War Emperor

Chapter 1448: Patriarch of the Southern Royal Family

Lin Han has a prehistoric sword-forging furnace on his body, which is against the heavens in the fairy world.

Many powerhouses covet it.

The Celestial Suit is also a great fairy treasure.

Lin Han is a big fat sheep in the eyes of many people.

Lin Han nodded, the gate of the immortal world has been manifested for a while, and it will dissipate at any time. If you simply miss this opportunity to enter the immortal world, you will regret for a lifetime.

Finally, he looked reluctantly at the vast land and sea, and a touch of complexity appeared in his eyes, and then he turned and left and strode towards the fairy gate!

"Send the emperor respectfully!"

Five continents and four seas, all sentient beings in the world knelt down and bowed to Lin Han.

One emperor in ancient and modern times ruled over the people, and everyone believed in him incomparably.

At this time, the emperor's canopy on Lin Han's head was covered, the golden avenue was glowing, and he stepped up to the fairy gate, like a picture scroll, with a compelling style.

"Asshole, stop for me!" At this moment, Emperor Law Enforcement, obviously aware of this, couldn't help yelling.

Lin Han insulted him Xiangui Mountain, he had not had time to punish him, how could he tolerate his escape.

Unfortunately, the battle between them and Chaos Wood was so fierce that he couldn't take advantage of it. He could only watch it, unwilling to it.

Lin Han looked at the immortal gate that was getting closer, and his heart was also very excited. He really wanted to set foot in the immortal world.

This is the dream of many cultivators in ancient times, and now there is a burst of excitement.

"No, hide away!" At this moment, Hong suddenly reminded.

Lin Han also instantly noticed a huge danger, and the hairs all over his body stood up. Almost in the moment when there was no room for hair, he began to retreat backwards.

But it was still a step too late, a majestic force fell from the sky and hit him, causing him to spout a mouthful of blood immediately, and several ribs on his chest were broken, which was extremely uncomfortable.

It was a big crimson hand that fell from the sky, blasting a large piece of land below it directly, and soot skyrocketed.

An aftermath caused Lin Han to become like this.

It is conceivable that if Lin Han did not dodge in time, he would instantly be beaten to pieces and die in the world.

"Who is it?" Lin Han couldn't help being annoyed. At this moment, there were still people who took action against him.

"Haha, devour the treasure of my clan, who do you say I am!" An indifferent smile came from the sky.

Lin Han looked up, in the depths of nine days, there was a middle-aged man wearing a red robe standing there, like a supreme god, his whole body was hazy, and he looked at the starry sky. spirit.

The breath of light revealed by itself makes people surrender.

There is no doubt that this is a master.

"Are you from the Southern Royal Clan?" Lin Han's eyes flashed with precision.

"Yes, I am the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family." The red robe middle-aged man said coldly.

Many people were shocked again.

In addition to the three immortal emperors, the patriarch of the Southern imperial clan also came here. Today, the five continents and four seas are too busy.

These powerhouses are all in the immortal realm, stomping their feet and moving in all directions.

Lin Han also took a deep breath, realizing that the trouble was imminent, he swallowed the Temple of Heaven with the sword-making furnace, and the opponent would definitely not let him go.

"Haha, your death date is up, hurry up to cast the sword forging furnace, dedicate it obediently, then kneel down and kowtow to us." The young man in white also flew over and laughed.

Now that many big figures have joined forces to break down some of the barriers of the immortal, the immortal body can also manifest freely here.

The white-clothed boy's body is very powerful now, and his whole body contains a surging aura like a sea.

This is his true strength.

Now he looked at Lin Han, followed by an ant.

The last time I was deflated in Lin Han's hands, I finally had to pay it back this time.

"Don't think about it." Lin Han sneered, casting a sword furnace in Honghuang, which is of great significance to him, and even if he died, it was impossible to give it to anyone.

"If this is the case, let you know how powerful." The patriarch of the Southern Royal Family, with a touch of indifference in his eyes, once again put out a big hand, and shrouded Lin Han, the terrifying power, like a super volcano, the sky is red with flames The monstrous heat waves are rolling in, extremely scary.

"Sword-forging furnace, block it for me." Lin Han roared, aware of the threat of death, and sacrificed the sword-forging furnace and placed it in front of him.


There was a terrifying loud noise from heaven and earth.

The original material of the sword-forging furnace is the best in the world. It is intact and nothing is wrong.

However, Lin Han suffered a huge and incomparable back shock, and his whole body was cracked, and a lot of blood overflowed, his whole body was like a **** man.

It was so miserable, Lin Han felt that his meridians and bones were almost broken, and there was an urge to collapse.

"Brother Nine..."

"The Emperor..."

Lin Jiaoer screamed, Lin Fenghuang, Ji Keer, and King Jin screamed, tears in her eyes.

Lin Han's blow was so severe that it hurt the origin, almost like a cripple.

They feel distressed.

Lin Han clenched his fists fiercely, is this a great figure in the fairy world? Even though he is in the mortal world, and his power illuminates the past and the present, he is still like an ant in front of such a character.

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

Still not strong enough.

"Lin Han, are you aware of the gap? I only displayed less than 10% of my power with this blow. Now I obediently offer the Honghuang Sword Furnace, kneel down and confess, I will give you a happy one." The Southern Royal Clan Chief said indifferently. .

Lin Han gritted his teeth fiercely, and said coldly: "Don't think about it, if you don't die today, you will definitely destroy the Southern Wilderness in the future."

A firm voice, like a certain kind of oath, echoed between heaven and earth.

Many people sighed. In front of the royal patriarch, Lin Han's words would only make his situation more dangerous.

The killing intent in the eyes of the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family could not help being more vigorous, saying: "If this is the case, then I can't keep you even more so, go to death."

He originally wanted to play with Lin Han, but now he is undoubtedly determined.

Right now, he reached out his big hand, and once again suppressed Lin Han.

This time the power of the palm was more terrifying than all the previous ones, and the overwhelming power swept down like a sky.

With just a momentum, the peaks of the five continents and four seas tremble and collapse, as if they were about to collapse.

The power of destruction is too strong to kill all living creatures from all over the world.

A touch of horror appeared in Lin Han's heart, and the aftermath hit him, making his injuries more serious, and his body seemed to be split.

This is not a concept at all.

"Hong, what should I do now?" At the moment, he smiled bitterly.

After finally evading the killer of the immortal emperor of law enforcement, he still cannot escape death.

"Hey, let me stop him for you. You will enter the fairy world as soon as possible." Hong Qing sighed.

Then, he flew out with a solemn expression, and shouted: "From my origin, revive my supernatural power!"

As the voice sounded, Hong burst into flames and burned all over his body. In an instant, his aura rose a lot, revealing the smell of looking down at the world and disdainful of the immortal world.

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