War Emperor

Chapter 1468: Girl 恵曦

At the same time, his Canggu thirty-six swords became more adept.

After some drills, you can play thirteen swords!

This is a very significant growth!

After all, Canggu's thirty-six swords, one sword is more difficult to practice than one.

Now Lin Han's comprehensive strength has increased too much. He is confident that he can meet Wind Sword again, without the Eye of Soul Eater, and he can fight against the opponent in real combat without losing the wind.

"What should I do next?" On this day, Lin Han was sitting on a cliff, looking at the beginning of the day, a little confused.

He came to the immortal world unaccompanied, and was hunted down by the three immortal emperors and the patriarch of the southern royal family.

After staying in Lingjian Peak for a while, his real strength increased a lot, and now he was once again stuck in a bottleneck, and for a while he couldn't find the direction.

"You need to practice other fairy skills! Although the Canggu Thirty-Six Swords are extraordinary, they are only limited to swordsmanship, and the methods are too single. If the opponent is strong, you will be poor over time. Lost." Hong suggested.

Cultivating other fairy abilities, by analogy, might increase Lin Han's strength.

Lin Han nodded, thinking it made sense. He kept his name incognito. Many previous methods could not be used at will.

It is necessary to learn some other magic skills to supplement.

"Don't you have any better magic skills? Give me two books." Lin Han grinned.

Hong Cun has been around for a long time and has followed many great figures in the fairy world.

The other party's collection is absolutely extraordinary, and he has long been thinking about it.

"Yes, there are, but your current strength is too weak, wait until you are stronger." Hong smiled: "But don't worry, Canggu Sword Palace, as the most powerful institution of the Great Thousand Realm, may be less immortal. You can go and see if you can find one that suits you now."

Lin Han pondered and nodded, even thinking about it.

Right now, he stood up and was about to take a look.

"Hey, is this Junior Brother Lin Wudi?" At this moment, a sweet voice came from not far away.

Lin Han stared blankly.

On a small road up the mountain, a girl about eighteen or nine years old came up, wearing a blue dress. She was slim and fair-skinned, like ivory, and she had a pretty face that was exquisite, with a look. Spirituality.

"Are you?" Lin Han was puzzled, he didn't know each other.

"Hehe, I'm "Ling Xi" from the Medicine Refining Hall, hello." The girl smiled and said.

"Lingxi?" Lin Han secretly thought of the very beautiful ranking, and then smiled: "What can you do with me?"

Ling Xi has no ill will towards herself, like a little sister next door, giving a sense of human intimacy.

"It's nothing. I heard that a genius of swordsmanship from our Spirit Sword Peak had trained Canggu's thirty-six swords to the tenth sword level within a month, causing a sensation in many people in Xianfu, so I came here to take a look." The girl smiled and looked at Lin Han with wonderful eyes, like a monster. Even in her status, she had never seen such a prodigy. Now Lin Wudi's name is not small in Lingjian Peak. .

Based on this potential, Lin Han has a great possibility of becoming a disciple of the Excalibur in the future, with a great reputation.

"Of course, there is one more thing. Junior brother is not interested in refining medicine. Our refining hall is currently short of people and wants to recruit a few places. If you want to go, I can recommend you to join. This is a lot of disciples who dream of What's your chance." Ling Xi smiled.

The sweet appearance and moving voice are hard to refuse.

Lin Han couldn't help being surprised. The Medicine Training Hall was a very powerful disciple in the Canggu Sword Mansion, and the founder was a disciple of the Excalibur. In the entire Canggu Sword Mansion, almost no one would dare to disrespect.

Once you join the medicine refining hall, you have a big guarantee.

Not to mention walking sideways, it's almost the same.

Moreover, the pharmacist is a very noble profession.

The number of members recruited by the Medicine Refining Hall is indeed very precious. The news is released enough to make many Sword Mansion disciples sharpen their heads.

"No, I have no plans to join any forces." However, Lin Han shook his head and smiled.

He likes freedom and does not like to be bound by some rules.

"Don't worry, there will be no miscellaneous rules in the medicine refining hall, just put a name on it." Ling Xi explained with a smile.

Lin Han looked at her and couldn't help thinking of Jiao'er.

When he came to the fairy world, he was unaccompanied, and the other party had the same temperament as Jiaoer.

After hesitating, he said: "Well, wait a few days, I have time, I can go and see."

"Great, if my elder sister knew that I would bring in a kendo wizard, I would definitely be very happy. When I see those nasty guys in the medicine refining hall, who would dare to look down on this lady." Ling Xi cheered and said with joy.

When recruiting members from the Medicine Refining Hall, she immediately thought of Lin Han.

In her opinion, being able to pull Lin Han in must be a very upsetting thing.

Now the goal is finally achieved, which makes her very happy.

Lin Han smiled and shook his head, and left without saying much.

"Where are you going?" Ling Xi seemed to be very interested in this calm, mature, and superb swordsman, and asked curiously.

"I want to choose a fairy skill." Lin Han didn't hide it, said.

"Let's go together, this lady just wants to go there too, if this lady leads the way, she will definitely find you a good book of fairy skills." Ling Xi proudly raised her white chin and smiled.

Lin Han originally didn't want to be bothered, but seeing that Lingxi seemed to have an unusual identity, he might really help him choose the fairy skills, so he only nodded.

Then, he and Ling Xi walked side by side.

Perhaps experiencing too many sins in the world, plus having no friends in the fairy world, Lin Han and Lingxi get along very well.

"No, that kid, who is it, walking so close to Miss Lingxi!"

"Ah, my heart is broken."

"Asshole, it looks like Lin Wudi, the newcomer who just came to Lingjian Peak."

"Damn, I want to fight him!"

Along the way, many people talked about it.

Ling Xi's identity is extremely unusual. I don't know how many disciples want to be close to her but can't.

Now letting a newcomer succeed makes them very jealous and envious.

Lin Han couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Ling Xi, what is your identity?"

"Hee hee, you will naturally know in the future. Anyway, you can call me little senior sister. I will cover you. In the sword mansion, I will ensure that few people dare to bully you." Lingxi bounced around like a happy lark, said .

Lin Han was speechless. This Nizi was only seventeen or eighteen years old, not as old as Jiaoer, but looked old-fashioned.

In this way, after walking for about half an hour, they came to a huge mountain peak.

The mountain peak is 6,500 meters above sea level, the mountain is steep, the vegetation is lush, and the silver waterfall is drooping.

There is still white mist on the top of the mountain, giving people a hazy and ethereal feeling.

This is Xianjiyue!

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