War Emperor

Chapter 1046: This pill is not good

The first thousand and forty-six chapters, this pill is not good

"Do not!"

Xu Chang also yelled, completely shocked.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword is a real divine sword, and this level far exceeds his Tianfeng Sword.

I am afraid that even the magical weapon on the legendary gods list of the heavens, it can be compared.

This made him extremely shocked, and he didn't understand how Lin Han could have such a terrifying strong weapon.

In the wind teacher's beautiful eyes, there was a strange light, such a weapon, let alone the younger generation, even if it is a peerless powerhouse in the gods, it must be moved.

Lin Han's surprise was indeed too great.

Under the pressure of the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword, the Tianfeng Sword was instantly like a child's toy, not worth mentioning.


When the two collided, the Tianfeng Knife suddenly felt like broken copper and rotten iron. It was knocked out and hit a wall not far away, smashing it, and even a clear line appeared on the knife. Rift.

This sword almost broke Tianfeng Dao.

Xu Chang let out a scream like a pig, and the whole person also flew out, and suffered a huge backlash. The blood spurting out of his mouth could even see the visceral foam.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Countless people were in shock and speechless, Lin Han won.

It's amazing that a low-level rearing disciple beat Xuchang, who is well-known.

"Why, why is it like this..." Xu Chang also lost his eyes and muttered to himself constantly, as if he had lost his soul, his heart was cold.

The defeat this time hit him too much.

"The moment you underestimated me, you were doomed to fail. According to the agreement, give me a hundred holy energy pills." Lin Han smiled indifferently, came to the front, and stepped on Xu Chang's chest, condescendingly. Tao.

Not far away, Dan Feng was also there, originally expecting that Xu Chang could teach Lin Han this bastard.

This scene is no less than a knife inserted into his heart, making him cold and his scalp numb.

He finally understood that this raising disciple was much more terrifying than he had imagined. He couldn't help but feel shocked, and he didn't dare to have any intention of confronting Lin Han anymore.

Xu Chang gritted his teeth fiercely, feeling very humiliated, but there was no way, being watched by so many people, willing to bet, he really had to hand over the pill.

After speaking, he took out a space ring from his arms and gave it to Lin Han unwillingly, saying: "Boy, my pill is not so easy to take, my brother will trouble you anytime!"

Many people are horrified. Xu Chang's brother is the famous Xu Wenfeng, a genius among the core disciples.

Not only the alchemy water products are unmatched, but also the strength is extremely powerful.

Among the core disciples, no one is not afraid of him.

"So what? I'll be with you at any time." Lin cold smiled, fearless, and took the pill in one hand. After looking at it, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and a sneer overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Really? I'm here, I want to see who bullied my brother."

At this moment, a dull voice rang.

Then, a tall young man in the robes of an alchemy master, surrounded by a group of people like stars holding the moon, walked over.

"It's him, Xu Wenfeng, he actually came."

"It's over, now this raising disciple is terrible."

"Everyone knows that Xu Wenfeng is the one who protects the calf the most."

Many people were horrified.

Ji Keer's expression also changed, which really meant that Cao Cao had arrived.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, as Fairy Lin Hubing, Qi Hu's Xu Wenfeng, is like a big mountain, weighing on the hearts of many disciples.

Now that he came, she couldn't help but start to worry about Lin Han.

"Big brother, you are here, this kid bullied me openly and wanted my medicine. He also asked big brother to be fair to me." Xu Chang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he ran over and said in surprise.

When he was speaking, he glanced at Lin Han with a smug expression, as if he was saying: Boy, my eldest brother is here, you are done.

Xu Wenfeng glanced at Lin Han, and his expression sank, and said coldly: "You humble raising disciple, even my brother, you dare to bully, are you guilty of taking the Xiongxin Leopard? You dare to take my pill? Stop talking nonsense and hand it over quickly."

He stretched out his hand, with an unquestionable smell.

"It's him who troubles me, and he deserves it if he loses." However, Lin Leng Leng laughed, looked at the pill in the space ring, and shook his head: "Besides, this pill is not a good thing, and its quality is not good. Taihang."


In an instant, there was an uproar all around.

Countless people were stunned.

Xu Wenfeng is the most famous alchemist among the core disciples.

Even though many elders in the Taoist Academy are ashamed of alchemy water products, Lin Han actually said that the quality of the pills produced by Xu Wenfeng's alchemy was not good?

This makes people wonder if their ears have misheard.

Even the Feng Master was taken aback, didn't understand where Lin Han was emboldened, and dared to say such a thing.

"Boy, can you please?" Xu Chang was also startled, then clutching his stomach and getting up, like he heard the best joke.

Xu Wenfeng also looked at Lin Han with a sneer, thinking that Lin Han was an idiot, and said, "Hillboy, do you know what Sheng Qi Dan means? Don't talk about it here."

"Well, I don't understand." Lin Han just nodded and didn't say much.

He didn't bother to be long-winded with Xu Wenfeng.

This pill, in the eyes of ordinary people, is indeed a very high grade, but he who is too good at the pill, feels that it has a lot of flaws.

He was just too lazy to say it.

"Boy, you can't tell why it's so easy to go." Xu Wenfeng sneered, and stopped Lin Han at a speed. His speed was ghostly and terrifying, showing his powerful cultivation.

"Xu Wenfeng, don't go too far. It's your brother Xu Chang's trouble with my clan brother before, but don't be too aggressive." Ji Keer couldn't help but said angrily.

Xu Wenfeng laughed, and said: "He spoke rudely and questioned the quality of my pill. I must ask the end today. If he doesn't say why, I can't let him go."

"Say, you said my pill is not good, why is it not working?"

Many people looked at Lin Han pityingly, thinking that he was asking for trouble in such a provocation against Xu Wenfeng.

"Brother, you still don't push him. Seeing how this kid looks like a yolk, how could he be able to tell the problem with your pill. It's just a quick slap. Let him kneel and apologize, don't waste time. "

Xu Chang laughed.

It can be seen that the quality of the Shengqi Pill is at least similar to his elder brother's water product.

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