War Emperor

Chapter 1425: Sword furnace enhancement

The atmosphere freezes.

The huge booming sound kept falling, Lin Han used the chaotic chart to resist the killing sword that kept falling down.

Now Lin Han's mouth is overflowing with more and more blood, and his face is getting paler.

If this continues, the light consumption is enough to consume him to death.

"Lin Han, don't you admit defeat now? Promise to dissolve the ancient Li Dynasty, and I will spare your life." Xiaolan's hair fluttered, her beautiful eyes blooming coldly.

"Impossible!" Lin Han's eyes were cold.

"Well, if that's the case, don't blame me." Xiaolan bit her silver teeth, and finally made up her mind, the knot in Ying Baiyu's hand changed again.


In an instant, within the road of reincarnation, a vast and incomparable energy erupted, and a lightsaber that was hundreds of feet in size rushed out from there, slashing towards Lin Han fiercely.

The power of this sword is more terrifying than all sword lights.

The momentum of light is as heavy as a mountain.

Many people exclaimed, now Lin Han is obviously unable to hold it, and if this sword light falls, he will definitely be shaken to death.

Lin Jiaoer is also full of tension.

Countless people looked in surprise.

"Hong, are you all right? No matter how bad, I really want to explain here." At this time, Lin Han couldn't help gritting his teeth and said to Hong.

On that huge black sword, he really smelled the threat of death.

If it landed, he would indeed finish.

"Okay." Hongdao at this moment.

In Lin Han's dantian, the light from the prehistoric sword-forging furnace was more brilliant and radiant, like a most divine and holy thing, with a surging taste.

"Break it for me!" Lin Han was delighted, then looked at the sky and shouted coldly.


Then, under the startled eyes of countless people, the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace finally rushed out, and in an instant, countless divine lights filled the sky and the earth, as if a hundred rounds of the sun exploded here, blinding people from opening their eyes.

And in the sky, there are countless scenes of intertwined lightning.

"Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace, its aura has become so strong!"

"It's enhanced again!"

Many people were surprised. Before Lin Han used the predominance to forge the sword furnace, it was clear that there was no way to reincarnate the book.

The aura that exudes from the Sword Casting Furnace is obviously much stronger than before.

This is amazing. You must know that this is the most terrifying weapon in ancient times. It is mysterious and infinite, and as it continues to increase, it can shock the fairy world.

This is the case now, Xiao Lan is probably in danger.


A loud noise spread, and the huge black sword light was suddenly broken and turned into endless black energy.

Xiao Lan also spouted a big mouthful of blood and flew out, the counter-shock force was too strong for her to bear.

"How could it be like this..." A void appeared in Xiaolan's beautiful eyes, and she couldn't believe that at this last moment, the Sword Furnace would become even more powerful.

This is no less than a thought of heaven and hell.

However, she also guessed that it should be the Sword-forging Furnace, which was able to successfully refine the Swallowing Temple.

This made her feel a touch of sorrow in her heart, it was really God's will.

"Sister, are you okay." At this moment, Xiaocao finally couldn't help but exclaimed, rushing down from the mountain to hold Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan's injury is too serious now, and the blood-stained dress is almost red and white, looking very beautiful.

Lin Han's expression also changed, and a touch of unbearable appeared in his heart.

He just used the prehistoric sword furnace to shatter the black sword light, but he didn't expect Xiao Lan to be injured so badly.

After all, now the prehistoric sword forge, after refining and swallowing the Temple of Heaven, the power has increased too much.

"It's okay, Emperor Lin Han, you won. This Chaos Wood is yours." Xiaolan shook her head, her body surface flickered with black light, and healed her wounds with the magic of the Witch Clan, and said to Lin Han.

There was a misfire in the surrounding atmosphere, and no one expected that the battle would change so quickly.

The Sect Master of the Odd Array and the Palace Master of the Star Palace in the main hall also had ugly expressions, and the Shicai and the others were gloating for a while, and now they were almost slapped.

Some members of the Wusheng clan also became bitter.

This is really an instant to give them hope and let them down again.

Overlord Shangguan, Wei Zhong, and Su Xiyi laughed and felt happy for Lin Han. In this way, Lin Han is equivalent to winning the championship.

Lin Han was relieved when seeing the black light on Xiaolan's body, she had almost recovered from her injury.

Then he smiled at the Wuxiang Fawang: "Brother Fawang, do you want to take a shot?"

He knew that King Wuxiang was a very powerful person, and he shouldn't shrink back.

The Wuxiang Dharma hesitated and sighed: "To tell the truth, I see Lin Han's magical power, I don't think it is your opponent, but before such an opportunity, if I don't make a move, I will fall into the reputation of Buddhism too, the little monk is not talented and bold. Discuss two tricks with Lin Han's donor."

After speaking, there was a golden light overflowing above the body, like a round of sun, extremely bright.

Lin Han nodded, knowing that the humility of the Wuxiang Fawang cannot be underestimated, and said: "Well, come on."

Chaos essence appeared on his body, and once again he returned to his peak state. This battle with Xiaolan was also extremely costly to him.

Fortunately, he had swallowed Chaos Wood, and recovery from his injury had an advantage that others could not match. So after a while, his eyes were superb and he returned to his peak state again.

"Look at the move!" The Wuxiang Law King stared at Lin Han for a while, seeing that Lin Han was just standing there randomly, but he had a sense of naturalness, without the slightest flaw.

I couldn't help but marvel at Lin Han's extraordinaryness again, and then slapped Lin Han with a palm.


In the void, the singing of the Great Buddha Cicada suddenly sounded, as if there were endless gods and Buddhas singing, a huge golden palm print was hit by him, and in the palm print, there was a rolling Buddha power.

Many people were shocked. Under this palm, they felt a deep sense of danger.

Although the Wuxiang Dharma is just a random blow, his power is too great, giving everyone the feeling that he has turned into an immortal **** and Buddha, making them want to worship devoutly.

"Bring it to me." Lin Han yelled, and the blue light burst out in his hand, and he also made a fierce palm print, filled with dazzling aquamarine.

This is his performance of the Chaos Good Fortune Secret Art, which has already run to the extreme. On his palm prints, it is full of chaotic majesty, as if a chaotic **** appeared, and would crush everything.


In the void, colorful divine light burst out immediately.

All kinds of terrible fluctuations, fierce and mighty, flew out towards the surroundings.

There were even waves of thunder emerging.

In the distance, there are many mountains, which collapsed directly, smoke and dust rose, and the scenery was amazing.

Many people were shocked. This shot was too domineering. The two had no intention of temptation. They came up to fight the most powerful confrontation.


Finally, the energy exploded. After all, Lin Han's current combat power has improved a lot. In addition, the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak and the Crazy God War Armor have been put on, and the Wuxiang Dharma has not resisted it, and he is directly backed a few steps by the shock. The golden light is a bit disordered.

Many top geniuses admired that Lin Han really had the power to disregard all geniuses, and even the Wuxiang Dharma King was not his opponent under his hard work. Among the geniuses of the Five Continents and Four Seas before, the King Wuxiang had a special lofty position like a mountain.

"Lin Han donor, his strength is amazing, please take this trick from me again." Wuxiang Dharma also said with a slight admiration.

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