War Emperor

Chapter 1165: Defeated Shangguan Tianmu

The first thousand sixty-five chapters defeated Shangguan Tianmu

These are all geniuses of the famous moving side, and all of them are not famous under the curtain of Shangguan. The five of them work together to break the formation, and each of them glows like five gods, which makes countless people awe.

"The world is boundless, Xuan Yin borrows the law, breaks!"

Finally, Shangguan shouted from the sky, gathered all the strength of the five people, pointed a finger forward, and with a bang, the formation on the pagoda was finally broken, revealing the real pagoda.

"The pagoda is finally opened, rush, countless opportunities are in sight!"

In an instant, countless people's eyes were red, and they raised their weapons and headed to the pagoda.

Lin Han watched for a while and then started to go.

I saw that the first floor of the pagoda was very empty, with many patterns of gods and demons carved inside, as well as some special features from ancient times.

On a golden table in front, there is a quasi-imperial weapon, the Skycraper!

This axe was one of the weapons collected by the Heavenly Cloud God Emperor. According to legend, it has the power to open the sky and the earth, and it is unparalleled.

Some people have already traveled to higher areas to explore opportunities, while some people have stayed here and have a great interest in Skycraper.

After all, such a weapon is a dream for many cultivators.

Lin Han naturally did not let go of the truth. Now the prehistoric sword forging furnace has reached the quasi-imperial weapon. If you want to enter the human royal weapon, you have to swallow ten quasi-imperial tools. This kind of royal weapon is rare in the world. You can't ignore it when you encounter it.

"Lin Han, you still dare to appear, you are really not afraid of death." However, just as Lin Han repelled many explorers, he just wanted to reach out to the sky-cracking axe.

A gloomy voice came, and Shangguan Sky Screen appeared, smiled indifferently, took out the black broadsword, and slashed it at Lin Han.

There was a vicious look in his eyes. Last time, because of the appearance of this pagoda, he had to give up killing Lin Han and let Lin Han get his life back.

As a result, the large formation on the pagoda, they spent so much effort to open it.

Now that I encountered Lin Han again, he was naturally very happy, just in time to obliterate this kid.

"Humph!" However, Lin Han sneered, almost instantaneously, he took out the Fire Lin Tiantian Sword, slashed it out, and rumbling, suddenly flooding the sky, pouring out, like a sea of ​​fire, containing pounds. Vigorously.

"The fourteenth heaven of the emperor, your kid has reached the point of the fourteenth heaven of the emperor!" Shangguan Tianmu was shocked and said in disbelief.

Last time, Lin Han knew that only the Twelfth Heaven of Emperor Zun was the only one who had not seen him in just a few days, and he reached the fourteenth Heaven of Emperor Zun.

What opportunity did this guy encounter, his strength increased so quickly.

"Yes, it is the fourteenth heaven of Emperor Zun, Shangguan Tianmu, now you may not be my opponent." Lin Leng Leng smiled indifferently, and said with great passion.

After eating a pine cone of good luck pine, he has indeed undergone a completely reborn change. In the realm of the fourteenth heaven of the emperor, he does have the confidence to keep up with the official sky curtain and truly compete.


This sword, majestic, majestic, and magnificent, the black long sword of Shangguan's sky can not be resisted, and it was blown out in an instant, and his body slammed against a wall, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood came out!

Many people exclaimed in shock.

Many people know that the last time Lin Han suffered a severe injury, it caused huge damage to the source. Normally, whether he can survive is a problem.

Now Lin Han is not only okay, his strength is stronger than before, which makes people feel a little dreamy.

"No, I don't believe it!" Shangguan Tianmu also yelled, unable to accept the fact that he was defeated in Lin Han's hands. At the moment, he had long hair, dancing wildly, and shouted coldly: "Lin Han fought against me last time, I didn't use me at all. The real trump card, let you know how good I am now."

"Black knife breath blessing!"


After speaking, he spouted a mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on the black knife, causing the black knife to emit a blazing black light, illuminating the hall space.

Then, the breath of Shangguan's sky curtain suddenly rose up crazily, and the whole person seemed to be demonized, terrifying.

"Weapon breath blessing?"

Many people are moved. After the masters have used them to a certain extent, communicating the profound meanings of some powerful magic weapons will indeed bring certain combat power to the masters.

Lin Han's Fire Lin Burning Heaven Sword is one of them!

However, such weapons are too scarce.

The black sword of Shangguan Tianmu is obviously the same.

And Shangguan Tianmu, originally the top powerhouse of Emperor Eighteenth Heaven, now has aura blessings, and the combat power can be imagined to be more powerful.

"Kill!" In the end, Shangguan yelled from the sky, holding the black long knife in both hands, and slashing it down at Lin Han. The light from the long knife became more flaming, like a black big sun. The endless black light fills up the space and is terrifying.

There were Leng Xuan, Shangguan Yun'er and others not far away, and couldn't help laughing.

Such a blow, even if Lin Han reached the fourteenth heaven of Emperor Zun now, he would definitely not be an opponent.

They were looking forward to the next scene where Lin Han was cut in half with a knife.

"Break it for me!" However, Lin coldly smiled, and also burst out the three breath blessings, his breath rose, and he moved the Huo Lin Burning Heaven Sword, slashing it fiercely.

Now that he has reached the fourteenth heaven of the emperor, and the three-breath blessing has been displayed, it is naturally different from the previous one.


In the end, the blade of Shangguan's sky shattered again, and then the whole person slammed into the wall again, vomiting blood.

The injury was more serious this time. He had almost his whole bones broken, and he didn't know how much he had broken. He slipped and sat there, completely unable to stand up.

Suddenly, there was dead silence all around!

Countless people were stunned and stunned.


Shangguan Tianmu lost to Lin Han!

This scene has too much impact on people.

Leng Xuan and Shangguan Yun'er were also dumbfounded, and their scalp numb for a while.

Oh my God, this is Shangguan Tianmu, how could they lose to Lin Han, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Is this still a humble young man who came out of Hongzhou mainland? It is incredible to be able to achieve this step.

"Ah, why, I'm not convinced." Shangguan Tianmu also yelled, full of deep regret. He knew that Lin Han's strength would be so abnormal. A few days ago, he had to kill him regardless of everything. Him.

Now he was defeated in Lin Han's hands, to him, it was like falling into an abyss, his whole body was extremely cold.

"There is nothing dissatisfied with, Shangguan Tianmu, let's get on the road..."

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