War Emperor

Chapter 1117: Strength increase

The first thousand one hundred and seventeen chapters increase in strength


Finally, after the past ten days or so, Lin Han's body suddenly emitted a blazing divine light, and the flesh was filled with a sacred and incomparable charm. It had a completely different taste from the previous Tianlong body, which appeared to be more overbearing and domineering. Absolutely, if he raises his hands and throws his feet, he can break the sky and sink the earth, with a world-famous charm.

"Great body, I broke through!"

Lin Han couldn't help but laughed loudly, with a burst of excitement.

Indeed, he has achieved a supernatural body.

Ye Qingcheng, I am afraid that he would never have thought of it in his dreams, originally he was physically punished here, but in the end, he made him become a godlike body!

Lin Han is a blessing in disguise.

"Well, you grabbed Liu Muxue, Bailiyi, Yan Chuchu, and Ye Haodong's space ring. The Heavenly Emperor Pill, contribution points, and some heavenly materials and earth treasures in their rings are all very large, and they must be enough for your realm. There is a huge improvement, and there are still twenty days left, don't waste it." Hong also laughed.

After breaking through the Heavenly Divine Body, Lin Han's physique will undergo earth-shaking changes.

This is incomparable with before.

Lin Han nodded and counted the space rings of the four people. I have to say that the four of them are worthy of the geniuses in the tiger list. The net worth is too thick, and the Guangtian Emperor Pill, each has about 100,000, plus The contribution points in the other space rings of King Zheng and others add up to about 30 million. He specially invited people to exchange another 300,000 Celestial Pills for himself, for a total of 700,000 Celestial Pills!

In addition, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, which is simply a huge amount of energy.

So with this absorption, in the remaining twenty days, his realm will be elevated to the realm of emperor!

Emperor Zun!

Lin Han stepped into the emperor from the eighth heaven of the emperor!

If you let others know, you don’t know what you will be envious of.

You must know that Emperor Zun is a new world. Once you enter, your strength will change drastically.

Lin Han now felt that his whole body was full of energy, as if he had inexhaustible strength, he had the pride that was higher than the sky.

Then, after Hong’s introduction, he learned that the emperor had a total of eighteen levels, known as the eighteenth-level ladder. Stepping past, you can reach the god-sovereign state that countless sentient beings have admired throughout the ages!

However, these eighteen realms, one realm day by day, self-lai, I don't know how many days to stop the wizard.

To put it bluntly, this is a moat, and it is too difficult to enter.

In a sense, it's just a new beginning.

However, Lin Han is not discouraged. He believes that as long as he walks through it one step at a time, one day he will become the emperor of God, famous in the past and present!

Even one day, he will enter the immortal world to find his mother and father...

By then, even the holy clan behind Xi Yun would have nothing to say to him.

"Haha, Lin Han, you kid, you spent a month in Longshanya, how is your stay." However, at this moment, a wild laugh came and said.

Not far away, a group of people came in mighty, and there were three people headed by Bailiyi, Yan Chuchu, and Liu Muxue.

At this moment, Baili Yizheng laughed and said.

Yan Chuchu and Liu Muxue also had gleeful smiles on their faces.

"What are you three doing here?" Lin Han glanced at the three of them and said indifferently.

"Hey, your kid is okay?" The three of them came over and couldn't help being a little surprised. Normally, even if they didn't become stupid after being blown by the wind on Longshan Cliff for a month, they would be extremely weak and depressed at least. From the outside, Lin Han didn't have such a phenomenon, even his eyes were restrained, filled with a powerful scent, as if a person could not help but puzzle them.

"What are you doing? Your kid snatched our space ring, what did you say?" Then, Bailiyi laughed.

In his opinion, Lin Han's change may be "returning to the light" and it was too expensive, so he didn't care about it.

"So, did you come to trouble me?" Lin Leng Leng laughed.

"Haha, yes, your kid must consume a lot here, very weak, right?" Bailiyi laughed loudly: "Tell you, Senior Sister Ye Qingcheng taught us a combined combat skill this month, not least of you. Our opponents, if they are acquainted, return the space ring to us, and then obediently give us three kowtows and apologize, and we will let you suffer less."

Yan Chuchu and Liu Muxue also laughed cruelly. They looked forward to this day for a long time.

However, Lin Han ignored them at all and looked like an idiot.

Bailiyi was furious and said: "Good boy, when things are coming, you dare to pretend to me, now let you see how good we are!"

At the moment, he and Yan Chuchu and Liu Muxue formed a mysterious attack position, and they were calling towards Lin Han.

The terrible palm strength actually formed a huge handprint, like a big mountain, impacted, full of a powerful and domineering bearing.

"Banmen get an axe!" However, Lin Han sneered, stood up, waved his hand, and banged his hand. The huge palm print was immediately destroyed, and then the three of them let out a scream in embarrassment. , Was shocked to fly out.

"No, how is this possible? How can his current strength become so strong." All three of Bailiyi couldn't be shocked, like **** in the daytime, full of incredible.

In their opinion, Lin Han must be very weak here, even in his heyday, he could not be the opponent of this combined combat technique.

As a result, Lin Han broke their attack with every move, shocking them beyond the limit.

The disciples who came with them were also surprised. Not only was Lin Han okay, it seemed to be stronger than before, which was really weird.

Lin Han didn't speak, and walked towards them with strides like watching three ants.

"What do you want to do?" Bailiyi's trio suddenly struck a spirit and said in fear.

I just felt that Lin Han was like a demon **** now, even before, he never gave them such a feeling.

"What do you want to do? Leave a lesson for you, let you know, dare to come to me in trouble." Lin Han said with a smile, and his white and neat teeth looked exceptionally harsh in the sun.

The three of Bailiyi were cold from head to toe.

Everyone knows that Lin Han is an uninhibited caution, falling into his hands and ending up badly.

At the moment, they couldn't help but say to the people on the side: "Brother Jinnan, save us!"

I saw that a man walked out and shouted: "Enough, stop, just want to teach them so openly, whether you still put me in your eyes."

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