you!"

"Let's wait and see!" After speaking, he waved his hand and left with the members of the Tiger Society.

Many people can't help but look fiery. Looking at this, this Tianmen assessment is a good show.

The Bing Fairy didn't care. After landing, he smiled at Lin Han and said, "Lin Han, the young lord of the ancient Li Dynasty, admiring his name for a long time, it's a pleasure to meet him."

The beautiful face, outstanding temperament, and a smile are enough to make many men move.

"Don't dare, thank Senior Sister Bing for her help." Lin Han smiled, a little confused, he and Bing Fairy did not have any intersection, the other party wanted to help him.

"Hey, I really admire Junior Brother. I want Junior Brother to join my Fairy Club. I wonder if Junior Brother would like to?" Bing Fairy smiled.

Many people are full of envy. The Fairy Club has never allowed men to enter. Now the Ice Fairy invites Lin Han to make an exception for Lin Han.

Moreover, within the society, beautiful women are like clouds, and entering it is definitely what every man dreams of.

Lin Han couldn't help but hesitated, but he shook his head slightly, and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Bing, for your kindness. I'm used to being lazy and I don't like to join any clubs. Please be considerate of Senior Sister."

Bing Fairy was startled, but Lin Han would refuse her unexpectedly.

"Have you ever thought about the benefits of joining the club, so that no one will bully you at will in the Kaitian Taoist Academy in the future," she said.

Lin Han still smiled and shook his head, really unwilling to be bound by any society.

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