War Emperor

Chapter 1435: Cruel means

The eight people of Xingchenfeng nodded and saw that Lin Han was extraordinary. If he didn't do it together, he would most likely be defeated one by one.


At the moment, the nine of them yelled together, each pointed a finger, and displayed their original power. The red, blue, purple, orange, gold and other rays of light were dazzling, cutting through the sky and rushing towards the forest. cold.

The momentum is too strong, and every ray of light contains a vigorous aura that is like the sea. The sum of so many is a lore. There are almost no creatures in the five continents and four seas that can resist.

Many people around were taking a cold breath, wanting to see where Lin Han had improved after reaching the twelfth heaven of Emperor Realm.

Even though he was already in this realm and aspiring to the pinnacle, he might not be able to stop the attack of the nine.

After all, nine people work together to shoot, far from being as simple as nine plus one.

"Looking for death!" However, Lin Chong smiled, still not afraid, and even a pair of eyes was filled with pride.

In the past ten days, he not only swallowed the Chaos Wood, but also practiced destroying the heavens and the earth palms. This blow was just enough to test his palm strength.

"Destroy the heavens and destroy the palms of the earth, kill me!" At the moment, Lin Han shouted, with a brilliant glow in his palm, rushing towards the nine people, and suddenly an aura of destruction swept through the sky, letting it out. The whole universe trembled.

Almost all the vast Hongzhou mainland was shaking together, and the irresistible coercion raged, Wan Ling bowed to Lin Han.

This palm was too powerful, and behind Lin Han, there was a vision of a deity kneeling at him, vast and magnificent.

The endless fairy clouds above his head are boiling like a sea, boundless.

"How is it possible, what level of fairy skill is this?" Zhen Youzu was immediately surprised and incredulous.

The Eight Stars and Winds were also extremely shocked.

When performing fairy skills, fairy light will burst out from the body, indicating the rank of fairy skills.

The average fairy skill is only about one meter at most, and the endless fairy light on Lin Han's head actually covers the sky, covering the sun, moon and stars, and it is vast.

This is too scary, it is impossible to imagine what level of fairy skill has such a momentum.

"The power of destruction is so strong, could it be... the legendary Destruction of Heaven and Earth Palm." Among them, an old man of the Demon Saint clan hissed in shock.

The books of the demon saint clan recorded some secrets about the immortal world. Destroying the sky and destroying the palm of the earth is a great ancient combat skill, powerful and powerful.

Even the powerhouse of the immortal emperor level had died under this palm.

Lin Han's palm is like a palm that destroys the world.

"No." Zhen Youzuo eight people have scalp numbness. This is a fairy skill that countless experts in the fairy world dream of. Lin Han has learned that luck is too bad.

However, they knew that Lin Han was very popular with the Master of Heaven, and it was normal for the latter to teach him this technique.

According to legend, it is in the hands of the master of heaven.

"Blessing the attack, you must not let this palm come close." Then, Zhen Youju gritted his teeth and shouted. The power of Destroying Heaven and Earth Palm is too tyrannical. If they fail, they are likely to suffer heavy losses, and they are desperately instilling divine power into their finger power.

The eight people of Xingchenfeng nodded, sweating on their foreheads.

They have tried their best and dare not have the slightest reservation.


However, Lin Han's palm of destroying the sky and destroying the earth is too terrifying, like being blessed by the power of endless gods and demons, full of a posture of invincible invincibility in the world.

Even if the nine of them tried their best, they were beaten up and flew out with a bang. Everyone spewed out a big mouth of blood, and their faces were as pale as paper.

Especially for Zhen Youhu, most of Lin Han's attacks locked him, and his chest collapsed, exposing large white bones, flowing divine essence, looking terrifying.

Zhen Youzhu suddenly screamed in pain. He hadn't suffered such an injury for a long time, and his eyes were red.

"Old miscellaneous hair, you just counted you as the most ferocious person who killed me in the ancient Li Dynasty. Now I will deal with you." Lin cold smiled, turned into a divine light and rushed forward, and directly stretched out his five fingers, grabbing the array. Head.

In the palm of his hand, he swallowed a terrible light, and moved his head at will.

"Ah, Lin Han, what are you going to do?" Zhen Youxu said with shame and anger.

He was treated in this way as an antique-level master.

But the murderous aura emanating from Lin Han was too terrifying, making him afraid, afraid to move, for fear that Lin Han would wipe out himself with every gesture.

Lin Han felt like an invincible demon god.

"Naturally let you pay for your blood debts. You are not very murderous, Shicai, I will let you vomit it out a little bit." Lin Lian Leng smiled, took out a sharp dagger, puffed directly into his stomach. Cut open, like bleeding, spewing out large swaths of blood.

Zhen Youzui immediately screamed like a pig.

Lin Han grabbed Zhen Youxiu's neck again and accelerated the blood flow throughout his body. More blood spurted out of his stomach, and even a large amount of internal organs spurted out...

The picture is extremely bloody.

Countless people are fighting the cold war with their teeth, shocked.

An old and antique-level super strong man was put under control by Lin Han to bleed like a dead dog. The method was too cruel.

The Eight Stars and Winds also cheered, never thought that Lin Han would start so cruelly.

Shicai and the others also killed many people in the ancient Li Dynasty, thinking of their fate, they couldn't help but feel a little chill in their backs.

"Little bastard, kill me, don't torture me." Zhen Youzhu's voice was almost inhuman, hissing extremely.

This kind of pain is really unspeakable, and he feels that his vitality is passing fast.

Being completely restrained by Lin Han, there was no room for resistance at all, which made him feel extremely aggrieved.

"It's too cheap to kill you now. I want you to try the most painful way of death in the world." Lin Lian Lian smiled, and with a wave of his palm, a large mountain collapsed hundreds of miles away, and there were tiny golden ants in it. When crawling, the teeth are sharp, creaking, and can bite some branches and leaves.

With a stroke of the palm of his hand, Lin Han was cautious of tens of thousands of golden ants, and said with a sneer in the face: "Let you taste the taste of being bitten by the ants."

After speaking, Lin Han put all the thousands of golden ants into Zhen Youhu's belly.

The ants crawled all over the body suddenly and began to eat his bones.

Zhen Youzhu made a more high-pitched and stern scream, even more hoarse than the sound of killing a pig.

This kind of pain is really uncomfortable, I only feel that every bone of myself is like a needle pierced.

Especially the golden ant, crushing his bones and sucking the bone marrow, made his painful soul seem to break away from the flesh.

Lin Han is not over yet. Next, use boiling oil, pour it into the stomach of Zhenyou, and show off the burning fire and so on...

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