War Emperor

Chapter 1118: Emperor Zunqi

The first thousand and eighteen chapters

"Who are you?" Lin Han frowned.

At the age of twenty-seven or eighteen years old, there was a sense of arrogance between his eyebrows, and the aura in his body was also very powerful, amazing.

The most important thing is that on the badge on his chest, there is a badge, shining, and the painting is a dragon-shaped pattern.

Longbang disciple!

There is no doubt that this is a Longbang disciple.

Every disciple like this in the Kaitian Taoist Academy is a big figure, and I don't see it often on weekdays, so seeing a Longbang disciple at this moment also made him a little surprised.

"I am ranked ninety-fifth among the disciples of the Dragon List. I am also Senior Sister Ye Qingcheng. Let me bring the three of them to trouble you. Boy, Senior Sister Ye Qingcheng, if you want me to scrap your arm, you can do it yourself." Jin Nanting He straightened his chest and sneered proudly.

He possesses the strength of the emperor's first heaven, much better than Ye Haodong, Bailiyi and others.

These people have just broken through the emperor, and there is still a huge gap between them and the emperor.

So for Lin Han, he didn't pay attention at all, with an attitude of looking down.

"Stop my arm and let me do it myself?" Lin Leng Leng laughed and said, "Why?"

"Just relying on my strength to be stronger than you, isn't that enough?" Jinnan smiled arrogantly.

Lin Leng Leng laughed and ignored it at all. He was too lazy to say a word for such a person who felt good about himself.

"Good boy, dare to ignore me, let you see how good I am today!" Jinnan was angry. As a disciple of Longbang, he must be respected by the disciple of Tigerbang wherever he goes. Lin Han, a teenager, unexpectedly It is outrageous to dare to ignore him.

Suddenly his five fingers became claws, and he was about to grab Lin Han's neck and lift it up.

He decided to pay attention to Lin Han's severe humiliation, then abolish one of his arms and return to life with Ye Qingcheng.

However, Lin Han's eyes were cold, and he directly punched him, and with a click, Jinnan's entire arm was immediately scrapped, and then the whole person let out a scream, flew out, and slammed into it. On the cliff.

The immense strength contained in his body caused terrible cracks in the cliff.

"How is it possible that your strength is so strong?" Jinnan was taken aback suddenly, like **** in the day, incredible.

Originally, in his opinion, even if Lin Han was promoted to a disciple of the Dragon List, the gap between him and him would be huge. He never expected that just a simple move would shock him like this.

When fighting against each other, it gave him the feeling as if he had encountered an ancient giant beast, which made him shiver from the soul.

Bai Liyi, Yan Chuchu, and Liu Muxue were also shocked. What has this kid experienced? Not only is he stronger than before, but he won with his brother Jinnan, which is incredible.

"Boy, you make me angry." Then Jinnan's face was covered with a touch of anger, and then he set off a terrifying aura. This time, in his hand, there was a blue big knife unexpectedly, and it turned again. Lin Han slashed over.


Bai Liyi, Yan Chuchu, and Liu Muxue couldn't help but a touch of joy appeared in their eyes.

Hailan Knife, this is a half-step fifth-rank imperial weapon. It already contains a ray of emperor's vitality, which is not comparable to the fourth-rank imperial weapon. Now that senior Jinnan has displayed such a powerful weapon, Lin Han is still extraordinary. , It is impossible to be an opponent.

"Look at how I broke your weird body today." Jin Nan also grinned cruelly.

This is his most powerful weapon, and it is also his greatest confidence. Under this level of weapon, Lin Han's physical body can't be powerful, it can only be restrained.

However, Lin Han didn't say a word, just stood there, silently watching the knife slash it over.

He didn't even mean to dodge at all.

"Haha, you kid knows that you can't resist it, have you already given up? Very good." Jinnan laughed loudly.


However, in the next moment, he was shocked to the point that it was impossible to add to the scene.

I saw that a terrible knife slashed on Lin Han's head, but didn't break his skin at all, and even left no trace on it, only a large piece of sparks.

At the same time, a powerful force shook apart the tiger's mouth in southern Jin, and the blood kept flowing out, causing Jinnan to step back a few steps.

"how can that be?"

The three people of Bailiyi were even more shocked, their eyes widened, almost staring out of them.

Jinnan also looked terrified. It was a half-step fifth-grade imperial weapon. It was incredibly lethal. It was cut on Lin Han's head without even a single thing. Who is this? Freak.

Is this the devil...

The other disciples were also very frightened, their legs were swinging.

They had seen so many enchanting evildoers in the Taoist Academy, and they had never thought that it would be fine to cut a fifth-grade imperial weapon in half a step.

"Now give up, do you still want to scrap my arm?" Lin cold smiled indifferently, and a touch of abuse appeared in his eyes.

He is now a world-famous divine body, much more powerful than the heavenly dragon body. This half-step fifth-grade imperial weapon has indeed been unable to harm him.

This result is also reasonable.

"No...no, I was wrong, Brother Lin Han, please give me a chance, I will never be your enemy again." Jinnan suddenly got a numb scalp and quickly weakened his legs.

Lin Han's aura was so scary that he couldn't help it.

Lin Han directly took Jinnan's space ring, and then kicked out Jinnan, Bailiyi, Yan Chuchu, Liu Muxue and others like a ball, and then went down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Lin Han opened the Jinnan Space Ring. In addition to a large number of Celestial Pills, contribution points, **** crystals, and weapons, there was also a special item, which was a light yellow gas, which revealed One, the majesty and spirit of the emperor.

"what is this?"

Lin Han couldn't help but wondered.

"This is the emperor's vitality, the gas condensed by the emperor's strong, which can be used by cultivators for cultivation." Hong explained.

Its function is similar to the Heavenly Emperor Pill, but it is more advanced and precious than the Heavenly Emperor Pill. This bottle of Emperor Qi is also very expensive to put outside.

With Lin Han's current realm, at least three bottles of emperor qi are needed to break into the emperor heaven!

Lin Han couldn't help grinning. In this way, his future path of cultivation has fallen again. It is enough to keep collecting these emperor energies.

Then he finally came to Longshan, to his surprise, he actually saw Ji Keer and Lin Fenghuang.

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