War Emperor

Chapter 1485: Zheng Feng

Lin Han is really abnormal.

"You kid, you are so powerful." Ao Dan was also full of disbelief, looking at Lin Han with shock.

He did not expect that such a young guy would be so powerful.

In this collision, he felt like a prehistoric savage dragon, smashing into each other fiercely, and his whole body was full of blood, and there was a sign of uncontrollable splitting.

"With your strength, you dare to yell at me, it's a long way from it." Lin cold laughed, slapped with a slap, and Ao Dan immediately flew out like a dead dog, and slammed into it. On the huge boulder in the distance, the boulder was smashed into dust, and the smoke was filled.

There was silence all around, countless people were in awe of Lin Han, and no one thought it would be the result.

I thought that he offended Ao Dan and was destined to have no good end.

Only now did they know that they underestimated Lin Han.

"This person is so good."

"It doesn't seem to be a Tianjian disciple."

"I see, he must be Lin Wudi, the newly promoted teenager."

Everyone exclaimed.

Lin Wudi showed amazing talent in kendo at Lingjian Peak. He claimed to have the hope of becoming a disciple of the Excalibur and illuminating the endless starry sky. During this period of time, within the sword mansion, there has been a lot of shock.

Many people have heard of his name.

This strange boy, so unique, could anyone besides Lin Wudi.

"Lin Wudi? Your kid is Lin Wudi?" Ao Dan gritted his teeth and was defeated by a newcomer. In his opinion, it was even more embarrassing.

"Yes, remember that next time you don't underestimate others, beware of yourself." Lin Han smiled lightly, as if talking to a wild dog on the side of the road.

Now their identities have completely changed.

Ao Dan's face flushed for a while, and everyone's eyes were staring. Being so humiliated by Lin Han made him furious.

Right now, he turned his head to a man in purple and said, "Brother Zheng Feng, be fair for me."

"Zheng Feng?"

Everyone changed color.

This person's strength is very formidable. He has reached the peak of the sixth floor of the Great Luojin Fairyland, only one step away from the seventh floor.

At this level, the gap between each level is not small.

His strength is at least five times stronger than Ao Dan.

He actually wanted to come forward.

At this moment, the purple-clothed man, with a grim face, walked out and shouted in a deep voice: "Lin Wudi, what a courage, he just came to Tianjian Peak, so he dared to bully his brother with such innocence. You know he has committed disrespect , I still don’t kneel down and ask Senior Brother Ao Dan for forgiveness."

After finishing speaking, endless purple aura burst out on his body, like a purple ocean, making the mountains tremble and the vegetation rattling, as if to fly out, the aura was amazing.

The sixth-story peak of the Great Luojin Wonderland was really different, many times more powerful than Ao Dan.

"Kneel down and ask for forgiveness?" Lin Han sneered, feeling like he heard the best joke. Ao Dan is so arrogant and aggressive again and again, because he is a senior, must he obey his words?

"Zheng Feng, don't take chicken feathers as an arrow." Lin Han said lightly.

He was never a coward.

Many people took a cold breath. Seeing this, this matter is going to be a big deal today.

Zheng Feng's status was higher than Ao Dan, and he would never allow Lin Han to be so confronted.

Sure enough, Zheng Feng's eyes suddenly exudes endless purple awns, and purple lightning intertwined, like a **** of anger, his tone is extremely cold and said: "Okay, you are arrogant enough, I want to see, you new disciple, Is it really as powerful as the rumors."

At the moment, with a buzzing sound, a purple long sword appeared in his hand, and a sword pierced Lin Han's Tianling Gai.

What is amazing is that in the sword light, purple thunder and lightning are accompanied, if a catastrophe suddenly appears, it contains the will of heaven, and is extremely powerful.

"Purple Thunder?"

Many people slapped their tongues.

This is the sword of Zheng Feng's fame. It is said that it was a sword made by drawing the power of thunder and lightning on a piece of sacred iron on a night of thunder and lightning.

Once this sword is volatilized, it will be accompanied by thunder and lightning.

You must know that whether it is a mortal or a creature in the immortal world, what is most afraid of is thunder and lightning, which symbolizes the power of heaven's punishment and the will of heaven.

All beings have a sense of fear of their innate nature.

Zheng Feng's display of purple thunder and lightning is naturally frightening.

However, Lin Han was not afraid at all. The brilliance in his hand flashed, and the Lingyue Sword emerged, and suddenly a sharp sword light was drawn. It was the eighteenth sword of Canggu's thirty-six swords.

As the name suggests, this sword move can be removed. It has a lot of power and is an extremely powerful transfer attack technique.

Now that Lin Han has reached the sixth level of the Great Fairyland, his attainments for Canggu Thirty-Six Swords have deepened again.


The majestic purple sword light struck it, and it was pulled out by Lin Han in an instant, turning into a purple thunder dragon, hitting a short mountain not far away, and immediately causing the mountain peak to explode, turning the boulder into ashes and filling it with smoke.

The waves of destruction emanating from it made many people tremble and their scalp numb.

Such a blow, if it hits them, there is no doubt that the body will collapse.

One carelessness will be hacked to death on the spot, and even the soul will be completely wiped out.

"Canggu's eighteenth sword?" Zheng Feng couldn't help but move.

I've long heard that Lin Wudi quickly understood the Canggu Thirty-Six Swords. In just over two months, he had achieved seventeen swords. Now it seems that it is not the case.

After ten days, he practiced the eighteenth sword, which was more powerful than the rumors.

"Canggu Thirty-Six Swords may have some threatening power among the disciples of the Spirit Sword and the King Sword, but in front of the disciples of the Heavenly Sword, they are nothing. Low." Then, Zheng Feng sneered and said: "Let you see what is Canggu sword technique, the real advanced sword skill."

"Canggu thirty-six swords, twenty-first sword, Jianzhen Xiyuan." At the moment, he coldly drank the purple thunder in his hand, emitting an extremely surging divine light, and smashed out with a sword, forming a bright purple seal. , Like the appearance of a certain kind of strong immortal weapon between heaven and earth, can suppress heaven and earth.

As soon as Hajime appeared, a violent wave swept all around.

Many people felt a surge of sword intent, shivering, and wanted to kneel down.

"Sword Town Xiyuan?" Lin Han also changed color. This sword is indeed very strong. After all, he practiced Canggu Thirty Swords for too short a time, and it is impossible to really ride Juechen, better than everyone.

Even if the strength has improved a lot this time, the highest sword trick he can comprehend is this one.

But there is a big gap between him and Zheng Feng.

In addition, the purple thunder and lightning in Zheng Feng's hand is a three-star intermediate immortal weapon, and he cannot win with the same sword.

Therefore, Zheng Feng's blow really gave him a sense of danger.

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