War Emperor

Chapter 1447: Three Great Immortals

"You can try it." Chaos Mu said calmly.

The wind blew through countless branches and swayed, revealing an ethereal and fairy spirit, as if it did not belong to this piece of time and space.

The steaming wisps of chaotic gas made it even more hazy.

"Huh." The Emperor Law Enforcement's face sank, and he decisively stretched out a big hand to probe towards the Chaos Wood. The big hand was covered with exuberant fairy light, and there were many bright golden symbols flashing, revealing the majestic atmosphere.

All beings feel very small under this big hand.

Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement knew that Chaos Wood was extraordinary, and this attack was much stronger than when he shot Lin Han before.


However, Chaos Wood shook slightly, and a large green mist filled with mist, like a tsunami, coming in an unstoppable impact, directly breaking the big hand, and then forming a fist mark and hitting the Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement. It was majestic and full of hundred meters.

Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement did not expect that Chaos Wood's attack would be so terrible. He would disintegrate his offensive when he came up. The next roar formed a golden light mask around him, like a mountain illuminating the world.

On the mask, many rune powers flickered, flowing with metallic luster.

If it is not formed by the power of immortality, it is a real magic weapon.

This is exactly one of his secret techniques, even many masters in the fairy world, want to break it.

Once displayed, he is immortal and indestructible.


However, when the fist imprinted, the mask instantly broke and opened like a chicken. The majestic power caused the law enforcement Immortal Emperor to squirt a mouthful of blood, his body staggered back a few steps, and his face turned pale. .

Countless people are surprised, Chaos Wood is too strong.

A great immortal emperor, it doesn't seem to be a big deal in his hands, it can be crushed directly.

The laughter on Lang Jun's face also solidified, which was extremely shocking.

The power of Chaos Wood made his scalp numb.

He couldn't help being irritated. How could this kid Lin Han have such good luck? When the Immortal Emperor descended to the earth, he had such a powerful Chaos Tree to protect him.

"Chaotic Wood, have you recovered to this step?" Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, and said in anger.

Being injured in the hands of Chaos Wood also made him extremely unwilling.

"Where do you come from? Where do you go back? You shouldn't have come to the mortal world." Chaos Wood whispered, without the scent of momentum, but with great power, as if a generation of immortal emperors would obey his orders.

This is a kind of supreme aura, calm with the aura that makes everything surrender.

"Huh!" Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement snorted coldly and ignored him. He was shocked in the immortal world. If he retreats like this today, his face will not be saved, not to mention that this is just the beginning.

"The fairy clock, give it to me, kill!"

At the moment, he yelled, and a big golden bell burst out from above his head.

The golden clock is ten feet long, and Shen Ning is incomparably crushing it toward the chaotic wood. The huge fluctuations set off above seem to be able to suppress the eternal, broken and immortal.

"Xiangui clock? The treasure of Xiangui Mountain?"

Many people are horrified.

This is a treasure of the Eighteenth Realm of Famous Zhenzhen, condensed from the laws and order of the fairy world. It is an innate fairy weapon with unmatched power.

There are many big murderers in the immortal world, so they were killed by the fairy Zhong.

Xiangui Mountain can have such a high status in the Great Thousand Realm, thanks to this big clock.

At this moment, many people are in awe from the soul.

Any wisp of aura above can destroy space, distorting time and space, making people feel terrified from the soul.

It was killed just like that, in all continents and seas, it was a lore, and normally there were no creatures that could resist it.

However, the Chaos Wood is still calm. This time, ten branches burst out together on the tree body, and the blue light rushes into the sky, like ten shocking swords, exuding a monstrous sword aura.

The two fierce battles together.

Dangdang...The metal trembling sounded endlessly, and the branches stood on the big clock, bursting out incomparably bright sparks, illuminating the world.

The fairy clock was not destroyed, but the green branches were so powerful that every sword seemed to be able to cut through the world and constantly clash. The shocked law enforcement fairy emperor was full of blood, his chest was extremely uncomfortable, and he seemed to explode.

He gritted his teeth and urged the fairy clock to continue to kill.

Today, he finally encountered Chaos Wood, he must get it, otherwise, when Chaos Wood recovers again, few people in the fairy world are qualified to own him.

However, after a while, he was still unable to gain the upper hand, and Chaos Wood's attack made him more and more uncomfortable.

He could only shout to the sky: "What else are you looking at, don't help me."

"Since we encounter Chaos Wood, we can't stand by and watch."


The immeasurable purple light surging, a purple figure flew down from the fairy gate, struggling to slap a palm, the divine light, like a purple sun sinking down, the scenery is terrifying.

"An immortal emperor again?"

Countless people were horrified, and their legs were a little numb.

Such a powerful person, even in the immortal world, it is difficult to see one, and another one is really shocking.

"That's the Lord of Tiandao Mountain, Immortal Emperor Tiandao." Someone whispered in awe and said his name.

His status and status are not inferior to that of the law enforcement immortal emperor, and the heavenly atmosphere on his body is too strong.

Lin Han was stunned. So, is the Heavenly Path chessboard the opponent's?

"It's really lively, I'll come to join in." At this moment, a big laugh came, and another burly figure flew in the sky, holding a huge golden battle axe, and shouted and smashed down. Suddenly, the terrifying golden light, like it could cut the universe in half, blasted down, illuminating the entire five continents and four seas, magnificent.

"That's the immeasurable golden axe!"

"He is the Lord of Wuliang Mountain, Immortal Emperor Wuliang!"

Many people were shocked again, Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement, Immortal Emperor Tiandao, and Immortal Emperor Wuliang.

The three powerful immortal emperors attacked Chaos Wood together, which was shocking to the world.

Even in the immortal world, the three strong immortal emperors did not make many shots.


Next, Chaos Wood was one enemy three, and did not fall under the wind, the battle was very stalemate.

After all, this is the combination of three immortal emperors, and the eruption of power is too strong.

For a while, all kinds of divine lights were surging there, runes flickered, and some energy that the world could not understand was exploding.

Many people looked dazzled and excited.

This is an extraordinary battle, and ordinary people may never have the opportunity to see it in their entire lives.

Lin Han also sweated over Chaos Wood in his heart. The three immortal emperors' methods shocked the world. If Chaos Wood were taken away, he would also be in danger.

Chaos Wood came out to save him, and he didn't want Chaos Wood to have an accident.

"Don't worry, Chaos Wood was born before the immortal world. It is one of the oldest creatures. It is not so easy to lose. You can enter the immortal world. I have noticed that more and more immortal experts are paying attention here. At that time, don't have some unruly people who will shoot you." Hong Dao.

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