War Emperor

Chapter 1484: Tianjian Peak

Heavenly Sword Peak is located in Canggu Sword Mansion, south of the huge spiritual soil.

This mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round, filled with sunshine, steaming aura, and magnificent.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a treasure land of Xianjia, giving people a sense of being able to gain Tao.

On this peak, there is a sword with a handle inserted in the stone. Some are rusty and mottled, full of antiquity, some are encircled by aura, supernatural, some sword aura, murderous... all different!

At a glance, swords are stuck on the mountain!

"This is the Heavenly Sword Peak?" Lin Han came here, surprised.

The mountain is very magnificent, but it is full of swords, which is too strange.

"Yes, Heavenly Sword Peak, it is said to be a sword mound, buried in the ancient sword palace, hundreds of thousands of years of master swords, want to become a disciple of the heavenly sword, the first step is to get in this sword mound The recognition of a sword." Ling Xi explained with a smile.

At the same time, I told you that the higher the body peak, the greater the chance of getting the sword. Once the Excalibur disciple ranked first "Lonely Sage", and on this mountain, he will get a nine-star fairy sword "Moshang". .

It is precisely because of this that he can reach the disciple of the Excalibur within a short period of time, soaring all the way, become the first disciple of the Excalibur, and illuminate the endless starry sky.

"Nine Star Immortal Sword?" Lin Han couldn't help taking a breath, his face was shocked. So far, he has seen the highest level of immortal weapon, only three stars, or he won the Spirit Sword Peak Challenge Championship, rewarded Rank "Purple Golden Shield".

This is so, such a treasure is enough for many Sword Mansion disciples to dream of.

It’s too scary to get a nine-star fairy sword alone.

"Oh, Lonely Shang is the big brother of our Canggu Sword Mansion, the proud son of heaven, and the eighteenth realm of fame. It is indeed too abnormal. Normal people can't have his blessing." Ling Xi also sighed slightly, Rao Ye Her arrogant personality, when she mentioned loneliness, her tone was full of admiration and admiration.

For the disciples of the Sword Mansion, this is really the sun in the sky, and they can only look up.

Lin Han nodded, there were only three hundred disciples of the Excalibur, each of them was an evil spirit, with a bright halo, and loneliness could stand on the peak among the evil spirits, naturally very strong.

Don't think about it, this is the dragon among people.

"Ling Xi, if you use Master Lonely Shang to inspire this kid, he is too dear to him. He is just an ant, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to admire Master Lonely Shang." At this time, a sneer full of sarcasm came.

Not far away came a mighty group of people, headed by a man in brocade clothes, with red hair, flowing brilliance in the sun, like a burning sun, and the whole person was full of blood.

The breath in the body was also very strong, and the voice was thunderous when he spoke, and the surrounding rocks rumbling.


There were also many disciples around, and they couldn't help changing their colors.

Ao Dan, among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword, is a very famous figure.

With a strength, he has already reached the fifth floor of the Great Luojin Fairyland, and he has a superb alchemy technique. He is one of the important figures in the alchemy hall!

Alchemist is a very noble profession in the fairy world.

Therefore, Ao Dan is very famous, and few of the Tianjian disciples dared to provoke him.

"I'm just saying that, don't care what you do." Lingxi looked at him, but a touch of disgust appeared in his eyes.

The people who started the Pill Alchemy Hall were disciples of the Excalibur. There were not only disciples of the Spirit Sword, but also disciples of the King Sword, the Immortal Sword, and the Heaven Sword.

Her sister is the head of the Lingjian Peak branch.

Ao Dan was a member of the Pill Refining Hall, a disciple of the Heavenly Sword, and often suppressed her sister, so she was very uncomfortable with this Ao Dan.

"Of course, Lord Lonely Shang is the **** in the minds of all the disciples of the Sword Mansion. When mentioned in front of a humble country boy, this is a blasphemy against Lord Lonely Shang." Ao Dan glanced at Lin Han and said with disdain.

In his capacity, when referring to "Lonely Sorrow", he can only be called an adult, and he is not qualified to be called a senior!

Only a disciple of the Excalibur can have this qualification.

That is another world.

Lin Han couldn't help frowning, this person was rather arrogant.

"Boy, no matter what your background is, don't get close to sisters Lingxi and Ye Lingfei, otherwise you will be unlucky, you know?" Ao Dan sneered.

He once chased Ye Lingfei, but Ye Lingfei rejected him in public.

He has always held a grudge against Ye Lingfei and Lingxi.

Lin Han was walking a little closer to Lingxi now, he naturally couldn't bear it and issued a warning.

"Just leave it alone." However, Lin Han sneered, not at all polite.

He couldn't understand such an arrogant person.

Many people are shocked. This kid is too mad, dare to defy Ao Dan, don't you know that he has always been extremely domineering, making fierce shots, and people who oppose him never end well?

Lin Han had just been promoted to a genius disciple and was destined to suffer.

"You're looking for death." Sure enough, Ao Dan was furious in an instant, his body shook, and a terrifying momentum was set off in his body, causing the surroundings to tremble and the space to be bumped.

Unreasonable, a little-known kid who dares to talk to him like this, how can he face?

"Kneel down and admit my mistake!" At the moment, he directly slapped Lin Han's head.

In the palm of his hand, an extremely violent flame was set off, like a big fireball, with a powerful aura that made the ground under Lin Han's feet crack, cracking a terrifying crack.

Some people shook their heads, Ao Dan was really domineering. If Lin Han was hit, he would lose half his life if he didn't die.

Therefore, they looked at Lin Han with pity.

I think he will be finished today.

Ling Xi also had a sense of tension in her eyes, and wanted to make a move, but her strength was too low to resist, she could only stomped her feet in a hurry.

However, Ao Dan's mouth turned into a cruel arc, feeling that Lin Han was in a miserable situation, and daring to offend him, he must teach him an unforgettable lesson today.

However, Lin Han sneered. A mere cultivator on the fifth floor of Luo Jinxian thought he could defeat him?

He could have defeated Sima Tian and others on the fourth floor of Daluo Jinxian.

In addition, absorbing three thousand Immortal Pills in these ten days, the strength has increased to a very strong point.

Da Luo Jinxian's fifth-tier people are not enough to be regarded by him.


When Lin Han punched out, the demon body burst open, and a deep magic pattern appeared on the surface of his body, causing his fists to reach the sky and be extremely domineering.


Ao Dan's arm was instantly twisted, and the bones at his elbow were exposed, bloody.

His pained face changed drastically and he screamed miserably.

Many people were also stunned for an instant, unable to believe their eyes.

Ao Dan is a disciple of the Heavenly Sword, not Lin Han's one-handed enemy, who is this kid? So young, but so perverted.

Ling Xi was also astonished. Could it be that he had already absorbed three thousand Immortal Pills?

If it is true, it is simply abnormal.

With so many immortal pills, within ten days, it is impossible for a normal person to absorb it.

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