War Emperor

Chapter 1047: Speak the problem

The first thousand and forty-seventh chapter speaks the problem

It is naturally impossible for him to think that a raising disciple would have such high alchemy water quality.

After all, his elder brother is the upper alchemy emperor!

"That said, kid, kneel down, kowtow to admit your mistakes, and then self-defeating, I can forgive your fault." Xu Wenfeng's mouth also overflowed with a cold smile, and said coldly.

Many people were horrified, and when they didn't agree, they made Lin Han kneel down and abolish his cultivation. Xu Wenfeng was really domineering.

Lin Han's eyes also became colder, and a cold light overflowed and said, "Don't go too far."

"Too much? What if I am too much? The raising disciple is an ant in my eyes. I made it clear that I bullied you, what can you do with me." Xu Wenfeng laughed and said.

In the entire Kaitiandao Academy, no one has ever said that his pill quality is not good, so he must pay attention, and he must humiliate this kid, let him remember this lesson.

"Okay, if that's the case, point out the problem with your pill, what's the solution?" Lin Leng Leng laughed, he was not polite, and then took out a holy Qi pill and said lightly: "This pill is made of anemone and ground jade. Ginseng, clover, sandalwood... and other thirty-three medicinal materials, all refined together."

There was a commotion in the surroundings. Listening to Lin Han's calm tone, it seemed that he was talking very well.

Xu Chang also stopped smiling, looking at Xu Wenfeng with a little surprise, as if asking his eldest brother whether it was true.

Although he could also refine alchemy, he was still far behind his eldest brother in refining alchemy water products. He couldn't refine a holy energy pill at all, and he didn't understand the recipe.

I saw that Xu Wenfeng narrowed his eyes, and after a long silence, he sneered: "Your boy's eyesight is good, yes, it is true that Sheng Qi Pill is refined from these thirty-three herbs! "

He was also a little surprised. The pill of this pill was so precious that he finally got it from an ancient scroll.

Except for him, no one knew how Lin Han would understand.


"He guessed it right."

Many people were surprised.

Looking at it this way, Lin Han might still have a certain amount of true talents.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to see the material by relying on a pill.

Xu Chang was also a little surprised, but still sneered: "Boy, you know what the pill is because of your luck."

"Yes, it must be so."

Many disciples in alchemy clubs also said.

If you can know the formula by just looking at the pill, Lin Han's alchemy water product, I am afraid it has reached a level that the world can't imagine.

But how old is he? It is impossible.

Xu Wenfeng obviously thought the same way, saying indifferently: "Boy, just knowing the medicinal materials is not enough. You haven't said yet, what is wrong with my rank."

Lin Han smiled and said casually: "It's very simple, because some errors have occurred in the refining sequence. The blue lotus should be merged in the twenty-fourth step, and the sand ginseng should be advanced one step before the end of the elixir. At the time, use slow heat and refine for ten minutes again, and the quality of the pill can reach the top grade. You must be out of the oven in advance, and the fusion sequence is wrong, so the quality of this pill can barely reach the top grade!"

There was silence all around!

Countless people are startled.

"Haha, humble raising disciple, don't pretend to be here, you must be fooling around. How can you see the problem with such a high-level Holy Qi Pill."

Xu Chang burst into laughter suddenly, pointed at Lin Han, I saw you through.

The others also reacted and nodded.

Lin Han is so young and still a rearing disciple, it is indeed impossible to be right.

"In front of my elder brother, I still dare to be slanderous. Seeing that I will not interrupt your legs today and let you admit your mistakes in front of my elder brother."

Xu Chang sneered and strode towards Lin Han, very cruel.

He is determined to have his eldest brother, and Lin Han absolutely dare not fight back.

"Stop it." However, at this moment, Xu Wenfeng snorted in a deep voice, and then, with a slap, he slapped Xu Chang's face and stopped him.

Then, Xu Wenfeng looked at Lin Han with an unconcealable vibrating color in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "How do you know this?"


It's like a big earthquake.

There was an uproar all around.

"Is this kid right?"

"Oh my god, how else would Xu Wenfeng say that?"

"No way!"

Countless people came out in horror, feeling like **** in the day.

"No, how is this possible?"

Xuchang also instantly felt as if he was struck by five thunders, and his expression was horrified.

Could it be that this guy is really a powerful alchemist and failed.

Lin Han shrugged faintly, and said with a smile: "I said it a long time ago, I can do this alchemy."

Xu Wenfeng took a deep breath, as if to suppress the shock in his heart, took a deep look at Lin Han, and then a touch of politeness appeared on his face, and said: "It seems that I underestimated you. If there is a chance in the future, we will You can discuss the pill method."

As he said, he bowed his hand to Lin Han politely.

Many people slap their tongues. This is Xu Wenfeng, who is so polite to a rearing disciple, it is almost like a dream.

In fact, Xu Wenfeng's heart was also shaken, Lin Han's words, like a divine enlightenment in his heart, benefited him a lot.

He had always wondered why he couldn't refine this Holy Qi Pill to the highest quality.

He silently calculated what Lin Han had said in his heart, and he suddenly became clear, and he would look so highly at Lin Han.

Lin Han only nodded faintly, and Ji Keer turned and left after speaking.

"Big brother, really let this kid go like this?" Xu Chang was a little dazed, but he was humiliated by this kid and lost a hundred holy energy pills. Thinking about it makes him painful.

Among the core disciples, he, who is domineering and blessed, has never suffered such a big deflation, which made him extremely unhappy.

However, Xu Wenfeng slapped Xu Chang's face again, and shouted coldly: "You don't have eyes long, you offend people next time, can you see clearly, is this kid an ordinary person? Even the problem of my pill? It can be pointed out that I have also refined a holy energy pill, at least a high-ranking alchemy emperor, maybe the alchemy water product is higher than me, is this something you can afford?"

"The upper emperor of alchemy?" Xu Chang was completely frightened and almost sat on the ground.

He also thought about this, but in any case, he couldn't accept it.

His elder brother was able to become the upper alchemy emperor because he strayed into the tomb of an alchemy power in his childhood and obtained his alchemy handbook, so that he can go smoothly and reach today's status.

Rao has practiced for hundreds of years.

When Lin Han was nineteen, he could compare with his elder brother, which was horrible.

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