War Emperor

Chapter 1457: Excalibur

"Well, according to legend, the Divine Sword Star contains good fortune, and only then will there be five great sword palaces to be created here, and the kendo civilization here is extremely prosperous." Hongdao.

No one knows why the shape of the Divine Sword Star is like this. Some people say that there is a peerless Divine Sword in the stars, which has evolved into a star after countless years.

Some people say that there is the good fortune of the sword.

Some people even say that this star has been "psychic" and is marching on the road to transformation.

When it reaches a certain level, it will really become a magic sword that illuminates the universe.

In short, this star is very unique.

"Get out, get out of the way, today, the five major sword palaces, open the courtyard to accept disciples, you hillbillies, come join in the fun."

Finally, Lin Han flew to the front and saw a huge star gate that could enter the Divine Sword Star. Outside the star gate, it had already surrounded countless people with crowds of people, black and crushed heads, and the atmosphere was fiery.

They all want to sign up ahead.

Among them, a black-faced man, holding a white bone stick, shouted angrily.

He was very arrogant. He walked out from the inside out, swiping the bone stick in his hand, which would block some people and knock them out.

Those people were all wailing and furious, but after seeing the badge on the chest of the black-faced man, their eyes suddenly became jealous and awe.

The black-faced man is a member of the strong bull **** among the five races!

The powers of the Great Thousand Realm are like stars, and there are countless ones. Five clans, fourth houses, three mountains, and two gods occupy the pyramids, allowing thousands of people to worship. As a member, they naturally have an extremely lofty status, and most people simply cannot afford .

"Haha, a group of wine bags and rice bags, just want to participate in this strength, the five major Sword Mansion enrollment competition, you are really whimsical." The black-faced man laughed and ridiculed.

Many people dared not speak, and their faces flushed.

Even in their respective forces, they are considered good seedlings, but compared with the black-faced man, they are not small.

The strength of the opponent is enough to have eight levels in the fairyland, to them, like a mountain, insurmountable.

"Boy, what are you doing here? Don't get out of here, dare to block my way." At this moment, the black-faced man just walked in front of Lin Han, with a boned stick in his hand, and pointed to Lin Leng Leng and shouted.

He has successfully signed up and wants to go out.

"What about blocking your way? Is this road yours?" However, Lin Lun Lun laughed.

Hercules, once destroyed the small blue swallowing cranes.

At the beginning, when Xiao Lan awakened his blood, there was still a human lower realm from the Great Bull God Clan who wanted to kill Xiao Lan.

Therefore, he looked at the people of the Great Bull Protoss, a little unpleasant.

"Is this kid crazy?"

"He must be a hillbilly who walked out of a small star. I don't know what the Great Bull Protoss represents."

"Dare to provoke Sima Man, he's done."

Many people have pity for Lin Han.

A creature of the Great Bull God Clan, whose surname is Sima.

Sima Man is a very talented person among the juniors.

Lin Han's name is unknown, very young, and the natural gap is huge.

"What are you talking about? How dare you run into me?" Sima Man was also taken aback, some wondering if he had misheard, he drew out his ears and reached to Lin Han's mouth and said, "You say it again."

A ruthless light appeared in his eyes, and the bone stick in his hand was tightened.

Pay attention to it in his heart, as long as Lin Han dares to say it again, he will definitely go down, blooming Lin Han's smashed head and splashing his brain.

As a member of the Strong Bull Protoss, killing a kid without a background is like trampling an ant to death without feeling.


However, the answer to Simaman was an extremely loud ear scraper. Lin Han slapped Simaman's head, and immediately screamed Simaman with a terrible scream. The whole person was lying on the ground like mud. In general, his face was broken, and several teeth fell out.

Lin Han's slap is very strong.

Sima was lying on the ground, unable to get up for a while.


Countless people were in an uproar again.

Not far from the front, there are several elderly examiners who are equally dumbfounded and a little dazed.

In the universe, the law of the jungle is reflected more vividly.

People with background and strength can kill the inferiors at will. Generally, no one dares to attack someone with a deep background. Lin Han dared to do this, which really surprised them.

"Boy, you can't die!" Sima Man was also angry, gritted his teeth and shouted.

He was picking his ears and was slapped to the ground by Lin Han, which was too shameful. Now his own fingers were broken.

"What about looking for death? What can you do with me?" However, Lin Lian Lian smiled and stepped on Sima Man's face.

Even if there is only the fifth level of the fairyland, his combat power is much stronger than the surface, and he has the ultimate devil scripture in cultivation, and a person of the eighth level of the fairyland like Simaman is nothing to him.

"I want you to die, watch my sacred cow kill." Simaman roared, with endless blue light erupting all over his body, and turned into a huge incomparable blue bull in the same place, rushing towards Lin Han.

The green ox is ten feet in size, its fur is bright and shiny, and its two horns are like sharp broadswords.

It uttered a reckless roar and dashed violently.

Many people whispered, this is the original combat skill of the great Niu Li Protoss, and it has reached the point of "the top-ranking fairy skill".

Sima Man's physical strength is already very strong, and ordinary people will inevitably be crushed by the collision.

"Boy, kneel down and call Grandpa, I will spare your life." Sima Man grinned.

He had already noticed that Lin Han only had the strength of the fifth level of the fairyland, and was not threatening at all.

After this collision, Lin Han will inevitably become fleshy.

Lin Han sneered and didn't care at all. Even if he came to the immortal realm and started from scratch, his physical realm is much stronger than the same level.

After practicing the Ultimate Demon Sutra, it is equivalent to reshaping the body again.

Therefore, his strength is not weaker than Sima Man.


He punched it, and his fist was covered with a large expanse of golden light, like a shining little sun.

The fist collided fiercely with the sturdy horn, making a loud metal noise.

In the end, the powerful force in Lin Han's fist caused Sima Man to let out a scream again and flew out, this time even worse.

When he hit a thick stone pillar in the square not far away, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

Many people are horrified, with incredible faces.

This is too strong.

This ugly boy has such strength.

Sima Man was also full of deep fear for Lin Han.

He never thought that this guy would be so powerful.

I finally realized that I had kicked the iron this time.

"Have you taken it now?" Lin Leng Leng smiled.

Sima Man's face was flushed, and he stopped talking, feeling extremely humiliated.

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