War Emperor

Chapter 1426: Body

Then, he folded his hands together, and a huge **** buddha seal appeared in his palm, and he suppressed Lin Han again.

The **** Buddha seal is even more majestic. Behind the Wuxiang Dharma, there is also a huge and incomparable figure of the Buddha. If it can break through the heavens and the earth, towering into the stars of the universe, the Buddha is full of gold, as if it were made of gold, full of Dignified texture.

As soon as this seal was printed, a deep and incomparable atmosphere of sadness appeared between the world and the earth, as if there were gods and demons crying, many people felt sadness in their hearts and wanted to cry.

"The Great Compassionate Seal?"

Many people are surprised that this is a very powerful magical power of Buddhism.

There used to be Buddhist monks on the West Niu Continent. They showed up and directly killed a great demon who was famous in the past, making it famous in ancient and modern times.

Since Xi Niu Continent is far away from other continents, people in Buddhism seldom appear in front of everyone. Therefore, this Great Compassion Seal has not been seen by anyone for at least tens of thousands of years. Deeply shocked.

Under this magnificent palmprint, even some geniuses of the Emperor Realm could not help but tremble in their hearts, feeling irresistible.

"Baxiang Time and Space, show it to me!" Lin Han also felt solemn in his heart, knowing that this palm is no small matter, and immediately shouted, eight bright celestial images appeared on the surface of the body, suppressing the past in the void.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, there are eight magnificent wills emerging from the eight immortal pictures, and it can be vaguely seen that there are eight supreme powerhouses standing there, helping Lin Han bless the breath, and let the eight images of time and space. The power is even more terrifying.

In this situation, the huge **** Buddha seal was not crushed, but was held by a strong will and could not move forward.

There was a touch of shock in the eyes of the King Wuxiang. This combat skill, the supreme tyrant and the strongest, once used in the ancient times, almost crushed everything, and there were few enemies.

Now that he was restrained in Lin Han's hands, these eight elephants were truly extraordinary in time and space.

In the eight fairy pictures, even if he smelled an irresistible attitude.

"Break it for me!" At the moment, he yelled at the golden light that bloomed from the surface of his body to be more intense, and the sound of majestic chanting from his body, as if it contained three thousand gods and demons.

On his body surface, there was even a layer of golden flame burning, making his aura even more fierce.

This is his performance of urging the Dharma to a certain extent. Now he really has a kind of self-respecting spirit that looks through the vast land.

This kind of Buddha is too powerful.


It's a pity that the eight elephants cycle through time and space, and the temperament that it exudes is also stronger. Rao, there are beads of sweat on the forehead of the Wuxiang Dharma, and he still can't break through Lin Han's shackles, and he doesn't move forward at all.

This also made a sense of awe-inspiring appear in the heart of the Wuxiang Law King.

Is Lin Han's Eight Elephant Time and Space so powerful? Even if he had heard of it before, this was the first time he saw it.

"Drive me!"

However, in the following, an even more icy scene appeared in Lin Han's eyes, and a cold electricity burst into Lin Han's eyes. The cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame behind him was mighty, the battle armor of the mad **** glowed, and he shouted, among the eight fairy pictures, suddenly Each shot a brilliant divine light and struck towards the **** Buddha seal.

Each divine light is as brilliant as a rainbow, with different colors, and it contains the original power of Lin Han's cultivation of the eight-book conquering technique.

The speed was too fast, and the King Wuxiang had no chance to make any reaction. The huge **** Buddha seal suddenly exploded, and an incomparable backlash struck, making the King Wuxiang back a few steps again, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

There was a huge commotion all around again.

Lin Han is really a powerful pervert, the Wuxiang Dharma, fighting him, has been in a disadvantage.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never have thought that the Wuxiang Dharma would have come to this point.


Lin Han was also uncomfortable. There was blood overflowing in his body. After all, the divine power contained in the **** Buddhist seal was very strong, but fortunately, his injury did not have the Wuxiang Dharma King. Moreover, he has the Supreme Emperor, almost once in operation. Just recover.

"Brother Dharma King, it seems that there is no need to compare, let's stop here." Then, Lin Han smiled at Dharma King Wuxiang.

His impression of the King Wuxiang is quite good. He has made several rescues without any grudges.

If he can't really fight, he naturally doesn't want to fight to death.

"No, at this point, even if it's not your opponent, you must decide the outcome." The Wuxiang Dharma shook his head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said firmly.

With the blood of King Peacock Daming flowing in his body, he was born with a fighting element, even if he was a Buddhist man, he was baptized by the Dharma and smoothed out his hostility.

But in the bones, this momentum is still there.

Now in front of so many people, he represents the reputation of Buddhism, so naturally he can't just admit defeat.

"Lin Han donor, profound skills, the little monk has limited understanding of Buddhism, fighting against you with the Dharma, is not an opponent at all. Therefore, I can only use my body, and please be careful." Then, the Wuxiang Dharma King's eyes rose up. There was a strong sense of warfare, and with a bang, an immeasurable golden light exploded on the surface, and the whole person seemed to explode.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of a crowd of shocking people, a huge peacock bird appeared in the sky. It was a hundred feet tall, full of brilliance, bright feathers, and full of a sacred and noble temperament.

In a pair of jewel-like eyes, at this moment, a fierce atmosphere is filled.

"Peacock body?" Many people exclaimed. Everyone knows that the most powerful method of the Peacock King of the Immortal Realm is to use his body. Then he will be more fierce and kill everything. Even in Buddhism, many ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were wounded, and no one can stop them.

The King Wuxiang is his descendant, so obviously it will be the same.

Under the huge body of the peacock, many people felt a throbbing from the soul, as if the most terrifying fierce bird appeared in the world, making people's hairs stand upright.

After the King Wuxiang displayed the peacock body, the fierce aura increased too much, completely unlike the creatures in Buddhism.

"Lin Han donor, the peacock body will show off my original animal nature, and the shot will be a bit cruel. If it hurts you, I must first say sorry to you in advance." Wuxiang Fa Wang said.

The huge peacock obscured the sky and the sun, shining brightly, concealing all the rays of light on the sky, covering almost half of the mountain of Gods and Demons, with a loud voice.

When the body is displayed, the self-confidence of the Wuxiang Dharma also rises. Although he is ranked first among the freaks, he has never used the peacock body.

This is his strongest state. Even though Lin Han is overpowering the best, he now has a kind of lofty sentiment that looks down upon him.

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