War Emperor

Chapter 1456: Agreement

"Boy, you are serious, it will really extend my life in the future." Finally, the old man said, a pair of eyes flashed with hot light. For him, there is nothing more tempting for him than extending his life.

He does have three years or so before he will die.

Before, he had also thought that if he obtains the Supreme Devil Sutra, there may be a certain chance to break through the original realm and increase his lifespan.

But it is also clear that Jue Tian Mo Jing is not that easy to cultivate, and besides, he has been stuck in this state for too many years, and it is almost impossible to break through in just three years.

Lin Han's words now undoubtedly completely aroused his thoughts.

"Of course, I can give you a soul oath, how about it?" Lin Han smiled.

The soul swears, just like the mortal world, as long as it is issued, it must be done, otherwise it will be condemned.

No matter how powerful people are, they dare not fail to comply.

Otherwise, the Scourge will be superimposed according to his strength, which is unmatched.

"Okay, I'll just believe you once." Finally, the old man gritted his teeth and said.

He couldn't help Lin Han, if he urged Lin Han to open the door of the hall, both of them would be finished.

He couldn't afford it if he really consumed it. He said that before just deliberately scaring Lin Han.

"You also have to swear by your soul. After I go out, you can't do anything to me." Lin Han said.

The old man's face was blue and he nodded again.

One hundred thousand years of waiting, in exchange for such a scene, left him speechless.

In this way, after the two souls finished swearing, Lin Han came out from the light shield of the hall and couldn't help laughing.

He is finally out of danger now.

"Boy, I'll wait for you here. Go out. After three years, remember to come back and extend my life. Otherwise, beware that the scourge will kill you." The old man wanted to do something with Lin Han. After hesitating, he had nothing but Restrained, the scourge is not a child's play, the stronger the person, the more taboo he is.

Lin Han nodded, expressing relief, and then he looked at the vast starry sky, a touch of confusion appeared in his eyes.

The universe is vast and endless, so where should he go?

He is very strange here.

"Ask the old man for the starry sky coordinates, he must know." At this time, Hong reminded.

Lin Han nodded, then asked the old man.

The old man had no choice but to let Lin Han go out and see that the outside world became stronger.

Otherwise, he can't help his life at all.

He took out an ancient stone plate and said, "This is the Star Teleportation Array possessing it, so you can freely shuttle in the starry sky and travel to and from the stars of life at a faster speed. It is boring and boring than the average master. , I don’t know how convenient it is."

At the same time, he took out a piece of old paper with a lot of stars on it, saying it was the names and directions of some big stars in the sky.

Lin Han was overjoyed, so it would be much more convenient.

Then, he asked the old man to teach him two hours before he finally figured it out.

"Okay, get out of here." The old man said.

Thinking about these 100,000 years, he was very uncomfortable in exchange for this end.

Lin Han nodded. He had just arrived in the fairy world, he couldn't wait to see the outside world.

At the moment, he output a golden air current into the stone disc, and suddenly a series of complicated lines lit up on the stone disc, like a mysterious formation opening, a hazy starlight wrapped Lin Han, and then buzzed. , Lin Han disappeared in place.

"This astrolabe, so fast." Lin Han was surprised and found that he was controlled by a group of divine light, and he continued to fly forward. The endless void was moving quickly behind him, not knowing how much faster than his own flight.

"Of course, the astrolabe mobilizes the most essential power of the void." Hong laughed.

Obtaining this treasure from the hands of the elderly is not a small gain.

The starry sky is vast, and human beings are as small as ants, and they cannot feel the passage of time here, as if everything around them is still.

In the vast universe, everything is insignificant, even some life stars, like fireworks, will soon die out.

Lin Han hadn't seen the starry sky world at first, and was very curious. While on the way, he kept looking around.

In the end, he felt a little boring and lonely.

He couldn't help thinking about why people are alive, no matter how great they are, they seem too humble in the starry sky.

There was a feeling of weakness in my heart.

"It is precisely because people are too small that they have to practice hard to reach the peak, so that they can fight against the sky and contend with the laws of the universe. Otherwise, in the universe, you can only play the role of ants. This is not the original intention of cultivators." Tao.

Lin Han couldn't help adding a touch of fighting spirit in his heart.

Hong said very well.

As a meditator, no one wants to be an ant.

Constantly working hard is the most primitive motivation.

"Well, what's going on?" Suddenly, Lin Han came down in amazement, only to feel that the speed had suddenly become much slower, and the light on the astrolabe had also become much weaker.

"The astrolabe needs energy replenishment, you don't have enough fairy stones to run, and the remaining energy in it has been used up." Hong bitterly smiled.

In other words, Lin Han wanted to find a big life star as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he is likely to run aground here.

Even if there is a starry sky map, he uses his own strength to fly over, the time required will also be a huge number.

Lin Han was speechless and took out the starry sky map. After watching it, he smiled and said, "It seems that I have good luck. Not far to the north, there is a big star of life named "Excalibur". The introduction is a big prosperous star in the entire Great Thousand Realm, extremely famous."

"Excalibur star? Where did you go?" Hong said unexpectedly.

"How is it?" Lin Han asked.

"Hehe, Divine Sword Star, is a powerful inheritance star, among them there are five great sword palaces, famous for a thousand realms, your strength is so low now, it is better to try your luck, practice in it, and learn about the fairy world." Hong Smiled.

The five great sword palaces have cultivated quite a few strong men.

In the Great Thousand Realm, the children of many forces have longed for and wanted to enter.

Lin Han's entry is indeed very helpful to Lin Han.

"Let's take a look first." Lin Han nodded.

Under this kind of flight, after about another half an hour, he was finally ahead and saw a vast and magnificent star.

This is a star radiating purple light. It is shaped like a divine sword to the sky. It stands in the cosmic starry sky, revealing an incomparable sword aura, as if it could pierce the universe, illuminate the universe, and witness immortality.

When he saw it for the first time, Lin Han couldn't help but feel shocked and shocked.

"This is the Excalibur Star?"

This star, like a purple heavenly sword, flew all the way, he thought that most of the stars in the starry sky were spheres, and now it really opened his eyes.

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