War Emperor

Chapter 1434: Absorbed

The city collapsed and fell apart, and there was the sound of endless creatures and howling.

There is a little boy lying in the ruins, crying to his sister...

An old man mourns his granddaughter...

This is a horrible horror on earth.

Ninety-nine percent of the people are dead, and the blood has gathered into the river, flowing in the ruins, extremely scarlet.

Zhenyou opened her mouth and sucked, and the endless blood was sucked into his mouth immediately. Some people who were still alive were also eaten raw by him like a snack.

His mouth is like a **** hole, everything will become smaller and enter directly.

When the absorption was completed, his face became more rosy, and he said in intoxication: "What a wonderful taste, my life span has increased by at least a hundred years!"

They can live so long because they come out to harm the world and devour some creatures every thousands of years, otherwise the dust will return to the dust and the soil will return to the earth.

Lin Jiao'er, Shangguan Bawang, and others were all angry, and they were too cruel.

Especially Lin Jiao'er, with tears in her more beautiful eyes, these are all citizens of the dynasty.

As a dynasty princess, she naturally felt very distressed.

At this time, Ji Ke'er, Lin Fenghuang, King Jin and others had also rushed to learn about the events here, and they were all very angry.

However, these nine old miscellaneous hairs are too strong for them to play.

Only quickly hid in the formation, waiting for Lin Han to wake up.

"Haha, I also come to taste the taste of Lin Han, this little beast." Xingchenfeng also laughed, flew to another city thousands of miles away, stepped on it, and banged, that city was also instantly It collapsed, endless creatures died tragically, and all their blood was absorbed by him.

The same goes for the other old antiques.

Today, the ancient Li Dynasty, without a doubt, ushered in a catastrophe.

If they were allowed to absorb it in this way, the consequences would be disastrous.

All the forces in the world have been gathered in the four weeks, and they are all silent for a while, even if they all feel that the others are too cruel.

But the world is like this, the weak eat the strong, **** and cruel.

Each of them can sweep the world, and the nine are united together, no one can stop them.

Anyone who says more will die.

Some sighed for Lin Han, while others gloated.

This is destined to be a memorable day.

"Bastard, stop me." At this moment, a young boy's angry roar sounded like a nine-day thunder, which exploded across the entire Hongzhou mainland.

Then, Lin Han finally woke up, a pair of eyes bursting with incomparable divine light, causing the sun, moon and stars in the sky to tremble, and the Three Thousand Avenue shook, as if it could not bear his pressure to explode, and the scenery was terrifying.

The anger in Lin Han's heart almost burst out in substance.

These nine old gangsters killed so many people in the Guli Dynasty, and they were evildoers.

"Haha, Lin Han, do you finally wake up with your head shrunk and tortoise, dare to step out of the big battle? Otherwise, we will not only slaughter your people from Hongzhou mainland, but also go to Lingxiao mainland and let the people there They all died tragically." Zhen Youzuo laughed.

After absorbing too much blood, his eyes have become scarlet, like an old ghost.

"One battle is one battle, and I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces." Lin Han stood up, the endless golden light burst out, and walked out of the big formation.

Now he, like a true **** parade, has dragons steaming on the surface, and golden lotus roots rise in the sky, the scent is lingering, and the petals are flying.

Above the head, there is also a huge emperor's transformation cap floating, and the emperor's air is hanging down.

Lin Han's momentum is too strong now, even brighter than the sun in the sky.

"Emperor Lin Han!"

"Lord, long live long live long live long live!"

The people of Hongzhou mainland knelt down at him, extremely excited.

Lin Han is their patron saint, waking up now, let them see hope.

Zhen Youhu, Xingchenfeng and others' expressions changed slightly, and they noticed that Lin Han and the others were just as fierce as two people before.

In Lin Han, they all felt a sense of pressure.

However, Zhen Youxu didn't care, feeling that it was a normal phenomenon after Lin Han absorbed part of Chaos Wood.

In just ten days, where can the strength be?

"Now welcome your death, kill!" Then, he laughed and slapped Lin Han with a palm, killing so many people, and finally let Lin Han come out, he couldn't wait.

In his opinion, Lin Han is still a little bug.

"Break it for me!" However, Lin Han yelled, and a huge fire burst out in his eyes, punching out.

The immeasurable golden light immediately shook the sky and the earth like ten thousand volcanoes, and the palm strength of the formation was instantly disintegrated. Then the punch hit his face, causing him to scream immediately. The man was beaten up like a dead dog and flew out, smashing a mountain thousands of miles away.

Too tough, Lin Han's punch was almost earth-shaking, shattering the might of the sun and the moon.

The teeth were crushed several times, bloody, and half of his face was beaten, which was extremely miserable.

"Asshole, Lin Han, are you so strong now?" He hissed in shock and anger.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han's strength soared so much, his current aura clearly reached the twelfth heavenly consummation of the Emperor Realm.

It is only one step away from breaking into the fairyland.

This made him feel like he was alive.

Could it be that within ten days, Lin Han had completely absorbed Chaos Wood?

"Lin Han, have you completely absorbed the Chaos Wood?" At this moment, Xingchenfeng was also shocked.

The energy in Lin Han's body is too majestic, the vastness is like the starry sky, and the blood is extremely prosperous, like a large furnace, burning the sky with a burst of heat.

To reach the Twelfth Heavenly Consummation in just ten days, it can only be done by absorbing all the Chaos Wood.

"Yes, I have successfully absorbed, and your doomsday is here." Lin Han's eyes were cold as electricity, like an emperor, and his voice was like thunder, spreading all over the world.

To reach the Twelfth Heavenly Consummation of the Emperor Realm, his aura is too ferocious.

In the pubic area, the golden supernatural power, surging like an endless sea, can break the sky at every turn.

He felt that he could punch the world through with a single punch and see eternity.

This is his confidence after the increase in strength.

Zhen Youzhi and the others were all shocked. The reason they were so relieved before was because they believed that Lin Han could not absorb Chaos Wood so quickly.

But Lin Han did it, which made them feel incredible.

Oh my god, only ten days, is this kid a big stomacher? How could it be so terrifying to absorb the refining speed?

At the same time, they also realize that today is dangerous.

Lin Han's blood is in full swing, but their blood is dry. Under the same realm, they can't be opponents.

It's like an old lion, and a lion at the peak of its prime, not the same concept.

"Let's do it together and kill him." Then, Zhen Youji gritted his teeth.

The half of his face that was punched by Lin Han was rotten, which was a huge shame to him.

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