War Emperor

Chapter 1467: Soul Eater

Right now, he roared: "Lin Wudi, you forced me to do this."

He grinned, and suddenly the aura exuding from his body surface suddenly increased a lot, like a sleeping dragon resurrecting, and the one with a paw facing Lin Han was slammed over, and the paw was covered with a rich fairy. Power, it seems that a single blow can sink the earth, unparalleled in the world.

"The ninth floor of the Great Fairyland, he will show his true realm!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded all around.

The 9th floor of the Great Wonderland and the 5th floor of the Great Wonderland are not the same concept at all.

The four small realms are superimposed, and now the wind sword is at least three times stronger than before.

"Feng Jian, you didn't abide by the agreement?" Lin Han also shrank his pupils and shouted coldly.

He said that he could only use the five levels of the Great Wonderland, but now he is using the nine levels. The other party is really mean.

Under the strong momentum of the opponent, he was under great pressure.

If he can't resist it, it will be enough for him to drink a pot and lie down in bed for at least a few months.

"Haha, so what, who made you crazy, crazy, go on." Feng Jian laughed, and looked like he was willing to give up. His spirit sword disciple ranked 100th, and he couldn't lose to Lin anyway. Cold hands.

Lin Han forced him to be particularly embarrassed, making him careless.

Now I am determined to humiliate Lin Han in order to vent his hatred.

"Lin Wudi, this is retribution, taste it." Fengchen, Simafeng, and Simaman also laughed freely. Regardless of whether Fengjian destroys the agreement, as long as they can see Lin Han deflated, they will be very happy.

Many people around also showed a pity for Lin Han.

Even if they were shameless about Fengjian's actions, there was no way at this time, Lin Han must be miserable.

How could a person on the fifth floor of the fairyland be able to contend with a full blow from the ninth floor of the Great Fairyland?

This is like adults and babies, the gap is too big.

"Humph!" However, Lin Han sneered, and thought to himself, Feng Jian, you are not kind, so don't blame me for injustice.

There are some methods that he didn't want to use easily, and now it seems that this is the only way.


At the moment, his mind moved, and the Demon Sutra inside his body circulated and opened, and the endless black mist instantly flooded his eyes, instantly making his eyes become pitch black like ink, like two **** holes, exuding a wave The taste of horror and trembling, if it can swallow the soul.

Then, Lin Han looked at Feng Jian.

"Ah, what's going on, my head."

Feng Jian immediately yelled, and Lin Han's eyes were in contact with him, and his spirit was bitten by a poisonous snake. The pain caused him to hug his head with his hands and roar in pain.

It feels like the mind is about to explode.

"what happened?"

Countless people were stunned, and no one thought that such a change would occur.

"Lin Wudi's eyes are so terrible and evil."

Then, everyone was horrified, Lin Han's eyes were like a supreme **** and demon, and his eyes were dark and cold, with a world-famous charm that swallowed all things in the world.

Just looking at it made everyone's legs tremble, and there was a charm of wanting to surrender.

Some people drenched in colder sweat, smelling great fear.

With eyes like Lin Han, as long as they look at him, they can swallow their souls and make people die instantly.

This is too scary, no one would have thought that Lin Han would have such a terrifying pupil technique.

"This pupil technique is a bit evil. It seems that he has cultivated a worldless technique with demon way." Liu Cang said to himself.

In the immortal world, various cultivation systems are intertwined.

There is no pure good or evil, it depends on the cultivator.

A genius with amazing potential, contaminated with this method, made him sigh in his heart.

I hope that Lin Han can keep his heart in the future and not fall into the magic way.

At the same time, he felt heart trembling at the power of Lin Han's eyes.

Those black eyes, even if he was a little hairy, he didn't dare to stare.

There are too many secrets in this new person's body.

"Lin Wudi, please, let me go, I will never be an enemy of you again, I have lost." Feng Jian held his head in pain, begging for mercy.

With Lin Han Tongshu's energy locked in, he felt that his soul was being continuously swallowed.

The piercing pain made him totally unbearable. When speaking, he kneeled down and his voice was painful.

If he doesn't beg for mercy anymore, he feels that he will end up worrying, and it is very likely that his life will be lost.

"It's pretty much the same." Lin Han smiled, put away his eyes, a little excited in his heart.

The power of the Eye of Souls surprised him.

In terms of destructive power, it is more terrifying than the Eye of Deception.

With this eye, even if the enemy is much stronger than him, he will suffer a big loss.

The wind sword is the best example.

This is equivalent to what a big killer he has, and his heart is happy!

"Give me fifty immortal pills." Then Lin Han walked over and stretched out a big hand.

This is his trophy, he will naturally not let it go.

Feng Jian felt lingering for a while, feeling like walking through a ghost gate, and quickly took out a package from his arms to Lin Han.

He didn't even dare to say a word of cruelty, only felt that Lin Han was like a terrifying demon god, and he didn't dare to provoke him anymore.

Under the terrifying gaze, a shadow has already formed in his heart.

"Feng Chen, dare to trouble me again next time, and even you will clean up soon, know?" Lin Han took the package and grinned in his heart. With the addition of Sima Feng's ten, he now has 65 Immortal Pills. This is a huge and incomparable wealth, and it should be similar to help him break into the great wonderland.

Then, he turned his eyes, looked towards Fengchen, and shouted coldly.


Fengchen suddenly sat on the ground, his legs couldn't stop swinging, and the big beads of sweat on his forehead kept dripping.

Lin Han's many hole cards made him completely shocked.

The other party is a devil.

He really didn't dare to hate any more.

However, in the presence of so many people, he, as the son of the Southern Royal Family, feels embarrassed now, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Lin Wudi, don't be too rampant, in the Spirit Sword Peak, the person who can control you is still one Grab a lot, my elder brother Feng Wushuang, the eldest son of the Southern Royal Family, ranks second in Lingjian Peak. Don't mess with me, otherwise my elder brother will definitely make you unable to eat."

"Feng Wushuang!"

Hearing this name, many people couldn't help but feel a touch of shock.

This is indeed a man of action, ranking higher than Sima Tian.

For ordinary disciples, they are peerless geniuses standing in the clouds, too far away.

If Feng Wushuang comes forward, Lin Han will inevitably suffer a catastrophe.

Lin Han sneered and ignored it at all. He was never afraid of anyone.

Just give him time, he will surpass everyone.

In this way, this matter came to an end.

That night, Lin Han used sixty-five immortal pills to break into the great wonderland in one fell swoop, resulting in a qualitative transformation of strength.

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