War Emperor

Chapter 1209: Special mountain

Chapter 1209 Special Mountain

The women in Qingyun Academy are beautiful, but they are definitely not as good as Chu Xingfeng. He seems to have expected the outcome of these big-minded, brainless and mentally retarded women.

After walking for another twenty miles, finally a huge basin appeared on the desolate Gobi. In the basin, there were many damaged peaks, standing there like being crushed by some terrible force, with a sense of depression. Sense of.

Looking down from the sky, it can be seen that these mountains are arranged, vaguely, with a sense of mystery, like five elements and eight hexagrams.

"Brother Chu, do you think this is where there are many treasure chests?" Green Fairy looked at the mountain in front of him with beautiful eyes.

She was about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with white skin, wearing a Tsing Yi, jade bone and muscle, with a clear and refined temperament.

In this desolate Gobi at dusk, it is like a beautiful landscape.

Behind her, there are many female disciples from Qingyun Academy, all of them are born with appearance and extraordinary temperament.

Sniffing the scent from Yi Ren, Chu Xingfeng couldn't help but smile: "Yes, but there is a fierce beast in this mountainous region. We must be careful."

"What fierce beast?" Green Fairy frowned.

"I'm not very clear. The picture my junior brother passed to me is a bit vague." Chu Xingfeng sighed lightly. Between their disciples, there are jade pendants dedicated to communicating with each other, and pictures can be sent over if necessary.

It's just that the situation at the time was too critical. He only saw a huge claw in the picture, killing their junior, blood flowing and screaming, and he couldn't see anything else.

"Now there is Senior Sister Qing accompanying. With the strength of the two of us, even if it is a fierce beast, it is nothing to us. I will draw the fierce beast out first." Chu Xingfeng smiled confidently. On the handsome face, the charm that emerged made many women from Qingyun Academy couldn't help but look twice, with reddish ear tips.


Next, Chu Xingfeng walked to a piece of abandoned boulder, and with a wave of a folding fan in his hand, an extremely powerful wind suddenly appeared, wrapping the boulder, and then Chu Xingfeng moved forward a little bit, and the boulder immediately carried the thunderbolt. Force, smashed towards the inside of the mountain.


I have to say that Chu Xingfeng's strength is really strong, and this suddenly caused the entire mountain to shake violently, as if there was a major earthquake, many broken mountain peaks, as if they were going to collapse, the scenery was terrible.

"Beast, don't come out soon." Chu Xingfeng flew into the air and shouted.

The sound was wrapped in strong energetic, like a **** screaming, rolling across the entire mountain, and under the echo of the peaks, it lasted for a long time.

At this moment, he is like a **** descending to earth, with compelling charm.


Soon after the sound fell, a terrifying roar sounded, shaking the earth.

In the depths of the mountain, a "mountain" suddenly moved, like a giant moving, and the shaking ground rumbling.

When it comes to the front, you can see that it is a huge monster.

It is shaped like an ox, has six eyes, raw meat wings on the back, and its body is covered with a layer of steel armor, giving people a very strong and domineering feeling. If it moves, it will be shocked and the sky will collapse.

"This is a prisoner cow." Lin Han looked at from a distance, couldn't help being slightly surprised, and lost his voice.

This is a powerful alien beast with the blood of an ancient fierce beast, almost extinct in the outside world, so powerful, it is unexpected to be able to encounter it here.

"Haha, it turned out to be a prisoner cow, Senior Sister Qing, let's do it together and take it down." Chu Xingfeng smiled. The powerful energy contained in the flesh and bones of this fierce beast can strengthen the body and strengthen the bones and increase the vitality. It is a treasure of the flesh.

Green Fairy nodded. On the prisoner cow, she also saw that there were three treasure chests inlaid, which were obviously placed deliberately by the Shangguan saints. If you want to get the treasure chest, you must first defeat the prisoner cow.


Next, Chu Xingfeng and Green Fairy worked together. Both of them are worthy of being the powerhouses of the Five Heavens in the Human Emperor Realm. Once they broke out, they immediately descended like two gods, and their whole bodies glowed with incomparable light, illuminating a large area.

Chu Xingfeng took the lead and displayed the folding fan in his hand. The folding fan was called Fenghuo Fan. Once it was activated, the wind roared and the fire blazed over the sky.

This is a treasure of the Storm Academy, given to him by the dean.


A blue feather appeared in the slender hands of Green Fairy Ruyu. After waving it away, a huge blue luan appeared, and it bombarded the prisoner cow with great momentum.

This is the feather of Emperor Qingluan, which was refined into a magic weapon by the Supreme Elder of Qingyun Academy and bestowed on her.

She is now holding the Luan Emperor's feathers, as if a bird king is reborn, with a feeling of overwhelming everything.


The prisoner cow is called the overlord of one party here, and two humans broke into the territory and attacked it, making it angry.

Immediately it roared, and its body shook. The endless boulders in the mountain were all suspended and slammed into Chu Xingfeng and Green Fairy fiercely.

It has unique talents and supernatural powers, which can communicate with the power of the earth for its own use.

So in this mountainous region, it is the real master, and every mountain and stone can be used for it.

Next, the war unfolded, and the mountains were full of radiance, vigor, like a disaster, almost submerged there, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

But I have to say that Chu Xingfeng and Green Fairy have extraordinary strengths. If Prisoner Niu can deal with one person, it is obviously a little weak to deal with two people.

So gradually the prisoner cow began to fall into the wind, blood was constantly flowing down its huge body, and in some places, even Bai Sensen's bones were clearly visible.

"Go to hell." Finally, Chu Xingfeng shouted loudly, offering a silver-white sword, and stab the Tianling of the prisoner with a sword.

His sword is of extraordinary rank and extreme sharpness. Even if there is a layer of armor-like bone protection on the prisoner's sky spirit, it was instantly pierced and inserted into his brain. The prisoner wailed and his huge body fell into a pool of blood. Among them, completely tragic death.

Chu Xingfeng and Qing Fairy breathed a sigh of relief. Qing Fairy couldn't help but smiled at Chu Xingfeng: "Brother Chu, the strength is so impressive that the younger sister can admire him."

Shicai and the two of them also secretly had a rivalry.

Chu Xingfeng killed the prisoner cattle, which obviously had the upper hand.

"Senior Sister Qing's profound art is also admired by the younger brother." Chu Xingfeng smiled.

Then he glanced around, paused, and said: "Senior Sister Qing, wait here for a while to rest. I'll see if there are any treasure chests in other places."

Green Fairy smiled and nodded.

But waiting for a while, but no one came back, which made her a little confused.

"Brother Chu, there is no danger, right." The other female disciple of Qingyun Academy couldn't help but mutter.

The mountains here are like a maze, and there are not many places they can see.

"Hey, a bunch of idiots, you don't know if you were killed." At this moment, Lin Han walked out and couldn't help but sneer.

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