War Emperor

Chapter 1041: Wind tutor lecture

Chapter One Thousand and Forty One

Bing Fairy stopped talking, and, for the first time, let a man join the club, but was rejected.

"Huh, okay, today I counted as helping you in vain, and next time, even if Lin Hu kills you, I won't say anything." In the end, she only gave a cold snort, turned and flew away.

"Boy, you are too rampant, our head invited you to join, but you refused!"

"This is equivalent to offending our Fairy Society. In the future, you will be even more difficult to move."

Not far away there were some women from the Fairy Society, and they couldn't help pointing at Lin Han one by one, angrily said.

Lin Han is undoubtedly offending their entire fairy society.

Lin Han smiled helplessly and didn't say much.

In this way, Lin Han returned to a peaceful life of cultivation and raising monsters.

Monster Beast Mountain is a relatively remote place, and few core disciples will come.

In the next time, no one came to trouble Lin Han.

Entering the realm of Saint Emperor, Lin Han would find a place where there was no one after raising the monster beasts every day to exercise his physical body to consolidate his realm.

After all, the Saint Emperor is a big watershed. He stepped in from the late Ling Emperor, and his ascension was too fast.

If it is not consolidated, the foundation will be unstable, which will have a great impact on the future.

This day, the sun is shining brightly.

Lin Han was running on the top of a mountain, holding a huge iron chain, about ten feet long, cold and dark, like a big python, looking very heavy.

Every time he fell, the ground he stepped on was rumbling.

This iron chain is called "Heavy Mountain Lock", which is made from a special mineral.

It was Lin Han who asked Xiao Kong to collect it for him in the Lingxiao Continent. After all, his current strength is too great to find something worthy of his hand to train his body.

The heavy mountain lock is an ancient weapon. According to legend, in ancient times, a certain training body was specially used for physical training.

Xiao Kong spent a lot of money to buy it in a very famous chamber of commerce.

With it, Lin Han won't have to work hard to find materials after training.

The weight of this object can be adjusted at will. Lin Hanguang tried it, and he was able to mediate up to a trillion jin of supernatural power, which was so terrifying that he couldn't even hold it.

Now he has only locked the heavy mountain to the point of 70 billion catties of supernatural power.

It works best for him.

After another half month, Lin Han's daily extreme training, the floating realm after entering the Saint Emperor Realm, finally stabilized completely.

It's like a foundation, once again jailed.


In the end, Lin Han put the heavy mountain lock down heavily, couldn't help taking a heavy breath, almost collapsed.

At the same time, he felt that his strength had increased a bit, reaching 85 billion catties of supernatural power.

Although not much, it was an unexpected gain, which made him a little bit happy.

"If you have time, you need to find a book of footwork and combat skills. Go through the empty steps and be completed by you. In the Kaitian Taoist Academy, it is not enough for you."

At this moment Hong said.

"Well, I think so too." Lin Han nodded. Although he wears empty steps, his rank is not low, but there are too many geniuses in Kaitiandao Academy, facing Lin Hu and Ice Fairy, who wear empty steps. The effect will be greatly reduced. Now it really needs a footwork to make up for this defect.

If he doesn't have extremely fast speed, even if he has great power, he still has shortcomings.

"Xiao Jiu, how is your practice recently?" At this moment, a woman's arrogant grunt came from a distance.

I saw that not far away, Ji Keer came, walking on her slender jade legs, looking very attractive in the sun.

She put her arms around her chest, jokingly.

After entering Kaitian Taoist Academy, she and Lin Fenghuang became core disciples, and the natural environment of the Monster Beast Mountain where Lin Han lived was very different.

Therefore, during this period of time, cultivating in some caves and blessings has already entered the middle stage of the holy emperor.

Lin Fenghuang was still cultivating. Today she was idle and bored, so she came to find Lin Han.

"It's okay, what wind brought you here today." Lin Han smiled slightly and put away the heavy mountain chain.

Although ridiculous things happened between him and Ji Keer, they both knew it was impossible.

Ji Keer, never mentioned it again.

Therefore, they are now purely a sibling relationship of different blood.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid you don't get sick here, go, my sister will take you to a place." Ji Keer snorted, and smiled somewhat proudly.

"Where?" Lin Han was startled.

"You will know when you go." Ji Keer said.

Lin Han only nodded, but didn't ask much.

The Kaitian Taoist Temple has a huge foundation, a stretch of Xiushan Mountain, and many peaks are surrounded by purple air, as if it contains a spirit of beauty, which is sacred and extraordinary.

The surroundings are also picturesque, with birds and flowers, like a paradise.

Lin Han was raising and taking care of some spirit beasts all day long, and it was the first time to wander in Kaitiandaoyuan. At this moment, he couldn't help but open his eyes.

In the Taoist Academy, you can occasionally see many disciples, most of them are powerful and unmatched, and they have a taste like a sea, which is amazing.

"Where are we going?" Then Lin Han couldn't help asking.

"Go to Wu Jifeng, today, I am a "wind instructor". On the day when I teach a small fairy technique footwork, there are many disciples who go to the class." Ji Keer smiled.

It seems to be saying: You are now a disciple of the monster beast, but you don't have time to attend the class. I will take you to meet the world, and you have to thank me.

"Xiaoxian's footwork?" Lin Han suddenly became hot.

He just wanted to find a footwork to strengthen himself.

It's there now, it's really a surprise.

Moreover, Xiaoxian skill, he also yearns very much.

There are still two months before the Tianmen assessment day, if there is a small fairy technique footwork, it is naturally very important to him.

In this way, after walking forward again for about half an hour, they finally came to Martial Skill Peak.

I saw that this peak is a very tall and majestic mountain, and there are many disciples who rushed up to listen to the lectures of the wind teacher.

After all, instructors, there are not many courses explaining Xiaoxianji.

"Hey, Junior Sister Ke'er, what are you doing?" However, when Lin Han and Ji Ke'er were halfway up the mountain and were about to enter a courtyard, suddenly a wild laugh came.

I saw that a group of people came over mightily, and all of them were painted with a pill furnace badge, gleaming.

This is exactly what the Danyao She meant.

The overall strength of the four major societies may not be strong, but the level of status dignity is higher than that of the other three societies.

The members of the club are all alchemists, and each one has superb alchemy techniques, which can make many disciples curry.

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