War Emperor

Chapter 1164: Chu Zhong

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters of Chu Zhong

"Yeah, please, don't worry about us."

Lin Han said with an indifferent expression: "Capital sins are inevitable, living sins are inevitable, you lustful people, let you pay the price."

Then, he flicked his fingers and hit the gaps of the group of disciples, suddenly banging bang...the sound of blood mist bursting into pieces, those people suddenly clutched their crotch, wailed like a pig, and their painful faces were distorted. !


Some people died alive and fainted directly.

Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang both laughed and enjoyed themselves for a while. Such a person should teach that way.

"What happened?" However, the movement in the mountains and forests obviously shocked the rest of the Divine Power Academy, and then a tall and burly man came over and said coldly.

He was about twenty-eight years old, and his whole body smelled like a dragon, so powerful.

Just walking in this way, there was an unparalleled sense of oppression, astonishing, and the whole earth was trembling.

"Senior Brother Kong Yong, you are here." Huang Huai was immediately surprised and extremely happy.

This person is Kong Yong, a genius in their Divine Power Academy, and his strength is much stronger than Mu Ba.

At this moment, when he arrived, everyone naturally seemed to have found the backbone and was very excited.

"Lin Han is you, so bold. I originally had a beam with me in the Divine Power Academy, so I dare to destroy the lifeblood of the disciples of our Divine Power Academy!" After learning the whole story, Kong Yong immediately furious and shouted.


As if the sky was collapsing, the whole street was trembling, and the solid ground broke with terrible cracks.

"The strength of the second stage of the supernatural body?" Lin Han couldn't help but raised his brow, said.

The physical strength bursting out of the opponent's body is exactly the second stage of the supernatural body.

"Yes, Lin Han, get out of here now, begging for mercy obediently, otherwise I don't need this unparalleled body to crush you." Kong Yong grinned.

Generally speaking, being able to step into the world-famous divine body is a symbol of Tianzong wizards.

What's more, he is still a second stage. It can be said that his physical body is his most powerful killer, fighting against geniuses of the same level, and he can break it by himself.

With the second stage of the supernatural body, he completely regarded Lin Han as an ant.

However, Lin Han just smiled indifferently. He is also the second stage of the world-famous divine body. Because of the chaotic good fortune art, his physique is much stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, even if the opponent's physical realm is similar to his own, he is not afraid.

"Dare to ignore me and watch the move!" Kong Yong stopped saying more, punched him, and a touch of aura and excitement appeared on his face.

He knew that Lin Han had such treasures as the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak, the Fire Lin Tian Sword, and a mysterious ancient furnace. If he killed Lin Han, these things belonged to him. It was an infinite good fortune.

So he was extremely hot in his heart, completely treating Lin Han as a little fat sheep.

"Boom!" However, Lin Han gave a punch without saying anything.


Kong Yong's arm was suddenly drooped and broken on the spot. The whole figure looked like a dead dog. He flew out and threw a dog to eat shit.

"How is it possible? Your power is so terrifying?" Kong Yong said suddenly full of horror.

Huang Huai and others were also dumbfounded, looking dazed, unable to believe their eyes. Brother Kong Yong, but the second stage of the physical realm of the supernatural body.

How could it not be Lin Han's opponent?

Kong Yong was also horrified, the power that burst out of the second stage of his supernatural body was almost 600 billion catties. However, in his perception, the power of Lin Han's punch was 800 billion catties.

This guy is really weird, he is much stronger than himself at the same level.

Lin Han just sneered and didn't say much. With his physique, his physical realm was about the same, it was enough to crush the opponent.

Right now, he took away Kong Yong's space ring and left here with Lin Fenghuang, Ji Keer, and Xiaolan.

Kong Yong almost wanted to hit his head to death, losing to a young man in his early twenties, which is really a shame to him.

"What's the matter with you?" However, not long after Lin Han had left, a cold voice rang, and a terrifying black-clothed man fell in the sky and said indifferently.

The aura of the physical realm on his body is even stronger, reaching the level of the fifth stage of the supernatural body!

Lin Han must be very surprised when he saw him.

At the level of the supernatural body, a paragraph can be said to be a world.

The man in black turned out to be a five-stage, three-stage higher than him, and his physical realm was really terrifying.

In his body, there is a vast and majestic power, as if he can tear the world with a slight movement.

"Senior Brother Chu Zhong, it's Lin Han, that stinky boy, who beat us like this, you have to be fair for us." Kong Yong said overjoyed immediately.

"Lin Han? What a Lin Han!" Chu Zhong, the black-clothed man, narrowed his eyes, and an extremely cold smell passed over his body.

The Divine Power Academy, among the Eight Great Avenues, was extremely well-known. Even the Hongmeng Taoist Academy could be a challenger. A lowly disciple of the Kaitian Taoist Academy had repeatedly opposed them, which made him a little angry.

"Don't worry, if you catch him, I will make him worse off than death."

Then he said.

With the strength of his fifth stage of the world-surpassing divine body, he was not weaker than Shangguan Sky Screen, so he naturally didn't put Lin Han in his eyes.

For these, Lin Han naturally didn't know, leaving this area is like rushing to the pagoda area.

During the journey, he opened Kong Yong's space ring, and was surprised to find that there was a bottle of "Body Tempering Liquid" in Kong Yong's space ring.

This is a kind of extremely precious precious liquid, specially used to increase the realm of the supernatural body.

There is such a big bottle in it, even if it is Kong Yong, it has been collected for a long time, but it has been done for him before he can take it.

At the moment, Lin Han didn't rush to the pagoda, but found a secret place, first took the body quenching divine liquid, and successfully transformed his physical realm, reaching the level of the third stage of the supernatural divine body.

This came near the pagoda.

After all, he knew that the competition here in the pagoda must be fierce, and the stronger the strength, the more you can grasp when you come here.

I saw that near the pagoda, many people were already surrounded at this moment, all of them were looking at the pagoda with hope, but no one dared to enter.

After inquiring, it turned out that there was a powerful formation outside the pagoda. At this moment, several geniuses were there, breaking the formation together.

Lin Han saw his old enemy-Shangguan Tianmu.

There are also "Ice Fairy" of Hongmeng Taoist Academy, "Chu Zhong" of Shenli Academy, "Zhao Chongyang" of Vientiane Academy, and "Hua Ruqing" of Qingyun Academy.

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