War Emperor

Chapter 1510: Color dance fairy

In contrast, some of the geniuses in the Sword Mansion were simply incomparable.

In some eye-catching places around, there are still some young people with a dignified aura who are watching. Most of them have glowing bodies and bright eyes. They are the disciples of the Excalibur, one by one, standing above the crowd like gods.

At this moment, they are also shocked.

Canggu's thirty-four swords, the sword breaks eternity, this sword is even more mysterious than the previous thirty-three swords combined!

Even some geniuses who have been promoted as disciples of the Divine Sword for decades may not be able to comprehend success. Now that Lin Han has achieved it, he is still only a young man in his early twenties.

They also feel a little dreamy, breaking people's perception.

Since the creation of Jianfu, no one has ever been able to practice Canggu Thirty Six Swords so quickly.

They were also in Lin Han, seeing the incredible potential, and admiring them in their hearts.

"No, Canggu Thirty-Four Swords, how is this possible!" Linghu Fei's pupils also shrank suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he lost his voice.

Perhaps because he was too surprised in his heart, his voice was full of sharp, like **** in the day.

In order to comprehend the thirty-third sword, he consulted the many elders in the sword mansion who had advanced skills, coupled with his amazing understanding, sitting cross-legged on a sword cliff for fifty years, he finally succeeded. Jianfeng has become the well-deserved number one among many geniuses.

Now that Lin Han not only learned the thirty-third sword, but even the thirty-four sword, the shock to him was too great.

Under this sword, he could smell the tingling scalp.

Lin coldly smiled. His sword skills are already high, and under Youhong's guidance, progress is certainly not something others can imagine.

"With my blood, burn the sword qi and kill!" Linghu Fei was also fighting right now, biting the tip of his tongue, spouting a mouthful of blood, so that the Sword Sword's light rose greatly, and he also split a sword!

What he used was the thirty-third sword, and the sword divided life and death!

Because he is the late stage of the ninth level of the Daluo Golden Wonderland, coupled with his burning of essence and blood, the power of this sword is even more fierce than Lin Han. The vast black and white rays of light almost cover the entire step and make the sky. Both showed black and white colors, which was spectacular.

Under this kind of momentum, Linghu Fei was like an immortal god, full of overbearing and unparalleled taste.

"Boy, let me see how you fight with me. Today I will defeat you with thirty-three swords and thirty-four swords!" Linghufei grinned proudly.

If he really does it, he will surely make a sensation in the entire sword mansion, and his fame will rise.

This made him very excited, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

The only thing to blame is that Lin Han's realm is too low, and under normal circumstances, it is almost unrealistic.

There is not necessarily no hope now.

However, Lin Han smiled lightly, and his expression was extremely calm. The Canggu Thirty-Four Swords were a big platform, and their power and mystery were far beyond those of the previous thirty-three swords. Otherwise, the disciples of the Excalibur wouldn’t understand this sword. Extremely difficult.

So he is not worried at all.


The horrible sword lights met in the void, like two comets colliding, the dazzling Shenhua almost flooded the universe, making everything around you invisible.

Just as Lin Han thought, the last three swords of Canggu's thirty-six swords were the exquisiteness of this sword technique, carrying the true charm.

Although there is only one sword difference, the difference is like clouds and mud. The two powerful sword lights collided. Linghufei's flash suddenly collapsed, and then with a bang, the whole figure was like a dead dog, flying upside down. Going out, slammed into a stone cliff not far away.

The entire magnificent stone cliff collapsed at once, he coughed up blood, lying in the ruins, his face was pale and he couldn't stand up even a little blood, and his aura was wilting.

The surroundings fell into deathly silence for an instant, and the outcome was divided.

Obviously, Linghufei had already lost.

The power of Lin Han's thirty-fourth sword deeply shocked everyone who lived there.

Lu Yun and Bai Shaohua were completely cold in their hearts, Canggu Thirty-Four Swords, this was the first time that a disciple of the Heavenly Sword had realized success except for the disciple of the Excalibur, and it was also a shock to them!

Now they are also full of deep fear for Lin Han, and they no longer have the previous hostility.

This is a veritable perversion.

"Linghufei, sorry, you lost." Lin Han smiled lightly, put the broken sword on Linghufei's neck, and said calmly.

Linghufei smiled bitterly, and the whole figure looked like ten thousand years old, no longer the spirited spirits he had before, and some were just decadent.

He did lose, and he was convinced.

However, there was a ray of hatred in his eyes!

Even if he loses, he will not forgive Lin Han!

After all, this chopstick was the murderer who killed Liu Yan'er.

He gritted his teeth fiercely and said through his teeth: "Even if you win, what about it, I am sorry to tell you that you still won't survive today!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Han frowned, and Linghu Fei Ming said such words without the slightest threat.

"Haha..." Linghu Fei smiled, confident and calm, facing one direction, and said: "Fairy Caiwu, please take action to be fair to Liu Yaner, she died too unjustly."

"What, Fairy Caiwu!"

Everyone was taken aback, and there was a horror. Some disciples who had just arrived in the Sword Mansion with low status might be a little strange to this title.

But anyone with a little qualification knows how terrifying this name is.

Choi dance!

This is one of the most influential figures among the Excalibur disciples. His strength is boundless. According to legend, the body is a butterfly, the bloodline is against the sky, the human form is cultivated, the swordsmanship is powerful, and the power is earth-shaking.

Once she fought against Kamikaze, the famous kendo genius of the Kamikaze Sword Mansion, and she defeated the invincible Kamikaze with a single move, and almost died. She became famous in the Five Great Sword Mansion and many of the Five Great Sword Mansion. The disciples are very taboo against him.

She was about to appear now.

"It's not good." Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei looked at each other with some worry.

Liu Yan'er is the fairy Caiwu, the goddess she recognizes, and the relationship between the two has always been very good.

If Fairy Caiwu came forward, Lin Han, the suspected murderer who killed Liu Yan'er, would definitely not end well.

No matter how strong Lin Han is, how could he be Fairy Caiwu's opponent?

This was a major disciple of Canggu Sword Mansion, even if it was compared to the loneliness like a god, it was not much different.

Now they all feel that Lin Han is in danger.

"You don't need to say, this seat, I will come forward." Under the awe of the eyes, a woman in colorful clothes came up, every step like stepping on the pulse of the heavens and the earth, making the universe tremble, the wind and the clouds, the sun and the moon are dark.

She is like the only one in the world, and the light of everything in the world is overwhelmed by her.

This is a young woman, about twenty-six or seventeen years old, her skin is white, her eyes are like autumn water, her skin is like fat, she has a pretty face, and she is full of beauty. She is full of hazy beauty. , As if it does not belong to the world, it gives the human race a sense of looking up but not approaching.

Caiwu fairy!

The first beauty in Canggu Sword Mansion!

Not only the talent is amazing, but the fame is spread far and wide. I don't know how many people regard him as a goddess!

Now that I finally saw it, most of the disciples felt a deep sense of excitement in their hearts.

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