War Emperor

Chapter 1208: Chu Xingfeng

The first thousand two hundred and eight chapters of Chu Xingfeng

"Brother, since this empty box is useless to you, how about giving it to me?"

At this moment, a warm laugh came, and a group of people walked not far away, each with a badge with the word "wind" hanging on their chests.

The whole body is also faintly, there is a gust of wind power circulating, revealing a misty smell of dust.

Obviously, it is the disciple of the Dafeng Academy of Eight Colleges.

The man who was talking was a handsome man with a folding fan, with a smile on his face that made people feel like a spring breeze, extremely charming.

"Chu Xingfeng?" Lin Han raised his brows, and the other party was Chu Xingfeng, the big brother of the Storm Academy.

"This is what I finally got by killing so many talents, how can I just give it to others." Hearing this, the bald man couldn't help but sneered.

There are some players beside him who also sneered.

Although the opponent is the famous Chu Xingfeng, these explorers, who are accustomed to the life of licking blood on the edge of the knife, are not afraid at all.

"Xiongtai is very true." Chu Xingfeng smiled, and immediately took out a package from the space ring: "There are ten heavenly spirit fruits in the package. I must exchange for the empty box of Xiongtai, it should be enough."

"Tian Ling Guo?" The bald man was startled, his eyes flashing hot.

They have no background, and it is not easy to obtain heavenly spirit fruits. Ten heavenly spirit fruits are indeed not a small wealth.

The other team members are also very excited and think this deal is a good deal.

The bald man rolled his eyes, and suddenly he smiled, and said, "The treasure chest is for the people of the Eighth Avenue Institute, but the points, ten Heavenly Spirit Fruits are too few, at least one hundred will do!"

"Can't you grab it?"

The disciples of the Storm Academy were all furious and scolded.

Some people even couldn't help pulling out their weapons and wanting opponents, but Chu Xingfeng stopped them from laughing and saying, "One hundred is a hundred, and the treasure chest is indeed worth the price!

After speaking, he still gave the other party a package, and there was glowing light, which was much larger than before.

After the bald man counted the quantity, he couldn't help but laugh out loud and said to Chu Xingfeng: "Master Chu is really extraordinary and generous, this empty box is yours, goodbye." The team members also left.

Huh huh!

However, at the moment they turned around, the smile on Chu Xingfeng's face showed a slight icy color, and then with a wave of the folding fan in his hand, immediately terrifying winds emerged, like fierce wind blades. So, screaming towards those people quickly.

Those explorers didn't expect Chu Xingfeng to make a sneak attack, and all of them suddenly couldn't help screaming. The body was either cut off at the waist or slashed, and died on the spot, with broken arms and limbs flying around, bloody.

"Chu Xingfeng, you son of a bitch, it's so despicable." The bald man gritted his teeth, and a wind blade was inserted into his chest, his heart was pierced, blood was constantly flowing out, and he roared.

"This is what the soldiers do not tire of blackmailing me. You are guilty of your death." Chu Xingfeng smiled indifferently, and came to the front with a pop, the folding fan in his hand raised, and the bald man with a head suddenly flew out at an angle and died tragically on the spot.

"This Chu Xingfeng has such a deep scheming. Those explorers have extraordinary strengths. They face each other. Even if Chu Xingfeng wants to solve them, it is not easy. That's why he gave him a hundred heavenly spirit fruits to let these explorers Take it lightly, and then kill with one move." Seeing this scene, Ji Ke'er couldn't help being a little bit embarrassed and whispered.

Lin Han nodded. Everyone who dared to come to the ancient world this time had two brushes. Even if the elite geniuses of the Eight Avenue Institute met, sometimes it was not so easy to deal with.

Chu Xingfeng solved a powerful expedition with ease and obtained the box, which was indeed extraordinary.

"Brother Chu, there are disciples from the Kaitian Taoist Academy over there." At this time, a disciple went to follow Chu Xingfeng.

Chu Xingfeng retrieved his Heavenly Spirit Fruit from the bald man, turned his head and looked over.

"Haha, this must be the young emperor Lin Han who has recently become famous all over the world. Fortunately." Chu Xingfeng wiped the blood from his hands with Paruo nonchalantly and smiled at Lin Han.

Like Mu Chunfeng's smile and outstanding temperament, no one would have thought that he had such a deep heart before, and his shot was so cruel.

"Senior Brother Chu has a great reputation, it is my honor to see it this time." Lin Han smiled lightly.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Lin must feel that I'm not doing the right thing, but here is a mixture of dragons and snakes. To get the treasure chest, using some special methods is compelling, Junior Brother Lin must be able to understand." Chu Xingfeng smiled lightly.

Lin Han was silent, noncommittal.

"Meeting is fate, Junior Brother Lin doesn't know if he is interested, let's work together?" Chu Xingfeng seemed to think of something, and his words changed.

"Cooperate with what?" Lin Han raised his brow.

"Actually, we know that there is a place with a lot of treasure chests, but it is very dangerous. It is difficult for us to get the wind academy alone. If Junior Brother Lin cooperates with us, we can get those treasure chests equally." Chu Xingfeng Road, before their Storm Academy, some disciples fell in that area and sent them a letter for the first time, but they were killed by a very powerful monster.

Now that he has resolved the matter here, he wants to rush over to take a look, but he is not sure in his heart.

Lin Han knew that after passing through the entrance of the space, the place where he appeared was random, so Chu Xingfeng should be credible.

However, he didn't dare to compliment Chu Xingfeng's character, so he shook his head and said with a smile: "We want to look around first, Brother Chu kindly accepted it."

"If this is the case, then I won't force it, let's not pass this." Chu Xingfeng's eyes flashed with disappointment and smiled.

In this way, Lin Han, Chu Xingfeng and others said goodbye.

After leaving a certain area, Lin Han stopped and followed Chu Xingfeng and others far away.

"What is this going to do?" Ji Kerr asked puzzled.

"Naturally, a oriole is going to be behind." Lin Han smiled. He didn't want to form a teammate with him, and it was okay to follow him by chance.

After all, Chu Xingfeng went to places with a lot of treasure chests, so he naturally wanted to see it.

Lin Fenghuang also smiled, thinking this method is very good.

With Chu Xingfeng's scheming, if they are overcast by them, I don't know what it will be like.

Next, they followed all the way, after about dozens of miles.

Chu Xingfeng was in front when he encountered the Green Fairy of Qingyun Academy, smiling and not knowing what to say, let the people from Qingyun Academy go together.

"It seems that this guy has already formed an alliance with the Green Fairy of Qingyun Academy. With his mind, Green Fairy will probably suffer."

Lin Han pondered.

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