War Emperor

Chapter 1166: Second floor

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters second floor

Lin Han's eyes were extremely cold, holding the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword, and rushing towards Shangguan Sky Screen, then swiped the divine sword in his hand, and cut the sword against Shangguan Sky Screen's neck.

"He is going to kill Shangguan Tianmu!"

On the first floor of the entire pagoda, an uproar was instantly set off.

Countless people exclaimed.

Shangguan Tianmu is a famous genius among the Shangguan saints. At this point, it is also a treasure for the saints, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

If he died, the saint would be angry.

Lin Han just raised his sword to kill, disregarding the majesty of the holy race, which really surprised people.

"Lin Han, you won't be able to die, do you know the consequences of killing Shangguan Tianmu." At this time, Leng Xuan and Shangguan Yun'er also changed drastically and shouted.

Shangguan Tianmu was killed, even if they went back, they couldn't deal with each other.

The talent of the above official sky curtain is much higher than them in the holy race.

"What about killing? It is nothing more than arousing the hatred of your holy race. Your holy race has already regarded me as a thorn in your eyes. What is the difference between killing and not killing." Lin Han's eyes were cold as a knife, without any emotion. .

People do not offend me, I do not offend people.

If a person offends me, he will not show mercy to him.

Shangguan Tianmu repeatedly, and again and again, he wanted to kill him, and twice pushed him into despair.

He would naturally kill it to avenge his revenge.

"Lin Han, you bastard, you want to kill me, but it's not that simple." There was a panic in Shangguan Tianmu's eyes, but Lin Han would really dare to kill him.

In Lin Han's sword, he really smelled a threat from death.

At the moment, he gritted his teeth fiercely and with a bang, his body suddenly exploded in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, and then the soul turned into a light and shadow, and flew away from here, leaving only a gloomy voice and said: " Lin Han, I remembered this account today. Just wait and see, my holy race will not let you go."

"Broken corpse soul escape technique?"

Many people exclaimed that this is a legendary ancient technique, blasting one's own body, and at a critical moment, allowing one's soul to escape, fast, and it is a life-saving technique.

But at the cost of sacrificing one's own body.

Shangguan Tianmu actually performed this kind of magic, which shows how much despair was forced.

Lin Han sighed lightly, and did not chase. The opponent's soul was too fast to escape, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to chase him.

What's more, the other party has lost his physical body, and there is no climate, so there is no need to worry about it.

Then, Lin Han got the Sky Cracker.

What surprised him was that beside the Sky Cracking Axe, there was a bottle of Body Tempering Divine Liquid, which was more refined than the ones found in the Kong Yong Space Ring before.

Lin Han hardly delayed, sitting cross-legged on the spot, refining it, and then reached the level of the fourth stage of his supernatural body.

After all, he knew that this pagoda, the more opportunities there are, the more intense the competition, and he naturally needs more strength to be more guaranteed.

Next, he came to the second floor.

The second layer is also a bleak cloud of killing, and the ground is full of corpses, and the killing is even more bloody.

However, on the second floor, there is a young strong man with a green light all over. He is killing him. He has a pair of invincible physical bodies. With all his hands and feet, the sky and the earth are torn apart. All the magic weapons of the cultivators are broken, and the flesh is exploded. , Extremely powerful, like an ancient god.

"Chu Zhong?"

Lin Han couldn't help being stunned. He knew that the other party, named Chu Zhong, was a famous genius from the Divine Power Academy. He was in the realm of physical body, and he had reached the level of the fifth stage of the supernatural body, extremely powerful.

He glanced at the treasures on the second floor, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

The treasure on the second layer is a strange medicinal plant that grows there, swaying with the wind, exuding a delicate fragrance.

However, around the medicinal materials, there was a strange mental fluctuation, which made people look at it for a long time, and even felt dizzy.

"That is the pupil technique grass, after taking it, it can increase pupil technique grade strange things." Hong explained with a smile.

This kind of thing is rare. If Lin Han eats it, his delusion-breaking eye will most likely reach the eighth rank in an instant.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel hot. After all, the cultivation of Eye of Deception is very difficult. Since he encountered such a treasure, he naturally had no reason to let it go.

"Lin Han, it's the kid Lin Han who is here!"

"Brother Chu Zhong, kill him."

At this time, all the disciples of the Divine Power Academy recognized Lin Han, and they were very surprised.

Kong Yong, Mu Ba, Huang Huai and others were all there, and each of them gave Lin Han a gloomy smile.

The Liangzi they had formed with Lin Han was very deep, but it was a pity that Lin Han was too strong and they were not opponents. They had long been looking forward to it. Senior Brother Chu Zhong met him and gave him a severe lesson. Now it is finally realized. Naturally it makes them very happy.

"Die all!" At this moment, Chu Zhong let out a loud roar, and within his body, a **** roar of a landslide and tsunami was heard. A palm instantly smashed all the forty or fifty explorers who were competing with him for the pupil technique, even magic weapons. They are all beaten up, extremely domineering.

Hearing the words of Kong Yong, Mu Ba, Huang Huai and others, he turned his gaze and saw Lin Han. He couldn't help but his eyes became cold. He shot a sharp light, and said with a smile: "Lin Han, look up to the name for a long time, today Finally met."

"You are polite, I have taken a fancy to this pupil technique grass. I don't know if Brother Chu Zhong can cut his love." Lin Han smiled.

Kong Yong, Mu Ba, Huang Huai and others were all startled, and then all laughed loudly and said: "Lin Han, I think your kid's head is broken. When I saw our brother Chu Zhong, I didn't kneel down and beg for mercy. Dare to ask for this pupil technique grass?"

When Lin Han saw Senior Brother Chu Zhong, it was a disaster, but if he dared to say such words, it naturally seemed extremely ridiculous.

Chu Zhong also smiled and said, "As long as you have this skill, I can certainly give it to you, but are you sure you have it?"

"It should be about the same." Lin Han just said.

"Arrogant!" Chu Zhong smirked in anger, only to feel that Lin Han's words were completely an insult to him, and immediately said coldly, "There is nothing to say, just look at it!"


Seeing him spreading his wings like a big Peng, he flew to the front, raised his hand and slapped Lin Han with a palm.

On his palm was covered with the majestic power of the five-stage divine body, and at the same time, there was a big golden bell phantom emerging, which made his palm full of overbearing taste.

"Jing Zhong Jue?"

Lin Han couldn't help his eyes condensing, said.

The Shenli Academy is the only physical training academy in the Eight Avenues. The most powerful technique is the Jinzhong Jue. If you practice it to a certain level, you can condense the Jinzhong phantom and make your attacks more domineering.

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